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Last active October 18, 2016 02:27
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Json object format for highlight.js and append field comment
import _ from 'lodash'
export function jsonformat(body) {
let htmlBlock = ''
let space = ' '
let index = 0
let last = false
let toString = Object.prototype.toString
let self = this
body = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(body))
htmlBlock += build(body, 1)
function build(data, level) {
let _level = level + 1
let html = ''
let isArrayData = Array.isArray(data)
for (let attr in data) {
let value = data[attr]
let valueType = getType(value)
if (valueType === 'array') {
let htmlArray = ''
htmlArray += buildAttr(attr, level) + ': ['
if (value.length === 0) {
htmlArray += '],' + buildComment(attr) + '\n'
} else {
htmlArray += buildComment(attr) + '\n'
htmlArray += build(value, _level)
htmlArray = _.trimEnd(htmlArray, '\n')
htmlArray = _.trimEnd(htmlArray, ',')
htmlArray += buildEndChar(']', level)
html += htmlArray
} else if (valueType === 'object') {
let htmlObject = ''
let empty = Object.keys(value).length === 0
htmlObject += isArrayData ? (padding(level) + '{') : (buildAttr(attr, level) + ': {')
if (empty) {
htmlObject += ',' + buildComment(attr) + '\n'
} else {
htmlObject += buildComment(attr) + '\n'
htmlObject += build(value, _level)
htmlObject = _.trimEnd(htmlObject, '\n')
htmlObject = _.trimEnd(htmlObject, ',')
htmlObject += buildEndChar('}', level)
html += htmlObject
} else {
html += (isArrayData ? padding(level) : (buildAttr(attr, level) + ': ')) + buildValue(valueType, value) + ',' + buildComment(attr) + '\n'
return html
function getType(value) {
return /\[object (\w+)\]/g.exec([1].toLowerCase()
function buildAttr(attr, level) {
return padding(level) + '<span class="hljs-attr">' + attr + '</span>'
function buildValue(type, value) {
value = type === 'string' ? '"' + value + '"' : value
type = type === 'null' ? 'literal' : type
return '<span class="hljs-' + type + '">' + value + '</span>'
function buildComment(attr) {
let result = ''
self.fields.forEach(field => {
if ( === attr) {
result = '<span class="hljs-comment"> // ' + field.description + '</span>'
return result
function buildEndChar(char, level) {
return '\n' + padding(level) + '<span>' + char + '</span>,\n'
function padding(level) {
let result = ''
for (let i = 0; i < level; i++) {
result += space
return result
htmlBlock = _.trimEnd(htmlBlock, '\n')
htmlBlock = _.trimEnd(htmlBlock, ',')
htmlBlock = '{\n' + htmlBlock + '\n}'
return htmlBlock
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