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Created December 5, 2023 10:29
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[2023 Day 3 (Part 1)] [JS] I'm missing something but my head hurts.
var fs = require("fs");
try {
var data = fs.readFileSync("day3input.txt", "utf8");
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error:", e.stack);
const separatedLines = data.split(/\r?\n/);
const reg = /[^.\d]/;
const parts = [];
const symbols = [];
let ans = 0;, i) => {
line.split("").map((char, j) => {
let isSymbol = reg.test(char);
if (isSymbol) {
checkForNums({ x: j, y: i });
function checkForNums(symbol) {
for (let i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
for (let j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
let x = symbol.x + j;
let y = symbol.y + i;
let cell = separatedLines[y] ? separatedLines[y][x] : null ? separatedLines[y][x] : null;
if (isNum(cell)) {
let prev = isNum(separatedLines[y][x - 1]);
let next = isNum(separatedLines[y][x + 1]);
// .......
// .145...
// ...*...
// ...123.
if (j === -1 && !next) {
parts.push(getNumLeft({ x, y }));
if (j === 0) {
if (prev && !next) {
parts.push(getNumLeft({ x, y }));
if (prev && next) {
parts.push(getNumMiddle({ x, y }));
if (!prev && next) {
parts.push(getNumRight({ x, y }));
if (j === 1 && !prev) {
parts.push(getNumRight({ x, y }));
// if solo number
/* if (!prev && !next) {
} */
function isNum(char) {
return parseInt(char) >= 0;
function getNumMiddle(cell) {
let y = cell.y;
let xL = cell.x;
let xR = cell.x + 1;
let num = [];
while (isNum(separatedLines[y][xL])) {
xL -= 1;
while (isNum(separatedLines[y][xR])) {
xR += 1;
return num.join("");
function getNumLeft(cell) {
let y = cell.y;
let x = cell.x;
let num = [];
while (isNum(separatedLines[y][x])) {
x -= 1;
return num.join("");
function getNumRight(cell) {
let y = cell.y;
let x = cell.x;
let num = [];
while (isNum(separatedLines[y][x])) {
x += 1;
return num.join("");
} => {
fs.appendFile("day3output.txt", num + "\n", (err) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
ans += parseInt(num);
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