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Last active May 10, 2023 15:50
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Generate UUID4 strings from `block.prevrandao`.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
* Generate UUID strings from `block.difficulty`, i.e., `block.prevrandao`
* UUID follows RFC4122 Version-4 Variant-1 (DCE 1.1, ISO/IEC 11578:1996)
* See more at
contract UUIDGenerator {
/******************************** Constant ********************************/
bytes16 private constant symbols = "0123456789abcdef";
uint256 private constant maxLoopCount = 3;
/***************************** State veriable *****************************/
mapping(bytes16 => bool) public usedUUIDs;
/************************* Public write function **************************/
function generateUUID4() public returns (string memory) {
bytes16 result;
uint256 i;
// Try at most 3 times to generate non-repeating UUID4, otherwise revert
for (;i < maxLoopCount;) {
result = randomUUID4();
if (!usedUUIDs[result]) {
unchecked {i++;}
if (i == maxLoopCount) {
revert('Failed to generate "non-repeating" UUID4 for now');
else {
usedUUIDs[result] = true;
return toUUIDLayout(result);
/**************************** Private function ****************************/
function randomUUID4() private view returns (bytes16) {
bytes16 randomSource = bytes16(uint128(block.difficulty));
// `byte_0` := LSB of the `randomSource`
bytes1 byte_9 = bytes1(randomSource << (6*8));
bytes1 byte_7 = bytes1(randomSource << (8*8));
// Version hexadecimal digit: M
if (((byte_9 < 0x40) || (byte_9 > 0x4F))) {
byte_9 = bytes1((uint8(byte_9) % 16) + 64);
randomSource |= (bytes16(byte_9) >> (6*8));
// Variant hexadecimal digit: N
if (((byte_7 < 0x80) || (byte_7 > 0xBF))) {
byte_7 = bytes1((uint8(byte_7) % 64) + 128);
randomSource |= (bytes16(byte_7) >> (8*8));
return randomSource;
function toUUIDLayout(bytes16 uuid) private pure returns (string memory) {
string memory uuidLayout;
string memory partialLayout;
partialLayout = toHexString(uint256(uint32(bytes4(uuid << (0 *8)))), 4);
uuidLayout = string.concat(uuidLayout, partialLayout, "-");
partialLayout = toHexString(uint256(uint16(bytes2(uuid << (4 *8)))), 2);
uuidLayout = string.concat(uuidLayout, partialLayout, "-");
partialLayout = toHexString(uint256(uint16(bytes2(uuid << (6 *8)))), 2);
uuidLayout = string.concat(uuidLayout, partialLayout, "-");
partialLayout = toHexString(uint256(uint16(bytes2(uuid << (8 *8)))), 2);
uuidLayout = string.concat(uuidLayout, partialLayout, "-");
partialLayout = toHexString(uint256(uint48(bytes6(uuid << (10*8)))), 6);
uuidLayout = string.concat(uuidLayout, partialLayout);
return uuidLayout;
function toHexString(uint256 value, uint256 length) private pure returns (string memory) {
bytes memory buffer = new bytes(2 * length);
for (uint256 i = 2 * length - 1;;) {
buffer[i] = symbols[value & 0xF];
value >>= 4;
if (i == 0) {
else {
return string(buffer);
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