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Created February 27, 2019 07:28
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TYPO3 Fluid Widget to achieve a Glossary navigation.
namespace Vendor\Package\ViewHelpers\Widget\Controller;
* This view helper uses the technology of paginate widget but works with arrays
* and the assigned objects don't need the QueryResultInterface.
* @author Armin Vieweg <[email protected]>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 3 or later
class GlossaryController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Widget\AbstractWidgetController
* @var array
protected $configuration = array(
'insertAbove' => false,
'insertBelow' => true,
'showAllLink' => true
* @var array
protected $objects;
* @var string
protected $currentLetter = '';
* @var array
protected $usedLetters = array();
* Initialize Action of the widget controller
* @return void
public function initializeAction()
$this->objects = $this->widgetConfiguration['objects'];
* Returns all visible objects within a range, depending on itemsPerPage and the currentPage.
* @param \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QueryResult|array $objects the list of objects
* @return array<mixed> the list of visible objects
public function getVisibleObjects($objects)
$visibleObjects = array();
/** @var $object \PwTeaserTeam\PwTeaser\Domain\Model\Page */
foreach ($objects as $object) {
// CAUTION Here you need to adjust the getter!
$firstLetterNavTitle = $this->getFirstLetter($object->getNavTitle());
if ($firstLetterNavTitle) {
$this->usedLetters[$firstLetterNavTitle] = $firstLetterNavTitle;
if ($firstLetterNavTitle === strtolower($this->currentLetter) || $this->currentLetter === 'all') {
$visibleObjects[] = $object;
} else {
$firstLetter = $this->getFirstLetter($object->getTitle());
$this->usedLetters[$firstLetter] = $firstLetter;
if ($firstLetter === strtolower($this->currentLetter) || $this->currentLetter === 'all') {
$visibleObjects[] = $object;
if (empty($visibleObjects)) {
return $visibleObjects;
* Index action of the widget controller
* @param string $currentLetter
* @return void
public function indexAction($currentLetter = 'all')
$this->currentLetter = $currentLetter;
$this->view->assign('contentArguments', array(
$this->widgetConfiguration['as'] => $this->getVisibleObjects($this->objects)
$this->view->assign('configuration', $this->configuration);
$this->view->assign('glossary', $this->buildGlossary());
* Returns first letter of given string, and converts umlauts to regular letters (ä => a)
* @param string $string to get first letter of
* @return string First letter of given string
protected function getFirstLetter($string)
$firstLetter = mb_strtolower(mb_substr($string, 0, 1));
switch ($firstLetter) {
case 'ä':
return 'a';
case 'ö':
return 'o';
case 'ü':
return 'u';
case 'ß':
return 's';
return $firstLetter;
* Returns an array with letters
* @return array
protected function buildGlossary()
$alphabeth = array(
'a' => array('lower' => 'a', 'upper' => 'A', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'b' => array('lower' => 'b', 'upper' => 'B', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'c' => array('lower' => 'c', 'upper' => 'C', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'd' => array('lower' => 'd', 'upper' => 'D', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'e' => array('lower' => 'e', 'upper' => 'E', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'f' => array('lower' => 'f', 'upper' => 'F', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'g' => array('lower' => 'g', 'upper' => 'G', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'h' => array('lower' => 'h', 'upper' => 'H', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'i' => array('lower' => 'i', 'upper' => 'I', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'j' => array('lower' => 'j', 'upper' => 'J', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'k' => array('lower' => 'k', 'upper' => 'K', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'l' => array('lower' => 'l', 'upper' => 'L', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'm' => array('lower' => 'm', 'upper' => 'M', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'n' => array('lower' => 'n', 'upper' => 'N', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'o' => array('lower' => 'o', 'upper' => 'O', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'p' => array('lower' => 'p', 'upper' => 'P', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'q' => array('lower' => 'q', 'upper' => 'Q', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'r' => array('lower' => 'r', 'upper' => 'R', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
's' => array('lower' => 's', 'upper' => 'S', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
't' => array('lower' => 't', 'upper' => 'T', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'u' => array('lower' => 'u', 'upper' => 'U', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'v' => array('lower' => 'v', 'upper' => 'V', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'w' => array('lower' => 'w', 'upper' => 'W', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'x' => array('lower' => 'x', 'upper' => 'X', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'y' => array('lower' => 'y', 'upper' => 'Y', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
'z' => array('lower' => 'z', 'upper' => 'Z', 'used' => false, 'current' => false),
foreach ($alphabeth as $key => $letter) {
if (in_array(strtolower($key), $this->usedLetters)) {
$alphabeth[$key]['used'] = true;
if ($this->currentLetter == $key) {
$alphabeth[$key]['current'] = true;
$glossary = array(
'letters' => $alphabeth,
'allIsCurrent' => $this->currentLetter === 'all'
return $glossary;
namespace Vendor\Package\ViewHelpers\Widget;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryResultInterface;
* Widget for glossary
* @author Armin Vieweg <[email protected]>
class GlossaryViewHelper extends \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Widget\AbstractWidgetViewHelper
* @var Controller\GlossaryController
protected $controller;
* Injection of widget controller
* @param Controller\GlossaryController $controller
* @return void
public function injectController(Controller\GlossaryController $controller)
$this->controller = $controller;
* The render method of widget
* @param QueryResultInterface|ObjectStorage|array $objects
* @param string $as
* @param array $configuration
* @return string
public function render(
array $configuration = array('showAllLink' => TRUE, 'insertAbove' => FALSE, 'insertBelow' => TRUE)
) {
return $this->initiateSubRequest();
<f:if condition="{configuration.insertAbove}">
<f:render section="glossary" arguments="{glossary: glossary, configuration: configuration}" />
<f:renderChildren arguments="{contentArguments}" />
<f:if condition="{configuration.insertBelow}">
<f:render section="glossary" arguments="{glossary: glossary, configuration: configuration}" />
<f:section name="glossary">
<ul class="nav nav-justified nav-list">
<!-- Letters -->
<f:for each="{glossary.letters}" as="letter">
<f:if condition="{letter.used}">
<li{f:if(condition: '{letter.current}', then: ' class="active"')}>
<f:if condition="{letter.current}">
<a href="#">{letter.upper}</a>
< arguments="{currentLetter:'{letter.lower}'}">{letter.upper}</>
<!-- Show all -->
<f:if condition="{configuration.showAllLink}">
<f:if condition="{glossary.allIsCurrent}">
<div class="text-center">
< class="btn btn-default">Filter zurücksetzen</>
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