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Last active December 9, 2015 18:18
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Networkx sample Adjacency Matrix converted to JSON using json_graph.adjacency_data(G)
"directed": false,
"graph": [],
"nodes": [{
"id": "Christian Wolff (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "Martin Heidegger"
}, {
"id": "Lucretius"
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger"
}, {
"id": "Duns Scotus"
}, {
"id": "Moses"
}, {
"id": "Newton da Costa"
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain"
}, {
"id": "Plato"
}, {
"id": "Rosalind Hursthouse"
}, {
"id": "Young Hegelians"
}, {
"id": "Socrates"
}, {
"id": "Max Horkheimer"
}, {
"id": "Giorgi Japaridze"
}, {
"id": "Roger Scruton"
}, {
"id": "Mencius"
}, {
"id": "George Berkeley"
}, {
"id": "Hilary Kornblith"
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Hayek"
}, {
"id": "Jacques Maritain"
}, {
"id": "Hugh MacColl"
}, {
"id": "Leonard Peikoff"
}, {
"id": "Mozi"
}, {
"id": "Adam M\u00fcller"
}, {
"id": "Paul Virilio"
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley"
}, {
"id": "Heraclitus"
}, {
"id": "Pope John XXI"
}, {
"id": "Stephen Bronner"
}, {
"id": "Berit Brogaard"
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer"
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Nietzsche"
}, {
"id": "August Wilhelm Schlegel"
}, {
"id": "Axel Honneth"
}, {
"id": "Martin Buber"
}, {
"id": "Walter Benjamin"
}, {
"id": "Chris Pallis"
}, {
"id": "Raimond Gaita"
}, {
"id": "Rada Ivekovi\u0107"
}, {
"id": "Thomas Nagel"
}, {
"id": "Mary Daly"
}, {
"id": "Leonard Read"
}, {
"id": "Samuel Scheffler"
}, {
"id": "Baruch Spinoza"
}, {
"id": "Richard Whately"
}, {
"id": "Maulana Kalam Azad"
}, {
"id": "G. E. M. Anscombe"
}, {
"id": "Hilary Putnam"
}, {
"id": "Sally Haslanger"
}, {
"id": "Colin Wilson"
}, {
"id": "Samuel Bailey"
}, {
"id": "Jeffrey Friedman (political scientist)"
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor"
}, {
"id": "Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel"
}, {
"id": "Bernard Bolzano"
}, {
"id": "Max Scheler"
}, {
"id": "Gabriele Taylor"
}, {
"id": "Ibn Taymiyyah"
}, {
"id": "Georges Bataille"
}, {
"id": "Leon Chwistek"
}, {
"id": "Arthur Moeller van den Bruck"
}, {
"id": "Harriet Taylor Mill"
}, {
"id": "Nicolas Malebranche"
}, {
"id": "Thomas Bradwardine"
}, {
"id": "Michael Oakeshott"
}, {
"id": "Frank Meyer (political philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "R. M. Hare"
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen"
}, {
"id": "Xenocrates"
}, {
"id": "Jack Russell Weinstein"
}, {
"id": "Gottlob Frege"
}, {
"id": "Richard M. Weaver"
}, {
"id": "Mazdak"
}, {
"id": "James Joyce"
}, {
"id": "Hermann Lotze"
}, {
"id": "Henry George"
}, {
"id": "Jennifer Lackey"
}, {
"id": "John Dumbleton"
}, {
"id": "Sergei Adian"
}, {
"id": "Austin Osman Spare"
}, {
"id": "Parmenides"
}, {
"id": "Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli"
}, {
"id": "Derek Parfit"
}, {
"id": "Elliot N. Dorff"
}, {
"id": "Muhammad"
}, {
"id": "Peter of Spain"
}, {
"id": "Carol Gilligan"
}, {
"id": "Georg Anton Friedrich Ast"
}, {
"id": "Richard Montague"
}, {
"id": "Raymond Frey"
}, {
"id": "James Tully (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "John Cage"
}, {
"id": "Hermann Theodor Hettner"
}, {
"id": "Nathan Salmon"
}, {
"id": "Jin Yuelin"
}, {
"id": "Peter Kropotkin"
}, {
"id": "Thucydides"
}, {
"id": "Philo the Dialectician"
}, {
"id": "\u00c9tienne de La Bo\u00e9tie"
}, {
"id": "Philo"
}, {
"id": "Israr Ahmed"
}, {
"id": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel"
}, {
"id": "Swami Vivekananda"
}, {
"id": "Joseph Raz"
}, {
"id": "Jon Barwise"
}, {
"id": "Ronald Paulson"
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru"
}, {
"id": "James Mill"
}, {
"id": "Edward M. Hundert"
}, {
"id": "Paul Benacerraf"
}, {
"id": "Mioara Mugur-Sch\u00e4chter"
}, {
"id": "Cornelius Castoriadis"
}, {
"id": "Peter van Inwagen"
}, {
"id": "James Childress"
}, {
"id": "Giorgio Del Vecchio"
}, {
"id": "Umar"
}, {
"id": "Lennart \u00c5qvist"
}, {
"id": "Wesley J. Smith"
}, {
"id": "Peter Railton"
}, {
"id": "Edgar Morin"
}, {
"id": "Peter Lamborn Wilson"
}, {
"id": "Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi"
}, {
"id": "John Hospers"
}, {
"id": "Henry David Thoreau"
}, {
"id": "Hans K\u00fcng"
}, {
"id": "Francis Hutcheson (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "Disciples of Confucius"
}, {
"id": "Norman Daniels"
}, {
"id": "F\u00e9lix Guattari"
}, {
"id": "J. L. Mackie"
}, {
"id": "Franz Xaver von Baader"
}, {
"id": "Galileo Galilei"
}, {
"id": "Reinhold Niebuhr"
}, {
"id": "Allan Gibbard"
}, {
"id": "Fred Dretske"
}, {
"id": "Xun Kuang"
}, {
"id": "David L. Norton"
}, {
"id": "Marcion of Sinope"
}, {
"id": "Francis Parker Yockey"
}, {
"id": "John Etchemendy"
}, {
"id": "William George Ward"
}, {
"id": "David Kaplan (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "Gautama Buddha"
}, {
"id": "Moses Sch\u00f6nfinkel"
}, {
"id": "Loren Lomasky"
}, {
"id": "Frithjof Schuon"
}, {
"id": "Haskell Curry"
}, {
"id": "H. L. A. Hart"
}, {
"id": "Cornel West"
}, {
"id": "Auberon Herbert"
}, {
"id": "Simone Weil"
}, {
"id": "Max Stirner"
}, {
"id": "Henry Pachter"
}, {
"id": "Bernard Williams"
}, {
"id": "David Malet Armstrong"
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke"
}, {
"id": "Carl Schmitt"
}, {
"id": "John Anderson (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "Henry Hazlitt"
}, {
"id": "Tara Smith (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "Roger Crisp"
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley and Dissent"
}, {
"id": "Mao Zedong"
}, {
"id": "Bruce Lee"
}, {
"id": "G. E. Moore"
}, {
"id": "John Howard Yoder"
}, {
"id": "Carew Arthur Meredith"
}, {
"id": "Robert Audi"
}, {
"id": "Claude Adrien Helv\u00e9tius"
}, {
"id": "Robert Merrihew Adams"
}, {
"id": "Wolfgang Smith"
}, {
"id": "Jean Grondin"
}, {
"id": "Ronald Dworkin"
}, {
"id": "John Stevens Cabot Abbott"
}, {
"id": "Alexander Bain"
}, {
"id": "Penelope Maddy"
}, {
"id": "Jesus"
}, {
"id": "Julia Annas"
}, {
"id": "Nelson Goodman"
}, {
"id": "Mikhail Bakunin"
}, {
"id": "Proclus"
}, {
"id": "Peter Ludlow"
}, {
"id": "Mortimer J. Adler"
}, {
"id": "Vernon Lee"
}, {
"id": "William of Ockham"
}, {
"id": "Milan Kangrga"
}, {
"id": "Lon L. Fuller"
}, {
"id": "David Gauthier"
}, {
"id": "Howard Zinn"
}, {
"id": "Pythagoras"
}, {
"id": "Richard Wollheim"
}, {
"id": "H. Richard Niebuhr"
}, {
"id": "George David Birkhoff"
}, {
"id": "Benedetto Croce"
}, {
"id": "Robert Nozick"
}, {
"id": "Nick Bostrom"
}, {
"id": "John Dewey"
}, {
"id": "Gualtiero Piccinini"
}, {
"id": "Kurt G\u00f6del"
}, {
"id": "Russell Kirk"
}, {
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead"
}, {
"id": "Alasdair MacIntyre"
}, {
"id": "Eric Voegelin"
}, {
"id": "Philip Pettit"
}, {
"id": "Clarence Irving Lewis"
}, {
"id": "Maimonides"
}, {
"id": "William Fontaine"
}, {
"id": "Alan Ross Anderson"
}, {
"id": "Margaret Elizabeth Egan"
}, {
"id": "Emma Rush"
}, {
"id": "Bertrand Russell"
}, {
"id": "Aldo Leopold"
}, {
"id": "Ludwig Wittgenstein"
}, {
"id": "Hans K\u00f6chler"
}, {
"id": "Theophrastus"
}, {
"id": "Alain Badiou"
}, {
"id": "Ludwig von Mises"
}, {
"id": "Francis Bacon"
}, {
"id": "Erich Fromm"
}, {
"id": "Robert S. Hartman"
}, {
"id": "John Hawthorne"
}, {
"id": "William James"
}, {
"id": "William Wollaston"
}, {
"id": "Gy\u00f6rgy Luk\u00e1cs"
}, {
"id": "John Oswald (activist)"
}, {
"id": "Ernst Schr\u00f6der"
}, {
"id": "Georg Jellinek"
}, {
"id": "Simon Critchley"
}, {
"id": "L.A. Paul"
}, {
"id": "Jamie Whyte"
}, {
"id": "Democritus"
}, {
"id": "Giorgio Agamben"
}, {
"id": "Cheng Hao"
}, {
"id": "Dietrich Bonhoeffer"
}, {
"id": "Hans-Hermann Hoppe"
}, {
"id": "Moshe Chaim Luzzatto"
}, {
"id": "Simone de Beauvoir"
}, {
"id": "Gustave de Molinari"
}, {
"id": "Frank Schmalleger"
}, {
"id": "Monarchomachs"
}, {
"id": "Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin"
}, {
"id": "Edward Nelson"
}, {
"id": "Protagoras"
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard"
}, {
"id": "Ferruccio Busoni"
}, {
"id": "Alonzo Church"
}, {
"id": "Slavoj \u017di\u017eek"
}, {
"id": "Carl Joachim Friedrich"
}, {
"id": "Richard Price"
}, {
"id": "Dana Scott"
}, {
"id": "Tudor Vianu"
}, {
"id": "Alan Gewirth"
}, {
"id": "Oscar Wilde"
}, {
"id": "John von Neumann"
}, {
"id": "Theodor W. Adorno"
}, {
"id": "Menedemus"
}, {
"id": "Jeremy Bentham"
}, {
"id": "John Harsanyi"
}, {
"id": "Martha Nussbaum"
}, {
"id": "Serge Moscovici"
}, {
"id": "Paul Bernays"
}, {
"id": "Hao Wang (academic)"
}, {
"id": "Paolo Virno"
}, {
"id": "Vissarion Belinsky"
}, {
"id": "Li (Confucian)"
}, {
"id": "Michael Novak"
}, {
"id": "Algernon Charles Swinburne"
}, {
"id": "Alvin Goldman"
}, {
"id": "Morris Weitz"
}, {
"id": "Tony Honor\u00e9"
}, {
"id": "Joseph Kosuth"
}, {
"id": "Richard Sylvan"
}, {
"id": "Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins"
}, {
"id": "Epicurus"
}, {
"id": "Jean Nicod"
}, {
"id": "Emma Goldman"
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest"
}, {
"id": "Ivan Orlov (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "Jean Buridan"
}, {
"id": "Jacques Herbrand"
}, {
"id": "Right Hegelians"
}, {
"id": "Sun Yat-sen"
}, {
"id": "Yehoshua Bar-Hillel"
}, {
"id": "George Pappas"
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx"
}, {
"id": "Joshua Cohen (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "Philippa Foot"
}, {
"id": "Armin Mohler"
}, {
"id": "Simplicius of Cilicia"
}, {
"id": "Julien Offray de La Mettrie"
}, {
"id": "Stanley Hauerwas"
}, {
"id": "Ziauddin Sardar"
