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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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grid component for mithril (panels flow vertically, are absolutely positioned within the containing element and follow specified order)

Thanks to Barney Carroll and Leo Horie with issue#351


In the above example, the panel order is set at [2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], therefore, the panels are intentionally out of order in the screenshot.

import Grid from './grid.js';
var grid = new Grid();
m.module(document.getElementById("grid-container"), {
controller: function () {
// Generate a random number of panels (with random
// number of child tiles to create variations in height)
this.panels = randRange().map(function (idx) {
return { tiles: randRange(), key: idx };
view: grid.view
function randRange () {
var rand = Math.floor( Math.random() * 8 ) + 3;
var arr = [];
while (rand--) {
return arr;
// This is basically lodash with some dom helpers
// and shortcut to velocity.js for animation
import $ from 'helpers';
import * as m from 'mithril';
function GridViewModel () {
// Panels are stored in a hash by key
// panelOrder preserves the order in which they are
// displayed and also allows display in a arbritrary order
// for instance to allow user sorting
var panels = {};
var panelOrder = [2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
// The containing element
var container;
// Setup performs some calculations based on
// container width then calls render
function setup () {
var containerW = container.width();
// Desired panel width (in this case, we are fixing
// the panel width, but the columns could also be
// by modifying the calculations below)
var panelW = 300;
var columns = Math.floor( containerW / panelW );
var excessW = containerW - (panelW * columns);
var gutterW = Math.max(0, Math.min(10, excessW / (columns + 1)));
var leftGutter = Math.max(0, (excessW - (gutterW * columns - 1)) / 2);
// Trigger the render method
render({ columns, leftGutter, panelW, gutterW });
// Bind event listeners here
function teardown () {
// Unbind event listeners here
// Render
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Calculates the appropriate placement of panels
// Separated from the setup method so that the container
// based calculations can be cached and render can be called
// indendently (ex: when a single panel's height changes)
function render ({ columns, leftGutter, panelW, gutterW }) {
// Get total height of the all panels
var totalH = $.list.reduce(panelOrder, function (total, key) {
if (panels[key]) total += panels[key].el.height();
return total;
}, 0);
// Calculate average height of columns
var averageH = totalH / columns;
// Used to check if a panel should remain in the current
// columnn or move to the next
var remainingH = totalH, remainingC = columns - 1;
// An array of panel positions, consists of objects as follows:
// { key, col, x, y, h, w }
var positions = [];
// Interate over the panel order and position each panel
$.list.each(panelOrder, function (key) {
// Only add panel if it has been
// registered using the vm.panel() method
if (panels[key]) {
var panel = panels[key];
// Get the panel before the current panel from the positions array
// If this is a first panel, place it at [leftGutter, 0] coordinates
// starting from column # 1
var prev = positions.length ? positions[ positions.length - 1] : {
col: 1, x: leftGutter, y: 0, h: 0
// Variables for current panel's position
var x, y, col = prev.col, h = panel.el.height();
// The current column's height (after we add this panel)
var currentH = prev.y + prev.h + h + gutterW;
// Keep the panel in the current column if any
// of the following cases are true, otherwise,
// move it to the next column
switch (true) {
case (prev.y === 0): break;
case (currentH < averageH * 1.33): break;
case (remainingC === 0): break;
case (currentH < remainingH / remainingC): break;
default: col = Math.min(++col, columns);
if (col > prev.col) {
// If the panel is placed in a new column
remainingC = remainingC - 1;
// Calculate new column's left attribute in pixels
x = prev.x + panelW + gutterW;
// Position at the top of the column
y = gutterW;
} else {
// If placing the panel in the same column as previous panel,
// the left value is the same as the previous panel
x = prev.x;
// Position just below the previous column
y = prev.y + prev.h + gutterW;
// Remove current panel's height from the remaining height
remainingH = remainingH - h;
// Add current panel to the positions array
positions.push({ key, col, x, y, h, w: panelW });
// Set the left position and width of the
// current panel (we don't want it animate)
left: x + 'px',
width: (panelW - (gutterW * 2)) + 'px'
// Slide each panel down from top of column
// to its new y-position in the column
panel.el.animate({ top: y }, {
duration: 300,
easing: [150, 20]
return {
container: function registerContainer () {
return function (element, init, ctx) {
if (!init) {
container = $.el(element);
ctx.onunload = teardown;
panel: function registerPanel ( panel ) {
// Add panel to the panel map
var key = panel.key;
panels[key] = panel;
return function (element, init, ctx) {
if (!init) {
panel.el = $.el(element);
ctx.onunload = function unregister () {
// Remove panel from panel map
panels[key] = null;
export default function Grid () {
if (!(this instanceof Grid)) return new Grid();
var grid = {};
grid.init = function () {
grid.vm = new GridViewModel();
grid.view = function (ctrl) {
return m('.viewport', { config: grid.vm.container() }, [ (panel) {
return m('.egrid-panel', { key: panel.key, config: grid.vm.panel(panel) }, [
m('.egrid-title', panel.key),
// Add tiles to the panel
m('ul', => m('.egird-tile', tile)))
return grid;
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