You seem very stable mentally and emotionally, at least from the outside. Is that an accurate perception? Or is that just how you appear through the lens of social media?
It's possible that I am, but the way I see it, I might have less of an emotional dynamic range than some people, I definitely also oscillate between better and worse moods, but less intense highs and lows.
You track lots of things about yourself; do you also track your mood? And do you make an effort to fight it or to stabilize it, or do you just try to "go with the flow" and let your mood dictate your workflow?
I don't track my moods, but as my moods usually follow my tracked input/output, so moods can be inferred. I am happiest when I get to dedicate myself fully to any one task. So, that being said, tracking the way I do, can be seen as stabilizing my moods? I never have professional frustration, and I can very easily imagine that affecting my moods. To go with the flow, you have to be able to see the fl