}, {
"id": "Joseph Fletcher"
}, {
"id": "John Locke"
}, {
"id": "Rudolf Christoph Eucken"
}, {
"id": "Giuseppe Peano"
}, {
"id": "Isabel Paterson"
}, {
"id": "Christine Korsgaard"
}, {
"id": "Kevin Carson"
}, {
"id": "Dugald Stewart"
}, {
"id": "Victor Basch"
}, {
"id": "Francis Fukuyama"
}, {
"id": "Jerrold Levinson"
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget"
}, {
"id": "Moritz Schlick"
}, {
"id": "Mihailo Markovi\u0107"
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling"
}, {
"id": "Claude Lefort"
}, {
"id": "Richard Shusterman"
}, {
"id": "Glenn McGee"
}, {
"id": "Zhuang Zhou"
}, {
"id": "John Peters Humphrey"
}, {
"id": "Heinz von Foerster"
}, {
"id": "Alan Ryan"
}, {
"id": "Charles Stevenson"
}, {
"id": "David Pearce (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey"
}, {
"id": "Julian Savulescu"
}, {
"id": "Augustus De Morgan"
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Iqbal"
}, {
"id": "Nestor Makhno"
}, {
"id": "Eduard Hanslick"
}, {
"id": "Roland Barthes"
}, {
"id": "George Ohsawa"
}, {
"id": "Richard Rorty"
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Eduard Beneke"
}, {
"id": "Li (Neo-Confucianism)"
}, {
"id": "Walter Pater"
}, {
"id": "Plotinus"
}, {
"id": "Joachim Lambek"
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley"
}, {
"id": "Alija Izetbegovi\u0107"
}, {
"id": "David Hume"
}, {
"id": "Johann Heinrich Lambert"
}, {
"id": "Gilles Deleuze"
}, {
"id": "Zeno of Elea"
}, {
"id": "Harold Bloom"
}, {
"id": "Pierre Bourdieu"
}, {
"id": "Warren Buffett"
}, {
"id": "Edmund Gettier"
}, {
"id": "Jonathan Dancy"
}, {
"id": "Stewart Shapiro"
}, {
"id": "Constantin R\u0103dulescu-Motru"
}, {
"id": "James Earl Baumgartner"
}, {
"id": "Ernst Zermelo"
}, {
"id": "John William Miller"
}, {
"id": "Gary R. Mar"
}, {
"id": "W. D. Ross"
}, {
"id": "Michel Foucault"
}, {
"id": "Erich Heller"
}, {
"id": "John Corcoran (logician)"
}, {
"id": "Averroes"
}, {
"id": "David Strauss"
}, {
"id": "Randy Cohen"
}, {
"id": "Herman Oliphant"
}, {
"id": "Fran\u00e7ois Hemsterhuis"
}, {
"id": "George Boolos"
}, {
"id": "Hirata Atsutane"
}, {
"id": "Christian_Wolff_(philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "George Santayana"
}, {
"id": "Rudolf Steiner"
}, {
"id": "Alan Bundy"
}, {
"id": "James Martineau"
}, {
"id": "Ernest Wamba dia Wamba"
}, {
"id": "Bahya ibn Paquda"
}, {
"id": "John Rawls"
}, {
"id": "Hossein Nasr"
}, {
"id": "Langdon Winner"
}, {
"id": "Ralph Waldo Emerson"
}, {
"id": "Pekka Himanen"
}, {
"id": "Gilbert Simondon"
}, {
"id": "R. Edward Freeman"
}, {
"id": "Bryan Caplan"
}, {
"id": "Ali Shariati"
}, {
"id": "Clive Bell"
}, {
"id": "Ernst Bloch"
}, {
"id": "Gerald Cohen"
}, {
"id": "William Paley"
}, {
"id": "Frank P. Ramsey"
}, {
"id": "Tan Sitong"
}, {
"id": "Herbert Spencer"
}, {
"id": "Albert Schweitzer"
}, {
"id": "Thomas Aquinas"
}, {
"id": "Guy Aldred"
}, {
"id": "Saharon Shelah"
}, {
"id": "Richard Jeffrey"
}, {
"id": "Jean-Yves B\u00e9ziau"
}, {
"id": "Helena Rasiowa"
}, {
"id": "Henry Babcock Veatch"
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg"
}, {
"id": "Lewis Call"
}, {
"id": "Henri Bergson"
}, {
"id": "Alvin Plantinga"
}, {
"id": "John of St. Thomas"
}, {
"id": "Alan Turing"
}, {
"id": "Onora O'Neill, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve"
}, {
"id": "Georg Kreisel"
}, {
"id": "Michael Otsuka"
}, {
"id": "J\u00fcrgen Habermas"
}, {
"id": "Murray Bookchin"
}, {
"id": "Nicolas Bourbaki"
}, {
"id": "Pavel Tich\u00fd"
}, {
"id": "William Lycan"
}, {
"id": "J. J. C. Smart"
}, {
"id": "Karl Loewenstein"
}, {
"id": "Georg Simmel"
}, {
"id": "John Woods (logician)"
}, {
"id": "Fazlur Rahman Malik"
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce"
}, {
"id": "Joseph Fins"
}, {
"id": "Xenophanes"
}, {
"id": "Sri Aurobindo"
}, {
"id": "Otto Weininger"
}, {
"id": "Albert Camus"
}, {
"id": "Emmanuel Levinas"
}, {
"id": "John Stuart Mill"
}, {
"id": "David Miller (political theorist)"
}, {
"id": "Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld"
}, {
"id": "Virgil Aldrich"
}, {
"id": "Ant\u00f3nio Castanheira Neves"
}, {
"id": "Thomas Hill Green"
}, {
"id": "Pierre-Andr\u00e9 Taguieff"
}, {
"id": "Henri Lefebvre"
}, {
"id": "Jacob M. Appel"
}, {
"id": "Carlos Santiago Nino"
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi"
}, {
"id": "Raya Dunayevskaya"
}, {
"id": "Walter Terence Stace"
}, {
"id": "L. E. J. Brouwer"
}, {
"id": "Robert Lawson Vaught"
}, {
"id": "Han Fei"
}, {
"id": "Hui Shi"
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Schiller"
}, {
"id": "Ren\u00e9 Descartes"
}, {
"id": "Jane Jacobs"
}, {
"id": "Max Black"
}, {
"id": "Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi"
}, {
"id": "Melvin Fitting"
}, {
"id": "John McDowell"
}, {
"id": "Claude L\u00e9vi-Strauss"
}, {
"id": "James Brusseau"
}, {
"id": "George Croom Robertson"
}, {
"id": "Georg Henrik von Wright"
}, {
"id": "Richard Meltzer"
}, {
"id": "Montesquieu"
}, {
"id": "Voltaire"
}, {
"id": "Edward Said"
}, {
"id": "Lawrence Kohlberg"
}, {
"id": "Benjamin Tucker"
}, {
"id": "Maurice Blanchot"
}, {
"id": "Jay Rosenberg"
}, {
"id": "Leopold Kronecker"
}, {
"id": "Fred Poch\u00e9"
}, {
"id": "William Stanley Jevons"
}, {
"id": "Gregory Currie"
}, {
"id": "Voltairine de Cleyre"
}, {
"id": "Robert Paul Wolff"
}, {
"id": "Charles Taylor (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "T. M. Scanlon"
}, {
"id": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau"
}, {
"id": "Arend Heyting"
}, {
"id": "Henry Home, Lord Kames"
}, {
"id": "Hans-Georg Gadamer"
}, {
"id": "Aristotle"
}, {
"id": "William Sweet"
}, {
"id": "Abraham Joshua Heschel"
}, {
"id": "Jaakko Hintikka"
}, {
"id": "Rudolf Arnheim"
}, {
"id": "Susanna Schellenberg"
}, {
"id": "Frank Herbert"
}, {
"id": "Ogy\u016b Sorai"
}, {
"id": "Johann Gottfried Herder"
}, {
"id": "Gerrard Winstanley"
}, {
"id": "Andr\u00e9 Malraux"
}, {
"id": "Victor Gollancz"
}, {
"id": "Karl Popper"
}, {
"id": "Partha Dasgupta"
}, {
"id": "Victor Cousin"
}, {
"id": "Michael J. Sandel"
}, {
"id": "Donella Meadows"
}, {
"id": "David Hilbert"
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr"
}, {
"id": "Matthew Foreman"
}, {
"id": "R. G. Collingwood"
}, {
"id": "Paul Hawken"
}, {
"id": "Maurice Cranston"
}, {
"id": "John Ralston Saul"
}, {
"id": "Margaret Somerville"
}, {
"id": "Philip Doddridge"
}, {
"id": "Alexander Campbell Fraser"
}, {
"id": "Bruno Leoni"
}, {
"id": "Amartya Sen"
}, {
"id": "Ismail al-Faruqi"
}, {
"id": "Israel Kirzner"
}, {
"id": "Gilbert Harman"
}, {
"id": "Thoralf Skolem"
}, {
"id": "Wilhelm Dilthey"
}, {
"id": "Ernst von Glasersfeld"
}, {
"id": "David Lewis (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "William Alston"
}, {
"id": "Leo Tolstoy"
}, {
"id": "John Major (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "Lewis Carroll"
}, {
"id": "Grigori Mints"
}, {
"id": "Arthur Prior"
}, {
"id": "Stephen Cole Kleene"
}, {
"id": "Th\u00e9odore Simon Jouffroy"
}, {
"id": "Paul Tillich"
}, {
"id": "Augustine of Hippo"
}, {
"id": "Paul Lorenzen"
}, {
"id": "A. J. Ayer"
}, {
"id": "Francisco de Vitoria"
}, {
"id": "Robert Stalnaker"
}, {
"id": "Jean-Louis Le Moigne"
}, {
"id": "Arthur Schopenhauer"
}, {
"id": "Adam Smith"
}, {
"id": "Janet Biehl"
}, {
"id": "Abraham Robinson"
}, {
"id": "Ashoka"
}, {
"id": "Martin Rees"
}, {
"id": "Ruth Barcan Marcus"
}, {
"id": "Alfred Rosenberg"
}, {
"id": "Christopher Janaway"
}, {
"id": "Thomas Hobbes"
}, {
"id": "Emil Leon Post"
}, {
"id": "Peter Unger"
}, {
"id": "Saunders Mac Lane"
}, {
"id": "Gary Chartier"
}, {
"id": "Iris Marion Young"
}, {
"id": "Ambrose"
}, {
"id": "Jean Bodin"
}, {
"id": "Avicenna"
}, {
"id": "Confucius"
}, {
"id": "John Ruskin"
}, {
"id": "Arthur Linton Corbin"
}, {
"id": "Takis Fotopoulos"
}, {
"id": "Bertrand de Jouvenel"
}, {
"id": "Prodicus"
}, {
"id": "Stanley Grenz"
}, {
"id": "Isaac Watts"
}, {
"id": "Noam Chomsky"
}, {
"id": "14th Dalai Lama"
}, {
"id": "Chrysippus"
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Schleiermacher"
}, {
"id": "Louis Althusser"
}, {
"id": "Alfred Tarski"
}, {
"id": "Bah\u00e1'u'll\u00e1h"
}, {
"id": "Jacques Ranci\u00e8re"
}, {
"id": "John Finnis"
}, {
"id": "William Frankena"
}, {
"id": "Anne Conway, Viscountess Conway"
}, {
"id": "Valentin Feldman"
}, {
"id": "Tom Beauchamp"
}, {
"id": "Antonio Negri"
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan"
}, {
"id": "Johann Friedrich Herbart"
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant"
}, {
"id": "Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr"
}, {
"id": "Tripp York"
}, {
"id": "Robert M. Solovay"
}, {
"id": "Harry Binswanger"
}, {
"id": "Jean-Paul Sartre"
}, {
"id": "Willard Van Orman Quine"
}, {
"id": "Philip Wicksteed"
}, {
"id": "Georg Brandes"
}, {
"id": "Robert P. George"
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Asad"
}, {
"id": "Ayn Rand"
}, {
"id": "Peter Glassen"
}, {
"id": "Carlo Lottieri"
}, {
"id": "Rudolf Carnap"
}, {
"id": "Tom Regan"
}, {
"id": "Murray Rothbard"
}, {
"id": "Henry Sidgwick"
}, {
"id": "Thomas Reid"
}, {
"id": "Mario Bunge"
}, {
"id": "Alan Carter (philosopher)"
}, {
"id": "Alexis de Tocqueville"
}, {
"id": "David Korten"
}, {
"id": "James Hinton"
}, {
"id": "Hannah Arendt"
}, {
"id": "David Schmidtz"
}, {
"id": "S. Barry Cooper"
}, {
"id": "Susan Haack"
}, {
"id": "Solomon Feferman"
}, {
"id": "Philip Mazzei"
}, {
"id": "Susan R. Wolf"
}, {
"id": "Charles Blattberg"
"adjacency": [
"id": "Christian_Wolff_(philosopher)",
"weight": 0.56043724217175661
"id": "James Brusseau",
"weight": 0.20610459473571055
}, {
"id": "Emmanuel Levinas",
"weight": 0.21445672401308408
}, {
"id": "Gilbert Simondon",
