First, Lets find out what version of PHP we're running (To find out if it's the default version).
To do that, Within the terminal, Fire this command:
which php
:+1: | |
:-1: | |
:airplane: | |
:art: | |
:bear: | |
:beer: | |
:bike: | |
:bomb: | |
:book: | |
:bulb: |
# Copyright: Benjamin Weiss (keyboardsurfer) | |
# Under CC-BY-SA V3.0 ( | |
# built application files | |
*.apk | |
*.ap_ | |
*.jar | |
!gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar | |
# lint folder |
if(!empty($_FILES['resume']['name'])){ // check to see if we have a photo and a user clicks submit | |
$accept_file_formats = array( | |
'image/jpg', | |
'image/jpeg', | |
'image/png', | |
'image/gif', | |
'text/rtf', //.rtf file | |
'text/plain', //.txt file | |
'application/msword', //.doc file | |
'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', //.docx file |
function roots_add_rewrites($content) { | |
global $wp_rewrite; | |
$base = str_replace('/', '', WP_BASE); | |
if($base != '') $base = $base.'/'; | |
$roots_new_non_wp_rules = array( | |
$base .'assets/css/(.*)' => $base . THEME_PATH . '/assets/css/$1', | |
$base .'assets/js/(.*)' => $base . THEME_PATH . '/assets/js/$1', | |
$base .'assets/img/(.*)' => $base . THEME_PATH . '/assets/img/$1', | |
$base .'plugins/(.*)' => $base . RELATIVE_PLUGIN_PATH . '/$1' | |
); |
/** | |
* You often need to get the content or title from a specific post. | |
* Sometimes, using a custom loop is the better option, but when you only need | |
* to get information from a specific post, there’s a better option | |
*/ | |
echo get_post_field('post_content', $post_id); |
curl -H 'Authorization: token INSERTACCESSTOKENHERE' -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw' -O -L |
JetBrains settings:curl -sL | bash -s
JetBrains settings:curl -sL | bash -s
# Create your superuser | |
$ mongo | |
> use admin | |
> db.createUser({user:"someadmin",pwd:"secret", roles:[{role:"root",db:"admin"}]}) | |
> exit | |
# Alias for convenience (optional and at your own risk) | |
$ echo 'alias mongo="mongo --port 27017 -u someadmin -p secret --authenticationDatabase admin"' >> ~/.bash_profile | |
$ source ~/.bash_profile |
package; | |
import android.content.Context; | |
import android.content.res.Resources; | |
import android.util.AttributeSet; | |
import android.widget.NumberPicker; | |
import java.lang.reflect.Field; | |
/** |