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a-kyselova / quotes.txt
Created January 8, 2024 18:22 — forked from skarabasakis/quotes.txt
A crisis is when you can't say "Let's just forget the whole thing."
-- Ferguson
A professional programmer is an amateur who never quit.
A real person has two reasons for doing anything... a good reason and the real reason.
A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.
Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
a-kyselova / plantuml snippets
Created November 2, 2023 07:25 — forked from jrichardsz/_plantuml
plantuml snippets plantextuml uml diagram as code real architect diagrams
## editor
## reference
## Diagrams
JavaScript: Learn JavaScript in Y Minutes
Reference URL: https: //
JavaScript was created by Netscape’s Brendan Eich in 1995. It was originally intended as a
simpler scripting language for websites, complementing the use of Java for more complex web
applications, but its tight integration with Web pages and built-in support in browsers has
caused it to become far more common than Java in web frontends.

Mermaid on Github Examples

All of these diagrams are dynamically rendered during html display by Github, the images generated from text inside the Github-Flavored Markdown. None are static images. Mermaid support was released for Github on 2022-02-14

Pros & Cons:

  • Pro: You don't need to care about the layout.
  • Con: You cannot control the layout.


  • Not all the features of Mermaid (in particular symbols B-->C[fa:fa-ban forbidden], hyperlink and tooltips) are supported by Github.