"weight": 0.16898592815763067
}, {
"id": "A. J. Ayer",
"weight": 0.15415603377402512
}, {
"id": "Georges Bataille",
"weight": 0.18918743797025894
}, {
"id": "Hannah Arendt",
"weight": 0.16559192079750296
}, {
"id": "Jean-Paul Sartre",
"weight": 0.15562701491904471
}, {
"id": "Ernst Bloch",
"weight": 0.17841774574200384
}, {
"id": "Richard Rorty",
"weight": 0.16032363010047335
}, {
"id": "Simon Critchley",
"weight": 0.24038240871443006
}, {
"id": "Hans-Georg Gadamer",
"weight": 0.32783730062447197
}, {
"id": "Wilhelm Dilthey",
"weight": 0.25578205732987652
}, {
"id": "Max Scheler",
"weight": 0.16408066948370023
}, {
"id": "Jean Grondin",
"weight": 0.3246473570413631
"id": "Epicurus",
"weight": 0.1802747985212711
"id": "Ant\u00f3nio Castanheira Neves",
"weight": 0.19944677345146189
}, {
"id": "Thomas Hill Green",
"weight": 0.2552264286048358
}, {
"id": "Martha Nussbaum",
"weight": 0.1540660801551737
}, {
"id": "Henri Lefebvre",
"weight": 0.18329403537845532
}, {
"id": "Philip Pettit",
"weight": 0.21642368440643528
}, {
"id": "Raya Dunayevskaya",
"weight": 0.225236049320584
}, {
"id": "Paolo Virno",
"weight": 0.2231779948331937
}, {
"id": "Michael Novak",
"weight": 0.22377690268073022
}, {
"id": "Pierre Bourdieu",
"weight": 0.16564547312929853
}, {
"id": "Alvin Goldman",
"weight": 0.18058891989405995
}, {
"id": "Joshua Cohen (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.15483506716320425
}, {
"id": "Herman Oliphant",
"weight": 0.19680550735766825
}, {
"id": "Benjamin Tucker",
"weight": 0.15678963795078535
}, {
"id": "John McDowell",
"weight": 0.15028155223229694
}, {
"id": "James Brusseau",
"weight": 0.22097326411958623
}, {
"id": "Allan Gibbard",
"weight": 0.15259803691149371
}, {
"id": "Young Hegelians",
"weight": 0.16994527465597495
}, {
"id": "David L. Norton",
"weight": 0.16520016053236575
}, {
"id": "Lawrence Kohlberg",
"weight": 0.16273984049206192
}, {
"id": "Edward M. Hundert",
"weight": 0.18214362517422933
}, {
"id": "David Kaplan (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.15202773074546078
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.16328622498072315
}, {
"id": "F\u00e9lix Guattari",
"weight": 0.17215010926217317
}, {
"id": "William Stanley Jevons",
"weight": 0.17963311163277829
}, {
"id": "Robert Paul Wolff",
"weight": 0.2311698724080061
}, {
"id": "Charles Taylor (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.16519135020676487
}, {
"id": "Ziauddin Sardar",
"weight": 0.19164001026139671
}, {
"id": "Hilary Kornblith",
"weight": 0.20402378117480513
}, {
"id": "James Tully (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.23589504944677211
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Hayek",
"weight": 0.17933736763838826
}, {
"id": "H. L. A. Hart",
"weight": 0.15200482379381108
}, {
"id": "Francis Fukuyama",
"weight": 0.20655120468499524
}, {
"id": "Auberon Herbert",
"weight": 0.1614392742833021
}, {
"id": "Claude Lefort",
"weight": 0.17250400453606926
}, {
"id": "Ogy\u016b Sorai",
"weight": 0.15551254617797169
}, {
"id": "Richard Shusterman",
"weight": 0.15280665782782313
}, {
"id": "Stephen Bronner",
"weight": 0.22201571360101119
}, {
"id": "David Malet Armstrong",
"weight": 0.17185723148416973
}, {
"id": "Michael J. Sandel",
"weight": 0.15670022663533462
}, {
"id": "Donella Meadows",
"weight": 0.17290740703114402
}, {
"id": "Carl Schmitt",
"weight": 0.15867112038203249
}, {
"id": "Henry Hazlitt",
"weight": 0.17701853459494424
}, {
"id": "Axel Honneth",
"weight": 0.16729411867023719
}, {
"id": "John Ralston Saul",
"weight": 0.18212102344672279
}, {
"id": "Kevin Carson",
"weight": 0.2527035130796414
}, {
"id": "Erich Fromm",
"weight": 0.17977545716240786
}, {
"id": "Amartya Sen",
"weight": 0.16991909786995607
}, {
"id": "Richard Rorty",
"weight": 0.1906651239754395
}, {
"id": "Israel Kirzner",
"weight": 0.20912368189864408
}, {
"id": "Leon Chwistek",
"weight": 0.15202250847733922
}, {
"id": "Wilhelm Dilthey",
"weight": 0.15072543174866421
}, {
"id": "David Lewis (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.17863263634098675
}, {
"id": "Ronald Dworkin",
"weight": 0.20552801948081489
}, {
"id": "Penelope Maddy",
"weight": 0.19803467934355706
}, {
"id": "Jeffrey Friedman (political scientist)",
"weight": 0.19323637020095083
}, {
"id": "Paul Hawken",
"weight": 0.24939880405430559
}, {
"id": "Nelson Goodman",
"weight": 0.21056711729975916
}, {
"id": "Peter Ludlow",
"weight": 0.15093178120953135
}, {
"id": "Carlos Santiago Nino",
"weight": 0.29702297579138009
}, {
"id": "Milan Kangrga",
"weight": 0.18366905495989433
}, {
"id": "John William Miller",
"weight": 0.22380074818976955
}, {
"id": "Cornel West",
"weight": 0.1906422613150158
}, {
"id": "Lon L. Fuller",
"weight": 0.28284025155181397
}, {
"id": "David Gauthier",
"weight": 0.25093413082470167
}, {
"id": "Michael Oakeshott",
"weight": 0.17775125325410274
}, {
"id": "Frank Meyer (political philosopher)",
"weight": 0.17080664948102084
}, {
"id": "Jack Russell Weinstein",
"weight": 0.15373008239300492
}, {
"id": "Adam Smith",
"weight": 0.15302067775562556
}, {
"id": "Robert Nozick",
"weight": 0.20952570689637381
}, {
"id": "Nick Bostrom",
"weight": 0.16089574910981486
}, {
"id": "Peter Unger",
"weight": 0.17759923908871758
}, {
"id": "Robert P. George",
"weight": 0.1943708131374447
}, {
"id": "Gary Chartier",
"weight": 0.18760274823343187
}, {
"id": "Iris Marion Young",
"weight": 0.16857794847101676
}, {
"id": "Alasdair MacIntyre",
"weight": 0.19654818973057536
}, {
"id": "Henry George",
"weight": 0.18231294212201116
}, {
"id": "John Rawls",
"weight": 0.17811781365223181
}, {
"id": "Langdon Winner",
"weight": 0.24561603355228312
}, {
"id": "Arthur Linton Corbin",
"weight": 0.15616847553504284
}, {
"id": "Pekka Himanen",
"weight": 0.16398792776947921
}, {
"id": "Takis Fotopoulos",
"weight": 0.17176391101906854
}, {
"id": "R. Edward Freeman",
"weight": 0.16464341343258027
}, {
"id": "Bryan Caplan",
"weight": 0.15319567607703566
}, {
"id": "David Korten",
"weight": 0.33364607788273065
}, {
"id": "Gerald Cohen",
"weight": 0.15080444716468655
}, {
"id": "Elliot N. Dorff",
"weight": 0.16573831065684028
}, {
"id": "Louis Althusser",
"weight": 0.22098583715350184
}, {
"id": "Henry Babcock Veatch",
"weight": 0.24688120364828869
}, {
"id": "Carol Gilligan",
"weight": 0.16124815073061394
}, {
"id": "John Hawthorne",
"weight": 0.15405289017247448
}, {
"id": "Gy\u00f6rgy Luk\u00e1cs",
"weight": 0.16150108830792809
}, {
"id": "Antonio Negri",
"weight": 0.16687511143293141
}, {
"id": "Lewis Call",
"weight": 0.27485572568653799
}, {
"id": "Simon Critchley",
"weight": 0.1902047790476413
}, {
"id": "L.A. Paul",
"weight": 0.16753026611940838
}, {
"id": "John Stuart Mill",
"weight": 0.16165505132039257
}, {
"id": "Jin Yuelin",
"weight": 0.16608400907438092
}, {
"id": "Michael Otsuka",
"weight": 0.17592009168109601
}, {
"id": "J\u00fcrgen Habermas",
"weight": 0.18620945646992096
}, {
"id": "Henry Pachter",
"weight": 0.19173254630375336
}, {
"id": "Murray Bookchin",
"weight": 0.23394854669481591
}, {
"id": "Sergei Adian",
"weight": 0.16292429916058151
}, {
"id": "Alan Ryan",
"weight": 0.19902573583269342
}, {
"id": "Frank Schmalleger",
"weight": 0.19318218329381293
}, {
"id": "Peter Glassen",
"weight": 0.16553364670623222
}, {
"id": "Karl Loewenstein",
"weight": 0.20936341772290798
}, {
"id": "Tom Regan",
"weight": 0.15015260354747395
}, {
"id": "Joseph Raz",
"weight": 0.18014513779322722
}, {
"id": "Peter Kropotkin",
"weight": 0.16705026365193235
}, {
"id": "Alan Carter (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.20877953237043964
}, {
"id": "Slavoj \u017di\u017eek",
"weight": 0.18347558749817147
}, {
"id": "Right Hegelians",
"weight": 0.17723167598695361
}, {
"id": "Cornelius Castoriadis",
"weight": 0.1525184793545542
}, {
"id": "Peter van Inwagen",
"weight": 0.16206044014085658
}, {
"id": "Johann Friedrich Herbart",
"weight": 0.17180774648640409
}, {
"id": "Jamie Whyte",
"weight": 0.18604361724166973
}, {
"id": "Alan Gewirth",
"weight": 0.19951807441070193
}, {
"id": "Susan Haack",
"weight": 0.15622970705006126
}, {
"id": "Wesley J. Smith",
"weight": 0.18263493033897438
}, {
"id": "David Miller (political theorist)",
"weight": 0.27833509612011348
}, {
"id": "Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld",
"weight": 0.20742356610019719
"id": "William of Ockham",
"weight": 0.15758291400823041
"id": "Elliot N. Dorff",
"weight": 0.15902161227345218
}, {
"id": "Abraham Joshua Heschel",
"weight": 0.16743546450980543
}, {
"id": "Jesus",
"weight": 0.16323961447775714
}, {
"id": "Philo",
"weight": 0.21155635959663988
"id": "Jean-Yves B\u00e9ziau",
"weight": 0.17750883306737789
}, {
"id": "Carew Arthur Meredith",
"weight": 0.18717847223862288
"id": "Menedemus",
"weight": 0.17017806197570606
}, {
"id": "Jeremy Bentham",
"weight": 0.18834202755917898
}, {
"id": "Thomas Hill Green",
"weight": 0.15202261424691449
}, {
"id": "Peter Lamborn Wilson",
"weight": 0.15324862766111727
}, {
"id": "Pierre-Andr\u00e9 Taguieff",
"weight": 0.26115142017607418
}, {
"id": "Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi",
"weight": 0.15036728914761791
}, {
"id": "Jacob M. Appel",
"weight": 0.15609638411032714
}, {
"id": "Serge Moscovici",
"weight": 0.16173357165827898
}, {
"id": "Armin Mohler",
"weight": 0.2737582100055212
}, {
"id": "Raya Dunayevskaya",
"weight": 0.18142658816660781
}, {
"id": "Hugh MacColl",
"weight": 0.16292372561630314
}, {
"id": "Walter Terence Stace",
"weight": 0.16657330735858211
}, {
"id": "Jean-Paul Sartre",
"weight": 0.18344917560464574
}, {
"id": "L. E. J. Brouwer",
"weight": 0.2140120808043445
}, {
"id": "Arthur Schopenhauer",
"weight": 0.19631011292609443
}, {
"id": "August Wilhelm Schlegel",
