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Last active December 24, 2024 11:53
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Setting up neovim python3 environment using conda
# bash commands
# lists all of your conda env
conda env list
# Create a conda env w/ python3.5
# -n sets the name for your new env. I call it neovim here
conda create -n neovim python=3.5
# add neovim for python3 to the env
# specify version you want here, 0.1.13 up to date ver atm
# should auto detect ver you need
conda install -c conda-forge neovim=0.1.13
# use the list cmd again and extract the path to new env
conda env list
# neovim init.vim file cmd
# runs python3 for neovim from a specific env
# should resolve the need for neovim in each new python env when using nvim
# add the following to your init.vim file
let g:python3_host_prog = '/path/to/neovim/env/bin/python'
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