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Created July 15, 2015 22:00
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Save aaazalea/b567abde829ec112fce2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. errors
[MIT ~]$ scripts [5:58:28 PM] [1990]
Welcome to Which service would you like to use?
1 Begin a Quick-Start autoinstall (wikis, blogs, etc.)
2 Enable the web scripts service
3 Enable the cron scripts service
4 Enable the mail scripts service
5 Sign up for a account
Please enter a number 1-5: 1
/bin/attach: /afs/ attached to /mit/scripts for filesystem scripts
What piece of software would you like to install?
1 MediaWiki
2 WordPress
3 Gallery2
4 phpBB
5 Git repository
6 Trac
7 TurboGears
8 Django
9 Ruby on Rails
Please enter a number 1-9: 4
/bin/attach: /afs/ attached to /mit/scripts for filesystem scripts
/bin/attach: /afs/ attached to /mit/scripts for filesystem scripts
== Welcome to the installer for phpBB ==
For documentation, including a link to the Athena rules of use,
see <>.
Please report problems with this installer to [email protected].
Are you performing this install for:
1. Your personal Athena account
2. A locker that you control (a club, a course, etc)
If you do not understand this question, you should answer '1'.
Please enter either '1' or '2' (without quotes): 1
/bin/attach: /afs/ attached to /mit/jakobw for filesystem jakobw
Checking the status of your account...
/bin/attach: /afs/ attached to /mit/scripts for filesystem scripts
/bin/attach: /afs/ attached to /mit/jakobw for filesystem jakobw
Your new copy of phpBB will appear on the web at a URL
that starts with
Please decide upon a complete URL and enter it below.
You must enter one or more characters after
The completed address must only contain a-z, 0-9, and /.
Desired address:
You will be able to control your copy of phpBB by logging in to
phpBB using username "admin". This account will have a
password of your choice. You should not use your Athena account password.
Please decide upon an admin password, type it, and press [enter].
This password may only contain a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
As you type your password, the cursor will not move:
Now please type the same password again and press [enter].
As you type your password, the cursor will not move:
OK. Continuing with the install...
Unpacking phpBB... (this step might take several minutes)
If you have trouble logging in, see
Creating SQL database for phpBB...
Your SQL account failed to create a SQL database.
You should log in at to check whether
your SQL account is at its database limit or its storage limit.
If you cannot determine the cause of the problem, please
feel free to contact [email protected] for assistance.
Connection to closed.
Sorry, the installation failed:
Unknown failure during configuration
Please contact [email protected] and provide a copy of the output of this installer.
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