"weight": 0.21042227046797468
}, {
"id": "Walter Pater",
"weight": 0.16503077589806492
}, {
"id": "Hans K\u00fcng",
"weight": 0.17973389695704464
}, {
"id": "Vissarion Belinsky",
"weight": 0.18116819712639565
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Schiller",
"weight": 0.16611596394794076
}, {
"id": "Michael Novak",
"weight": 0.18686692452721018
}, {
"id": "Norman Daniels",
"weight": 0.15765967184577051
}, {
"id": "Gabriele Taylor",
"weight": 0.22890818251441938
}, {
"id": "Michel Foucault",
"weight": 0.15468301223525144
}, {
"id": "A. J. Ayer",
"weight": 0.161057286125807
}, {
"id": "Franz Xaver von Baader",
"weight": 0.19549388193771056
}, {
"id": "Eric Voegelin",
"weight": 0.17298470295572749
}, {
"id": "Reinhold Niebuhr",
"weight": 0.20913114823678441
}, {
"id": "Voltairine de Cleyre",
"weight": 0.1923885990594337
}, {
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.16221801423641441
}, {
"id": "Young Hegelians",
"weight": 0.21919680272082706
}, {
"id": "Georg Henrik von Wright",
"weight": 0.17859955132357463
}, {
"id": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau",
"weight": 0.16300016248434815
}, {
"id": "Montesquieu",
"weight": 0.19902076528923146
}, {
"id": "Voltaire",
"weight": 0.1895866336669591
}, {
"id": "Marcion of Sinope",
"weight": 0.16518190995523058
}, {
"id": "Francis Parker Yockey",
"weight": 0.23092981745965752
}, {
"id": "Robert Stalnaker",
"weight": 0.18485813428182374
}, {
"id": "Jacques Herbrand",
"weight": 0.17417151628659999
}, {
"id": "Right Hegelians",
"weight": 0.22384003990334422
}, {
"id": "Otto Weininger",
"weight": 0.29477538970004125
}, {
"id": "Yehoshua Bar-Hillel",
"weight": 0.18558018337081936
}, {
"id": "Harriet Taylor Mill",
"weight": 0.23790252223116873
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.19312319367700115
}, {
"id": "Max Horkheimer",
"weight": 0.15755662129004983
}, {
"id": "Philippa Foot",
"weight": 0.15462804331109672
}, {
"id": "Roger Scruton",
"weight": 0.20248611846014308
}, {
"id": "Robert Paul Wolff",
"weight": 0.1960544034874227
}, {
"id": "Julien Offray de La Mettrie",
"weight": 0.15149935944630441
}, {
"id": "Stanley Hauerwas",
"weight": 0.18126401470132564
}, {
"id": "Haskell Curry",
"weight": 0.15836537454553756
}, {
"id": "George Berkeley",
"weight": 0.16179719258139855
}, {
"id": "William Paley",
"weight": 0.17656406277932163
}, {
"id": "Helena Rasiowa",
"weight": 0.19786745079207044
}, {
"id": "Joseph Fletcher",
"weight": 0.20076871350587788
}, {
"id": "John Locke",
"weight": 0.18521115691227572
}, {
"id": "Abraham Robinson",
"weight": 0.15307108337871017
}, {
"id": "Rudolf Christoph Eucken",
"weight": 0.20949833299526996
}, {
"id": "Ernst Zermelo",
"weight": 0.16043327707403171
}, {
"id": "Hans-Georg Gadamer",
"weight": 0.1603528965167357
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Hayek",
"weight": 0.17191546346325506
}, {
"id": "Isabel Paterson",
"weight": 0.19494651746587666
}, {
"id": "H. L. A. Hart",
"weight": 0.16341898263933952
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.16071774057147914
}, {
"id": "Dugald Stewart",
"weight": 0.22429857742563067
}, {
"id": "Nestor Makhno",
"weight": 0.15461849219065157
}, {
"id": "Victor Basch",
"weight": 0.16762413266087955
}, {
"id": "Francis Fukuyama",
"weight": 0.19319338727593863
}, {
"id": "Auberon Herbert",
"weight": 0.21037243989296897
}, {
"id": "Erich Fromm",
"weight": 0.16458667965776158
}, {
"id": "Moritz Schlick",
"weight": 0.15127071187756894
}, {
"id": "Mozi",
"weight": 0.16050957916471725
}, {
"id": "Adam M\u00fcller",
"weight": 0.17599586549682286
}, {
"id": "Paul Virilio",
"weight": 0.15676684360104759
}, {
"id": "Simone Weil",
"weight": 0.22945061245678566
}, {
"id": "Frank Herbert",
"weight": 0.17690661216017831
}, {
"id": "Max Stirner",
"weight": 0.16035784418742835
}, {
"id": "Georg Brandes",
"weight": 0.23495711728525775
}, {
"id": "Claude Lefort",
"weight": 0.17849189557348091
}, {
"id": "Ogy\u016b Sorai",
"weight": 0.1860099278517732
}, {
"id": "Johann Gottfried Herder",
"weight": 0.29623273324016963
}, {
"id": "Guy Aldred",
"weight": 0.17520231146858747
}, {
"id": "Gerrard Winstanley",
"weight": 0.1863919818851183
}, {
"id": "Stephen Bronner",
"weight": 0.22484213910000414
}, {
"id": "Bernard Williams",
"weight": 0.19227731426096364
}, {
"id": "Karl Popper",
"weight": 0.16162217883178123
}, {
"id": "Henry Home, Lord Kames",
"weight": 0.19851716213844273
}, {
"id": "David Hilbert",
"weight": 0.17631191152113915
}, {
"id": "Carl Schmitt",
"weight": 0.21097534080266864
}, {
"id": "Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey",
"weight": 0.15000174236106756
}, {
"id": "Bertrand Russell",
"weight": 0.19117422818216473
}, {
"id": "John Anderson (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.199083809241999
}, {
"id": "Henry Hazlitt",
"weight": 0.20584107447636874
}, {
"id": "Martin Buber",
"weight": 0.16800082969002345
}, {
"id": "Walter Benjamin",
"weight": 0.18024173439705479
}, {
"id": "Chris Pallis",
"weight": 0.24658237852921103
}, {
"id": "Maurice Cranston",
"weight": 0.16944603356256988
}, {
"id": "John Ralston Saul",
"weight": 0.20830229527934477
}, {
"id": "Raimond Gaita",
"weight": 0.16548951884004462
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley and Dissent",
"weight": 0.20029787153400958
}, {
"id": "Augustus De Morgan",
"weight": 0.16529454893390483
}, {
"id": "Rada Ivekovi\u0107",
"weight": 0.18380100107233366
}, {
"id": "Eduard Hanslick",
"weight": 0.21579660540553849
}, {
"id": "Leonard Read",
"weight": 0.20628493301400525
}, {
"id": "Samuel Scheffler",
"weight": 0.19417801872711038
}, {
"id": "Roland Barthes",
"weight": 0.15510855052778449
}, {
"id": "John Howard Yoder",
"weight": 0.15036454735560931
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Eduard Beneke",
"weight": 0.15928467325070086
}, {
"id": "Claude Adrien Helv\u00e9tius",
"weight": 0.17695238286132678
}, {
"id": "Wilhelm Dilthey",
"weight": 0.19215735807318268
}, {
"id": "Thomas Hobbes",
"weight": 0.15458384906118833
}, {
"id": "Richard Whately",
"weight": 0.23697527092925255
}, {
"id": "William Sweet",
"weight": 0.15332763241147657
}, {
"id": "Alija Izetbegovi\u0107",
"weight": 0.20549508754717874
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.1504593647294738
}, {
"id": "G. E. M. Anscombe",
"weight": 0.19157979598340541
}, {
"id": "Gilles Deleuze",
"weight": 0.1509463042694687
}, {
"id": "Penelope Maddy",
"weight": 0.1680278513430572
}, {
"id": "Colin Wilson",
"weight": 0.17621047413783236
}, {
"id": "Harold Bloom",
"weight": 0.16735501763206476
}, {
"id": "Lewis Carroll",
"weight": 0.15425811124042371
}, {
"id": "Cornel West",
"weight": 0.18926334353455995
}, {
"id": "Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel",
"weight": 0.16874444333445346
}, {
"id": "Nelson Goodman",
"weight": 0.15166766985317376
}, {
"id": "Mikhail Bakunin",
"weight": 0.1743906180058096
}, {
"id": "Paul Tillich",
"weight": 0.1566791564924179
}, {
"id": "Mortimer J. Adler",
"weight": 0.18969503406059521
}, {
"id": "Augustine of Hippo",
"weight": 0.15752738597235802
}, {
"id": "Vernon Lee",
"weight": 0.15687373080412845
}, {
"id": "Henry David Thoreau",
"weight": 0.18112607760470503
}, {
"id": "Georges Bataille",
"weight": 0.17540723812258588
}, {
"id": "Francisco de Vitoria",
"weight": 0.18637125431101512
}, {
"id": "Constantin R\u0103dulescu-Motru",
"weight": 0.1644073723212458
}, {
"id": "Abraham Joshua Heschel",
"weight": 0.18016215326480162
}, {
"id": "Arthur Moeller van den Bruck",
"weight": 0.26892008279522511
}, {
"id": "George Croom Robertson",
"weight": 0.17572019996649202
}, {
"id": "Milan Kangrga",
"weight": 0.17160022192474284
}, {
"id": "Nicolas Malebranche",
"weight": 0.15481161584814823
}, {
"id": "David Strauss",
"weight": 0.1806695860405205
}, {
"id": "David Lewis (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.20986553530870858
}, {
"id": "Alfred Rosenberg",
"weight": 0.34060134528427155
}, {
"id": "W. D. Ross",
"weight": 0.16172367262530057
}, {
"id": "Michael Oakeshott",
"weight": 0.19613701960932403
}, {
"id": "Howard Zinn",
"weight": 0.16810434736773894
}, {
"id": "Frank Meyer (political philosopher)",
"weight": 0.20144033840124112
}, {
"id": "R. M. Hare",
"weight": 0.17867552025340064
}, {
"id": "Erich Heller",
"weight": 0.18868459711339236
}, {
"id": "H. Richard Niebuhr",
"weight": 0.15801717368302606
}, {
"id": "Jack Russell Weinstein",
"weight": 0.15464183500599057
}, {
"id": "Gottlob Frege",
"weight": 0.16891902428792949
}, {
"id": "Adam Smith",
"weight": 0.17215033151168432
}, {
"id": "Richard M. Weaver",
"weight": 0.23434431963615851
}, {
"id": "Mazdak",
"weight": 0.1712452586696411
}, {
"id": "Fran\u00e7ois Hemsterhuis",
"weight": 0.17954052783517613
}, {
"id": "James Joyce",
"weight": 0.1506856626612732
}, {
"id": "Jean Bodin",
"weight": 0.15669927395681202
}, {
"id": "Christian_Wolff_(philosopher)",
"weight": 0.15228318638899421
}, {
"id": "George Santayana",
"weight": 0.19036898626608162
}, {
"id": "Kurt G\u00f6del",
"weight": 0.18417460023323862
}, {
"id": "Russell Kirk",
"weight": 0.20163204505501062
}, {
"id": "R. G. Collingwood",
"weight": 0.21216107195338516
}, {
"id": "James Martineau",
"weight": 0.18363613914296131
}, {
"id": "Anne Conway, Viscountess Conway",
"weight": 0.19025051834462631
}, {
"id": "Bahya ibn Paquda",
"weight": 0.19516531322964803
}, {
"id": "Henry George",
"weight": 0.19827401322193161
}, {
"id": "John Rawls",
"weight": 0.16041269707955969
}, {
"id": "Sergei Adian",
"weight": 0.15248349914815931
}, {
"id": "Hannah Arendt",
"weight": 0.18002768344706085
}, {
"id": "Ralph Waldo Emerson",
"weight": 0.20643039251347217
}, {
"id": "Leo Tolstoy",
