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Last active September 30, 2019 19:01
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React UI App Progression time steps, for graph decomposition per step.
// assumes create-react-app, and files served from src/
T0: define time
file tree exists. Nothing imported. Static intra-file code graphs exist.
T1: JS run time starts.
index.js imports files:
Functions in imported files run: JS graphs updated.
Conceptual component graph exists.
T2: React run time starts
App Component runs. Virtual dom root exists.
children components run, forming branches and leaves on the virtual dom tree
async events pushed out on event loop
Synchronous Element tree (Virtual Dom) instantiated
All initial states defined
T3: Async event loop starts
case: component arrives (suspense)
case: data arrives
case: browser event
flurry of Component graph updates as lifecycle methods and related conditionals run
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