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Created July 18, 2024 00:58
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Parallax Effect
<a href="#" class="logo">Logo</a>
<ul class="navigation">
<li><a href="#" class="active">Home</a></li>
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<section class="parallax">
<h1 id="title">Sunset Paradise</h1>
<img src="" id="bottom" alt="vacation" />
<img src="" id="woman" alt="vacation" />
<img src="" id="leftplant" alt="vacation" />
<img src="" id="rightplant" alt="vacation" />
<img src="" id="ball" alt="vacation" />
<img src="" id="lifebuoy" alt="vacation" />
<section class="blog">
<h2>Your Ultimate Beach Escape!</h2>
<p>Are you ready to embark on a beach adventure like no other?</p>
Look no further than Sunset Paradise, the jewel in the crown of our
beachfront paradise collection! With pristine shores, crystal-clear
waters, and a plethora of activities to indulge in, Sunset Paradise is
your ticket to sun-soaked bliss. 🏖️
<div class="cards">
<div class="card">
<img src="" alt="" />
<div class="overlay">
<h3>Unspoiled Beauty</h3>
Nestled along the serene coastline, Sunset Paradise boasts unspoiled natural beauty that will take your breath away. Picture yourself strolling along powdery white sands, feeling the gentle caress of the sea breeze, and marveling at the azure waters stretching as far as the eye can see. It's a sight that will awaken your senses and soothe your soul.
<div class="card">
<img src="" alt="" />
<div class="overlay">
<h3>Endless Adventures</h3>
For the adventurous spirit in you, Sunset Paradise offers a treasure trove of thrilling activities. Dive into the depths of the ocean for an unforgettable snorkeling experience, where colorful marine life dances beneath the surface. Hop on a paddleboard and glide through tranquil waters, or ride the waves with our expert surf instructors.
<div class="card">
<img src="" alt="" />
<div class="overlay">
<h3>Savor the Flavor</h3>
Indulge your taste buds with delectable cuisine served right on the beach. Our beachfront restaurants offer a delightful fusion of local flavors and international cuisines, prepared with fresh, locally-sourced ingredients. Sip on exotic cocktails while watching the sunset, and savor every moment of culinary delight in this tropical haven.
Join us at Sunset Paradise and let the magic of the beach whisk you away
to a world of sun, sea, and smiles! 🏝️✨

Parallax Effect

After vectors are split and turned into layers, GreenSock ScrollTrigger is used for the parallax effect.

Note: Please, do not use it in profit-making platforms and projects without permission.

A Pen by Ecem Gokdogan on CodePen.


let split = new SplitText("#title");
gsap.from("#woman", {
scrollTrigger: {
scrub: true,
y: 50,
gsap.from("#leftplant", {
scrollTrigger: {
scrub: true,
x: -150,
gsap.from("#rightplant", {
scrollTrigger: {
scrub: true,
x: 150,
gsap.from("#ball", {
scrollTrigger: {
scrub: true,
x: -200,
gsap.from("#lifebuoy", {
scrollTrigger: {
scrub: true,
x: 200,
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: ".parallax",
start: "top 50%",
end: "bottom top",
toggleActions: "restart none none reset",
.from(split.chars, {
yPercent: -150,
stagger: 0.05,
duration: 0.7,
ease: "back",
.from(split.chars, { opacity: 0, delay: 0.05, stagger: 0.05, duration: 0.2 }, 0);
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<script src=""></script>
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