"weight": 0.20982672481444128
}, {
"id": "Murray Rothbard",
"weight": 0.16564863048372044
}, {
"id": "Philip Pettit",
"weight": 0.15089424906258911
}, {
"id": "Clarence Irving Lewis",
"weight": 0.1725899411259802
}, {
"id": "Bertrand de Jouvenel",
"weight": 0.22469370922349682
}, {
"id": "Parmenides",
"weight": 0.18571702294073492
}, {
"id": "William Fontaine",
"weight": 0.19159043769263839
}, {
"id": "Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli",
"weight": 0.18685199199352492
}, {
"id": "Derek Parfit",
"weight": 0.18129731973091232
}, {
"id": "Algernon Charles Swinburne",
"weight": 0.15457550517603016
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling",
"weight": 0.16246354118414374
}, {
"id": "Clive Bell",
"weight": 0.18824185743426936
}, {
"id": "Ernst Bloch",
"weight": 0.1728458018534238
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Nietzsche",
"weight": 0.205552968213259
}, {
"id": "Aldo Leopold",
"weight": 0.15993154177038574
}, {
"id": "Chrysippus",
"weight": 0.15578538978377571
}, {
"id": "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
"weight": 0.19281013240724307
}, {
"id": "Tan Sitong",
"weight": 0.17134724509493379
}, {
"id": "Louis Althusser",
"weight": 0.15365257494254217
}, {
"id": "Herbert Spencer",
"weight": 0.20081082510581516
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Asad",
"weight": 0.17640080495121227
}, {
"id": "Albert Schweitzer",
"weight": 0.16334264547799071
}, {
"id": "Henry Sidgwick",
"weight": 0.19844034035197272
}, {
"id": "Ludwig von Mises",
"weight": 0.23981601833339097
}, {
"id": "Francis Bacon",
"weight": 0.17144067294396395
}, {
"id": "John Oswald (activist)",
"weight": 0.1666204417143145
}, {
"id": "William Wollaston",
"weight": 0.16662350717777166
}, {
"id": "Valentin Feldman",
"weight": 0.18539583451629565
}, {
"id": "Martha Nussbaum",
"weight": 0.16338483291430536
}, {
"id": "Richard Montague",
"weight": 0.15188107750716567
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg",
"weight": 0.20420250738129092
}, {
"id": "Hermann Theodor Hettner",
"weight": 0.2343591880609768
}, {
"id": "Henri Bergson",
"weight": 0.15897485583432916
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.15484077938093249
}, {
"id": "Simon Critchley",
"weight": 0.15070107158402446
}, {
"id": "Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr",
"weight": 0.15804324543227244
}, {
"id": "Onora O'Neill, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve",
"weight": 0.18874761356930073
}, {
"id": "Jamie Whyte",
"weight": 0.17778738784812842
}, {
"id": "J. L. Mackie",
"weight": 0.19260345190146702
}, {
"id": "Democritus",
"weight": 0.16307553330978458
}, {
"id": "Giorgio Agamben",
"weight": 0.16020156926631188
}, {
"id": "Georg Kreisel",
"weight": 0.18921797614808306
}, {
"id": "Peter Kropotkin",
"weight": 0.19159211839439427
}, {
"id": "J\u00fcrgen Habermas",
"weight": 0.1563557217055915
}, {
"id": "Henry Pachter",
"weight": 0.21908727571485978
}, {
"id": "Thucydides",
"weight": 0.19567071183251347
}, {
"id": "John Harsanyi",
"weight": 0.17270738121923676
}, {
"id": "Dietrich Bonhoeffer",
"weight": 0.15390653363195966
}, {
"id": "\u00c9tienne de La Bo\u00e9tie",
"weight": 0.18048645356474305
}, {
"id": "Victor Gollancz",
"weight": 0.27724347179100639
}, {
"id": "Simone de Beauvoir",
"weight": 0.18463677440706919
}, {
"id": "Maurice Blanchot",
"weight": 0.17625199313278922
}, {
"id": "Philo",
"weight": 0.17129379255432167
}, {
"id": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel",
"weight": 0.17026194535197642
}, {
"id": "Ayn Rand",
"weight": 0.16027588187856323
}, {
"id": "J. J. C. Smart",
"weight": 0.16517724266816253
}, {
"id": "Karl Loewenstein",
"weight": 0.24223634401699476
}, {
"id": "Monarchomachs",
"weight": 0.20696970938130371
}, {
"id": "John Major (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.16754587550184893
}, {
"id": "Georg Simmel",
"weight": 0.18410700158886772
}, {
"id": "Rudolf Steiner",
"weight": 0.17482392060407032
}, {
"id": "Frithjof Schuon",
"weight": 0.16459040410422526
}, {
"id": "David Korten",
"weight": 0.18181726072079737
}, {
"id": "Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin",
"weight": 0.1790420396875966
}, {
"id": "Ronald Paulson",
"weight": 0.19352807526104757
}, {
"id": "Thomas Reid",
"weight": 0.20670951649600372
}, {
"id": "Benedetto Croce",
"weight": 0.1843484629954496
}, {
"id": "James Mill",
"weight": 0.21159488343788607
}, {
"id": "Alan Carter (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.17957844214426399
}, {
"id": "Alexis de Tocqueville",
"weight": 0.25782370876532718
}, {
"id": "Carl Joachim Friedrich",
"weight": 0.26482269396150027
}, {
"id": "Benjamin Tucker",
"weight": 0.16893103678956137
}, {
"id": "Xenophanes",
"weight": 0.17941696093687168
}, {
"id": "John Stuart Mill",
"weight": 0.17153150415897722
}, {
"id": "William George Ward",
"weight": 0.21497113938345114
}, {
"id": "Susan Haack",
"weight": 0.17003752800019103
}, {
"id": "Oscar Wilde",
"weight": 0.15048668438158783
}, {
"id": "Philip Mazzei",
"weight": 0.1827017461797362
}, {
"id": "Theodor W. Adorno",
"weight": 0.18122257552175045
}, {
"id": "David Miller (political theorist)",
"weight": 0.16770829181046865
"id": "Menedemus",
"weight": 0.21445221712108106
}, {
"id": "Parmenides",
"weight": 0.18764344844557768
}, {
"id": "Prodicus",
"weight": 0.29751952666437975
}, {
"id": "Pythagoras",
"weight": 0.20497992066013754
}, {
"id": "Xenocrates",
"weight": 0.17676708072757008
}, {
"id": "Zeno of Elea",
"weight": 0.25937339810622589
}, {
"id": "Simplicius of Cilicia",
"weight": 0.20253510173796854
}, {
"id": "Julia Annas",
"weight": 0.17702449577863702
}, {
"id": "Socrates",
"weight": 0.18936360465361857
}, {
"id": "Georg Anton Friedrich Ast",
"weight": 0.47359827489106826
}, {
"id": "Plotinus",
"weight": 0.16040144741988052
}, {
"id": "Protagoras",
"weight": 0.28785591060673615
}, {
"id": "Edmund Gettier",
"weight": 0.24097550786842128
}, {
"id": "Proclus",
"weight": 0.20548849992416546
"id": "Roger Crisp",
"weight": 0.16947482566593713
"id": "Right Hegelians",
"weight": 0.16964800675790251
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.21919680272082706
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16994527465597495
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.18936360465361857
}, {
"id": "Georg Anton Friedrich Ast",
"weight": 0.17744903926230129
}, {
"id": "Prodicus",
"weight": 0.21388644725246828
"id": "Axel Honneth",
"weight": 0.15672967326231255
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15755662129004983
}, {
"id": "Jeffrey Friedman (political scientist)",
"weight": 0.18298410126033887
"id": "Grigori Mints",
"weight": 0.22021273294656435
}, {
"id": "S. Barry Cooper",
"weight": 0.17266929621538213
}, {
"id": "Melvin Fitting",
"weight": 0.20471519109655997
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20248611846014308
"id": "Li (Neo-Confucianism)",
"weight": 0.18424495119046072
}, {
"id": "Xun Kuang",
"weight": 0.18194294390156501
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16179719258139855
}, {
"id": "George Pappas",
"weight": 0.3725086522587055
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.20402378117480513
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17191546346325506
}, {
"id": "Partha Dasgupta",
"weight": 0.16501829937819185
}, {
"id": "Ludwig von Mises",
"weight": 0.28482082042164697
}, {
"id": "Leonard Read",
"weight": 0.15939379688352362
}, {
"id": "Langdon Winner",
"weight": 0.16258229329803925
}, {
"id": "Margaret Elizabeth Egan",
"weight": 0.15174775906426485
}, {
"id": "Henry Hazlitt",
"weight": 0.19672944439193485
}, {
"id": "Israel Kirzner",
"weight": 0.21584825324702939
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17933736763838826
}, {
"id": "Kevin Carson",
"weight": 0.15333103391231201
"id": "Jean Nicod",
"weight": 0.19239483194871712
}, {
"id": "Fred Poch\u00e9",
"weight": 0.1971546330898086
}, {
"id": "Edgar Morin",
"weight": 0.16291635577029404
"id": "John Ruskin",
"weight": 0.21788926006649395
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16292372561630314
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.21511649097123858
"id": "John Hospers",
"weight": 0.15226632459477868
}, {
"id": "Harry Binswanger",
"weight": 0.36172524674604428
}, {
"id": "Ayn Rand",
"weight": 0.16185165476538635
"id": "Hui Shi",
"weight": 0.16878929219983396
}, {
"id": "Han Fei",
"weight": 0.2282923671671731
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16050957916471725
}, {
"id": "Xun Kuang",
"weight": 0.16390683633249781
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17599586549682286
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15676684360104759
"id": "Philip Doddridge",
"weight": 0.16606114586045526
}, {
"id": "Alan Ryan",
"weight": 0.15046665192211542
}, {
"id": "Harriet Taylor Mill",
"weight": 0.15716527252782606
}, {
"id": "Richard Price",
"weight": 0.24241621628053089
}, {
"id": "S. Barry Cooper",
"weight": 0.16363134557021694
}, {
"id": "Philip Wicksteed",
"weight": 0.17703547397632921
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley and Dissent",
"weight": 0.51332502364842225
}, {
"id": "James Martineau",
"weight": 0.1614886029212777
"id": "Xenophanes",
"weight": 0.17343672609023944
"id": "Peter of Spain",
"weight": 0.18291058248473901
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.22484213910000414
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.22201571360101119
"id": "Gualtiero Piccinini",
"weight": 0.19076440042781911
"id": "Jonathan Dancy",
"weight": 0.2396429833556917
}, {
"id": "J. L. Mackie",
"weight": 0.19248603624209656
}, {
"id": "John Hawthorne",
