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Last active March 4, 2019 00:55
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Bookmarklet To Create New Github Projects Issues Using Template
const story_template = '### Story\nAs a ___, I should be able to ___, so that ___.\n\n### Acceptance Criteria\n - [ ] __\n - [ ] __\n - [ ] __\n - [ ] Tests Written (TDD)\n - [ ] Code Written\n - [ ] Documentation Written in Relevant Readme\n\n### Depends On\n- NA\n\n### Relates To\n- NA';
const poll = (interval=100,maxwait=1000)=>(predicate,msg)=>(new Promise((res,rej)=>{
let waited = -1;
const t = setInterval(()=>{
const passes = predicate();
if((waited+=interval)>=maxwait) {clearInterval(t);rej(msg);}
const waitForElem = (sel,maxwait=4000)=>()=>poll(100,maxwait)(()=>$(sel),sel).then(obj=>{if (obj){return obj;};throw 'not found:'+sel;});
const click = obj=>{;return obj;};
const setValue = val=>obj=>{obj.value=val;return Promise.resolve(obj).then(o=>{if (o && o.value===val) {return o};throw 'value not set:'+val;});};
const enableElem = el=>{el.removeAttribute('disabled');return el;};
/*element getters*/
const getFirstNoteImmediate = waitForElem("#column-4563885 .js-comment-body > p",0);
const getFirstNote = waitForElem("#column-4563885 .js-comment-body > p");
const getFirstNoteConvertBtn = waitForElem(".issue-card button[data-dialog-id]");
const getNoteConversionBody = waitForElem("#convert-card-body");
const getNoteConversionSubmitBtn = waitForElem(".js-convert-note-to-issue-form [type=submit]");
const getNewNoteForm = waitForElem('#column-4563885 .project-note-form [aria-label="Enter a note"]');
const getNewNoteSubmitBtn = waitForElem('#column-4563885 .project-note-form button');
.catch(e=>alert(e+'\n\nSomething went wrong converting issue'));
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