"weight": 0.17724137205354451
}, {
"id": "Raymond Frey",
"weight": 0.43126999028403196
}, {
"id": "Tom Beauchamp",
"weight": 0.37158571193878603
}, {
"id": "Glenn McGee",
"weight": 0.24670198366150498
}, {
"id": "R. M. Hare",
"weight": 0.25362126395416301
}, {
"id": "Norman Daniels",
"weight": 0.16272478837863324
}, {
"id": "L.A. Paul",
"weight": 0.16227129944767663
}, {
"id": "Julian Savulescu",
"weight": 0.31947736424325196
}, {
"id": "Roger Crisp",
"weight": 0.23713366825514651
}, {
"id": "Peter Unger",
"weight": 0.22769456857917694
}, {
"id": "Margaret Somerville",
"weight": 0.16219233662368221
}, {
"id": "Tripp York",
"weight": 0.15126867255279855
}, {
"id": "Jennifer Lackey",
"weight": 0.16605022237778302
}, {
"id": "Samuel Scheffler",
"weight": 0.15309161034853638
}, {
"id": "J. J. C. Smart",
"weight": 0.17050874167430285
}, {
"id": "Tom Regan",
"weight": 0.22139807422400642
}, {
"id": "Robert Audi",
"weight": 0.18140038752879897
}, {
"id": "Jay Rosenberg",
"weight": 0.25493612551555456
}, {
"id": "Robert Merrihew Adams",
"weight": 0.17446178023800957
}, {
"id": "Joshua Cohen (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.17738498597939142
}, {
"id": "Gregory Currie",
"weight": 0.18702898697115505
}, {
"id": "Susan R. Wolf",
"weight": 0.22902435176720046
}, {
"id": "Loren Lomasky",
"weight": 0.27229641998652065
}, {
"id": "Joseph Fins",
"weight": 0.16883999202039959
}, {
"id": "Joseph Fletcher",
"weight": 0.26218574320722554
}, {
"id": "David Schmidtz",
"weight": 0.21554491304017442
}, {
"id": "Emma Rush",
"weight": 0.17527566505456299
}, {
"id": "James Childress",
"weight": 0.31722772937012139
}, {
"id": "Julia Annas",
"weight": 0.20414443601557242
}, {
"id": "Christine Korsgaard",
"weight": 0.1617607157438653
}, {
"id": "Wesley J. Smith",
"weight": 0.19750129466804112
}, {
"id": "Peter Railton",
"weight": 0.17749991740640719
}, {
"id": "David Pearce (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.15119315949270165
"id": "Georg Brandes",
"weight": 0.16686765388051725
}, {
"id": "Christopher Janaway",
"weight": 0.20929782456762688
}, {
"id": "Arthur Schopenhauer",
"weight": 0.17017397765184808
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.205552968213259
"id": "Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel",
"weight": 0.20454022983910228
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.21042227046797468
"id": "Max Horkheimer",
"weight": 0.15672967326231255
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16729411867023719
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16800082969002345
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18024173439705479
}, {
"id": "Ernst Bloch",
"weight": 0.17142568516325959
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.27047234414403154
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.24658237852921103
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.15638511884585352
}, {
"id": "Mikhail Bakunin",
"weight": 0.17326907206112441
}, {
"id": "Cornelius Castoriadis",
"weight": 0.17490352353385155
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16548951884004462
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18380100107233366
"id": "T. M. Scanlon",
"weight": 0.16392467381601622
}, {
"id": "Samuel Scheffler",
"weight": 0.32174649398724942
}, {
"id": "Peter Unger",
"weight": 0.17520899396503115
}, {
"id": "Christine Korsgaard",
"weight": 0.16102543886335985
}, {
"id": "Susan R. Wolf",
"weight": 0.17698129296614376
}, {
"id": "Peter Railton",
"weight": 0.1857048726926937
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15021273829836632
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.1691120336605684
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20628493301400525
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Hayek",
"weight": 0.15939379688352362
"id": "Thomas Nagel",
"weight": 0.32174649398724942
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.15309161034853638
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19417801872711038
"id": "Elliot N. Dorff",
"weight": 0.15031167631742931
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.23697527092925255
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.17622781859693673
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.22078476469362038
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Iqbal",
"weight": 0.15332784463961538
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19157979598340541
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.15918699457258417
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.18234743097715966
}, {
"id": "Paul Benacerraf",
"weight": 0.19493116886556774
}, {
"id": "Robert Stalnaker",
"weight": 0.18727578598338437
}, {
"id": "Willard Van Orman Quine",
"weight": 0.17294870355025088
}, {
"id": "Mario Bunge",
"weight": 0.159223605781012
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.15662897352060565
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17621047413783236
"id": "Hermann Lotze",
"weight": 0.17757673398396553
"id": "Max Horkheimer",
"weight": 0.18298410126033887
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.19323637020095083
"id": "James Earl Baumgartner",
"weight": 0.25893735407692337
}, {
"id": "Ernst Schr\u00f6der",
"weight": 0.19980611130958417
}, {
"id": "Robert M. Solovay",
"weight": 0.27813423085903538
}, {
"id": "David Hilbert",
"weight": 0.19455354690645735
}, {
"id": "L. E. J. Brouwer",
"weight": 0.20616309301151439
}, {
"id": "Saharon Shelah",
"weight": 0.19116851810322799
}, {
"id": "Paul Bernays",
"weight": 0.18818822780187658
}, {
"id": "Jacques Herbrand",
"weight": 0.17252525090282411
}, {
"id": "Ernst Zermelo",
"weight": 0.35237238216332983
}, {
"id": "Edward Nelson",
"weight": 0.19180749076330025
}, {
"id": "Leopold Kronecker",
"weight": 0.40372950345653225
}, {
"id": "Thoralf Skolem",
"weight": 0.18919198891990438
}, {
"id": "Kurt G\u00f6del",
"weight": 0.1540595484199701
}, {
"id": "Robert Lawson Vaught",
"weight": 0.20461785377255298
}, {
"id": "Paul Benacerraf",
"weight": 0.15144967092801206
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16874444333445346
}, {
"id": "August Wilhelm Schlegel",
"weight": 0.20454022983910228
"id": "Philo the Dialectician",
"weight": 0.1551370667221495
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.16408066948370023
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.22890818251441938
"id": "Hossein Nasr",
"weight": 0.15200521114497978
}, {
"id": "Ali Shariati",
"weight": 0.19590685519329806
}, {
"id": "Averroes",
"weight": 0.2031262820477466
}, {
"id": "Fazlur Rahman Malik",
"weight": 0.2446147790828416
}, {
"id": "Ismail al-Faruqi",
"weight": 0.20423570814102818
}, {
"id": "Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi",
"weight": 0.23790470189913163
}, {
"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.2110611815768853
}, {
"id": "Umar",
"weight": 0.20413627162208406
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.18918743797025894
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17540723812258588
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"weight": 0.16832796418856497
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.22989003375110789
}, {
"id": "Aristotle",
"weight": 0.15041989142092377
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15202250847733922
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.26892008279522511
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.16104659004776964
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.23790252223116873
}, {
"id": "John Stuart Mill",
"weight": 0.36811600633078106
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley",
"weight": 0.15716527252782606
}, {
"id": "Oscar Wilde",
"weight": 0.16371441102253681
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.15995614746884215
}, {
"id": "William Stanley Jevons",
"weight": 0.17575461476632065
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15481161584814823
"id": "John Dumbleton",
"weight": 0.16346984374705487
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19613701960932403
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17775125325410274
"id": "Russell Kirk",
"weight": 0.16686124316877332
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20144033840124112
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17080664948102084
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.25362126395416301
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17867552025340064
"id": "John Finnis",
"weight": 0.20895870136221026
}, {
"id": "Alan Ryan",
"weight": 0.16431863019251697
}, {
"id": "Arthur Linton Corbin",
"weight": 0.17235083108184956
}, {
"id": "Georg Jellinek",
"weight": 0.22392327323139199
}, {
"id": "Ronald Dworkin",
"weight": 0.28100602042918704
}, {
"id": "Ant\u00f3nio Castanheira Neves",
"weight": 0.17198187384964167
}, {
"id": "John Rawls",
"weight": 0.1559205033876388
}, {
"id": "Gerald Cohen",
"weight": 0.21640252652964767
}, {
"id": "Carl Schmitt",
"weight": 0.21412540351323919
}, {
"id": "Frank Schmalleger",
"weight": 0.18060615991494147
}, {
"id": "Carlos Santiago Nino",
"weight": 0.19914678310924047
}, {
"id": "Karl Loewenstein",
"weight": 0.16749214359852199
}, {
"id": "Tony Honor\u00e9",
"weight": 0.17815034419298764
}, {
"id": "Giorgio Del Vecchio",
"weight": 0.17774297967530708
}, {
"id": "Joseph Raz",
"weight": 0.27074712269836881
}, {
"id": "Christine Korsgaard",
"weight": 0.15551243107213772
}, {
"id": "Wilhelm Dilthey",
"weight": 0.16692717597150838
}, {
"id": "H. L. A. Hart",
"weight": 0.26413201961404376
}, {
"id": "Lon L. Fuller",
"weight": 0.24901821374050451
}, {
"id": "Joshua Cohen (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.16218632444760733
}, {
"id": "Carl Joachim Friedrich",
"weight": 0.15510557548321494
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.17676708072757008
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15464183500599057
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15373008239300492
"id": "Rudolf Carnap",
"weight": 0.16286002212744899
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16891902428792949
}, {
"id": "Ernst Schr\u00f6der",
"weight": 0.15405743837255345
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.23434431963615851
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1712452586696411
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1506856626612732
"id": "Samuel Bailey",
"weight": 0.17757673398396553
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19827401322193161
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18231294212201116
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.16605022237778302
}, {
"id": "John Hawthorne",
"weight": 0.19402477845071689
"id": "Thomas Bradwardine",
"weight": 0.16346984374705487
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15248349914815931
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16292429916058151
"id": "Raymond Frey",
"weight": 0.15018282748110698
}, {
"id": "Richard Wollheim",
"weight": 0.18059775510414322
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.18764344844557768
}, {
"id": "Zeno of Elea",
"weight": 0.26959713035654942
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18571702294073492
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18685199199352492
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18129731973091232
"id": "Moses",
"weight": 0.15902161227345218
}, {
"id": "Baruch Spinoza",
"weight": 0.15031167631742931
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16573831065684028
"id": "Isaac Watts",
"weight": 0.16807069252562662
}, {
"id": "Ibn Taymiyyah",
"weight": 0.2110611815768853
}, {
"id": "Ali Shariati",
"weight": 0.16105120995953454
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Asad",
"weight": 0.17115073052847238
}, {
"id": "Averroes",
"weight": 0.15066512020271711
}, {
"id": "Fazlur Rahman Malik",
"weight": 0.15365112642243292
}, {
"id": "Ismail al-Faruqi",
"weight": 0.19686442559846137
}, {
"id": "Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi",
"weight": 0.15069613021585504
}, {
"id": "Umar",
"weight": 0.27837413107428899
}, {
"id": "Hossein Nasr",
"weight": 0.17671035127276086
}, {
"id": "Bah\u00e1'u'll\u00e1h",
"weight": 0.15573916987153213
"id": "Pope John XXI",
"weight": 0.18291058248473901
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16124815073061394
"id": "Socrates",
"weight": 0.17744903926230129
}, {
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.47359827489106826
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15188107750716567
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.43126999028403196
}, {
"id": "Austin Osman Spare",
"weight": 0.15018282748110698
"id": "Charles Blattberg",
"weight": 0.19898318314293983
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.23589504944677211
"id": "Eduard Hanslick",
"weight": 0.17807832550223182
}, {
"id": "Jerrold Levinson",
"weight": 0.17702914595983929
}, {
"id": "Richard Meltzer",
"weight": 0.15025216458222798
}, {
"id": "Joseph Kosuth",
"weight": 0.17366911435136739
}, {
"id": "Morris Weitz",
"weight": 0.15090932388056735
}, {
"id": "Ferruccio Busoni",
"weight": 0.21824257486154414
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.2343591880609768
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.20002866347613812
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.16376449573787705
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16608400907438092
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19159211839439427
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16705026365193235
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19567071183251347
"id": "Bernard Bolzano",
"weight": 0.1551370667221495
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18048645356474305
"id": "Moses",
"weight": 0.21155635959663988
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17129379255432167
"id": "Fazlur Rahman Malik",
"weight": 0.15220544159510691
"id": "Right Hegelians",
"weight": 0.24150606303023162
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling",
"weight": 0.2468504873097864
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17026194535197642
"id": "Sri Aurobindo",
"weight": 0.18981541840266766
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.27074712269836881
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18014513779322722
"id": "John Etchemendy",
"weight": 0.21829291031840622
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.29811285240260821
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19352807526104757
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.27121962732491761
}, {
"id": "John Peters Humphrey",
"weight": 0.20195343829808696
}, {
"id": "Robert P. George",
"weight": 0.15880396072310141
}, {
"id": "Paolo Virno",
"weight": 0.15243086829838393
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16071774057147914
}, {
"id": "Onora O'Neill, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve",
"weight": 0.19189767093717461
}, {
"id": "Jamie Whyte",
"weight": 0.1876351507554844
}, {
"id": "Chris Pallis",
"weight": 0.15638511884585352
}, {
"id": "John Ralston Saul",
"weight": 0.15871321728110965
}, {
"id": "William Fontaine",
"weight": 0.17141510601784274
}, {
"id": "Margaret Somerville",
"weight": 0.18798988296348459
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Iqbal",
"weight": 0.17896870539999465
}, {
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.21406565602071409
}, {
"id": "Amartya Sen",
"weight": 0.15679321670700366
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Asad",
"weight": 0.15880511693472799
}, {
"id": "Karl Loewenstein",
"weight": 0.18783457890692093
}, {
"id": "James Mill",
"weight": 0.16377240005695967
}, {
"id": "Ismail al-Faruqi",
"weight": 0.15424464365730484
}, {
"id": "Maulana Kalam Azad",
"weight": 0.22078476469362038
}, {
"id": "David Korten",
"weight": 0.16940542167053632
}, {
"id": "Sri Aurobindo",
"weight": 0.15158255040537721
}, {
"id": "Henry Home, Lord Kames",
"weight": 0.17158264632483172
}, {
"id": "14th Dalai Lama",
"weight": 0.15120476206216127
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19846040606697044
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.21159488343788607
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.16377240005695967
"id": "John Dewey",
"weight": 0.19084778821436565
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18214362517422933
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.23650140791741758
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.19190458197974375
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.1562477014346044
}, {
"id": "Hilary Putnam",
"weight": 0.19493116886556774
}, {
"id": "George Boolos",
"weight": 0.19238040563480957
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.15144967092801206
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.23356519965717956
"id": "Edgar Morin",
"weight": 0.15835083608012002
}, {
"id": "Chris Pallis",
"weight": 0.17490352353385155
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.1525184793545542
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16206044014085658
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.31722772937012139
}, {
"id": "Tom Beauchamp",
"weight": 0.16026087159661573
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.17774297967530708
"id": "Ibn Taymiyyah",
"weight": 0.20413627162208406
}, {
"id": "Ali Shariati",
"weight": 0.16086969534184517
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Asad",
"weight": 0.17243147913988285
}, {
"id": "Fazlur Rahman Malik",
"weight": 0.21016419973156089
}, {
"id": "Ismail al-Faruqi",
"weight": 0.21688011736606405
}, {
"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.27837413107428899
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.24505352357977958
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.28130608876356361
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.19750129466804112
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18263493033897438
"id": "Thomas Nagel",
"weight": 0.1857048726926937
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.17749991740640719
"id": "Jacques Maritain",
"weight": 0.16291635577029404
}, {
"id": "Cornelius Castoriadis",
"weight": 0.15835083608012002
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15324862766111727
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15036728914761791
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15831667647807923
}, {
"id": "Leonard Peikoff",
"weight": 0.15226632459477868
"id": "Ralph Waldo Emerson",
"weight": 0.20301069985852668
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18112607760470503
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17973389695704464
"id": "Thomas Reid",
"weight": 0.19112642435483335
"id": "Han Fei",
"weight": 0.23189683002430581
}, {
"id": "Hui Shi",
"weight": 0.28494082589495889
}, {
"id": "Li (Confucian)",
"weight": 0.29708494934916241
}, {
"id": "Confucius",
"weight": 0.26215237691085685
}, {
"id": "Li (Neo-Confucianism)",
"weight": 0.31559596199912116
}, {
"id": "Xun Kuang",
"weight": 0.25627615221468919
}, {
"id": "Zhuang Zhou",
"weight": 0.21119735494993921
}, {
"id": "Cheng Hao",
"weight": 0.20697732364856958
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.16272478837863324
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15765967184577051
}, {
"id": "Joseph Fins",
"weight": 0.16047749145873105
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17215010926217317
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.19248603624209656
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19260345190146702
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.19463843419437368
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.15127324189502397
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19549388193771056
"id": "George David Birkhoff",
"weight": 0.1645241715346962
}, {
"id": "Johann Heinrich Lambert",
"weight": 0.16223828662686673
}, {
"id": "Ren\u00e9 Descartes",
"weight": 0.17527563122552814
}, {
"id": "Jean Buridan",
"weight": 0.2371325994523619
"id": "H. Richard Niebuhr",
"weight": 0.25910659190054874
}, {
"id": "Stanley Grenz",
"weight": 0.17212850812917524
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20913114823678441
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15259803691149371
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.16650679310103117
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.19240366289016003
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.2240335462261335
"id": "Han Fei",
"weight": 0.1702001526232774
}, {
"id": "Mencius",
"weight": 0.18194294390156501
}, {
"id": "Mozi",
"weight": 0.16390683633249781
}, {
"id": "Disciples of Confucius",
"weight": 0.25627615221468919
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16520016053236575
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16518190995523058
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.23092981745965752
"id": "Jon Barwise",
"weight": 0.21829291031840622
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.27749771603406931
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.21497113938345114
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15202773074546078
"id": "Ashoka",
"weight": 0.19000826665770654
"id": "Haskell Curry",
"weight": 0.18575539264510615
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.27229641998652065
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16459040410422526
"id": "Moses Sch\u00f6nfinkel",
"weight": 0.18575539264510615
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15836537454553756
}, {
"id": "Stephen Cole Kleene",
"weight": 0.17337948214587556
"id": "Tony Honor\u00e9",
"weight": 0.2335683208527376
}, {
"id": "Lon L. Fuller",
"weight": 0.22969780896081665
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16341898263933952
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.26413201961404376
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15200482379381108
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.20098338360604837
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.22657699684954699
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18926334353455995
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.1906422613150158
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.21037243989296897
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.1614392742833021
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17585828487007221
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.22945061245678566
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16035784418742835
}, {
"id": "Lewis Call",
"weight": 0.15619561651590566
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.21908727571485978
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.19173254630375336
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19227731426096364
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17185723148416973
"id": "Stewart Shapiro",
"weight": 0.22391606250354953
}, {
"id": "Jaakko Hintikka",
"weight": 0.21986875266722669
}, {
"id": "Alfred Tarski",
"weight": 0.22334180715511529
}, {
"id": "John Hawthorne",
"weight": 0.20127932567765977
}, {
"id": "Paul Bernays",
"weight": 0.16790859512565609
}, {
"id": "Richard Jeffrey",
"weight": 0.20204046881953358
}, {
"id": "James Earl Baumgartner",
"weight": 0.15646179804297397
}, {
"id": "Ernst Zermelo",
"weight": 0.15809433166842873
}, {
"id": "Gary R. Mar",
"weight": 0.16184230211902889
}, {
"id": "Robert Lawson Vaught",
"weight": 0.20498508204047181
}, {
"id": "John Corcoran (logician)",
"weight": 0.15624401785287811
}, {
"id": "Solomon Feferman",
"weight": 0.20439023803150008
}, {
"id": "Ruth Barcan Marcus",
"weight": 0.3673934442807652
}, {
"id": "Emil Leon Post",
"weight": 0.24090141852281174
}, {
"id": "George Boolos",
"weight": 0.24516007694658346
}, {
"id": "Peter Unger",
"weight": 0.20573257869500317
}, {
"id": "Robert Stalnaker",
"weight": 0.2855523041811025
}, {
"id": "Willard Van Orman Quine",
"weight": 0.18258396944120464
}, {
"id": "Robert M. Solovay",
"weight": 0.23849938965958883
}, {
"id": "William Lycan",
"weight": 0.16109013753957249
}, {
"id": "Ivan Orlov (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.18083610042606174
}, {
"id": "Saharon Shelah",
"weight": 0.16747191196275527
}, {
"id": "Hilary Putnam",
"weight": 0.15918699457258417
}, {
"id": "Edward Nelson",
"weight": 0.15829999780279122
}, {
"id": "David Lewis (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.2134268213845773
}, {
"id": "Melvin Fitting",
"weight": 0.24480342539509062
}, {
"id": "Alonzo Church",
"weight": 0.20671566598511193
}, {
"id": "Nathan Salmon",
"weight": 0.20002866347613812
}, {
"id": "Abraham Robinson",
"weight": 0.15794081632073334
}, {
"id": "Paul Benacerraf",
"weight": 0.23650140791741758
}, {
"id": "Dana Scott",
"weight": 0.25111540752760497
}, {
"id": "Grigori Mints",
"weight": 0.16456926749820405
}, {
"id": "Lennart \u00c5qvist",
"weight": 0.24505352357977958
}, {
"id": "Christine Korsgaard",
"weight": 0.17864399618646815
}, {
"id": "Arthur Prior",
"weight": 0.22682679352911847
}, {
"id": "Stephen Cole Kleene",
"weight": 0.15667788655019058
"id": "Giorgio Agamben",
"weight": 0.16803266598991307
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.21097534080266864
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.21412540351323919
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15867112038203249
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.199083809241999
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20584107447636874
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Hayek",
"weight": 0.19672944439193485
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17701853459494424
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.20168222007116288
"id": "Rosalind Hursthouse",
"weight": 0.16947482566593713
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.23713366825514651
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20029787153400958
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley",
"weight": 0.51332502364842225
"id": "John Harsanyi",
"weight": 0.18857842336469482
}, {
"id": "Henri Lefebvre",
"weight": 0.16391606405200829
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.16281358325952716
}, {
"id": "John Hospers",
"weight": 0.15831667647807923
}, {
"id": "Hao Wang (academic)",
"weight": 0.30985288204692057
}, {
"id": "Paolo Virno",
"weight": 0.25585841908324297
}, {
"id": "Hui Shi",
"weight": 0.17533889542560563
}, {
"id": "Li (Confucian)",
"weight": 0.26604943335762377
}, {
"id": "Michael Novak",
"weight": 0.18997990504280082
}, {
"id": "Jane Jacobs",
"weight": 0.18460293881503972
}, {
"id": "Carrie Ichikawa Jenkins",
"weight": 0.15577525252602398
}, {
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.17844653481990966
}, {
"id": "George Croom Robertson",
"weight": 0.21127656398622655
}, {
"id": "Montesquieu",
"weight": 0.16341911749804952
}, {
"id": "James Mill",
"weight": 0.19846040606697044
}, {
"id": "Benjamin Tucker",
"weight": 0.16612534011858354
}, {
"id": "Sun Yat-sen",
"weight": 0.35602480878500364
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.20788597449332433
}, {
"id": "Robert Paul Wolff",
"weight": 0.18112975079212668
}, {
"id": "Raya Dunayevskaya",
"weight": 0.27241792984945534
}, {
"id": "Simone Weil",
"weight": 0.17585828487007221
}, {
"id": "Henry Home, Lord Kames",
"weight": 0.16824636510293467
}, {
"id": "Guy Aldred",
"weight": 0.19565304248578672
}, {
"id": "Isabel Paterson",
"weight": 0.15984252371246951
}, {
"id": "Cornel West",
"weight": 0.20098338360604837
}, {
"id": "Francis Fukuyama",
"weight": 0.21721402952196325
}, {
"id": "Mihailo Markovi\u0107",
"weight": 0.21621022091825368
}, {
"id": "Claude Lefort",
"weight": 0.16740794915543883
}, {
"id": "Armin Mohler",
"weight": 0.2041133239389723
}, {
"id": "Robert S. Hartman",
"weight": 0.17065768532937547
}, {
"id": "Johann Gottfried Herder",
"weight": 0.15858293067293125
}, {
"id": "Zhuang Zhou",
"weight": 0.16698515065225086
}, {
"id": "Gerrard Winstanley",
"weight": 0.2135665623901046
}, {
"id": "John Peters Humphrey",
"weight": 0.17116470653118146
}, {
"id": "Andr\u00e9 Malraux",
"weight": 0.16163557330303605
}, {
"id": "Victor Gollancz",
"weight": 0.21898805231722843
}, {
"id": "Robert P. George",
"weight": 0.16352022398415578
}, {
"id": "Donella Meadows",
"weight": 0.19620190305942278
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.17174557422203299
}, {
"id": "Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey",
"weight": 0.22003107263905944
}, {
"id": "14th Dalai Lama",
"weight": 0.22586280517181287
}, {
"id": "Aldo Leopold",
"weight": 0.15930930268990806
}, {
"id": "Chris Pallis",
"weight": 0.27047234414403154
}, {
"id": "John Ralston Saul",
"weight": 0.16129033750570299
}, {
"id": "Kevin Carson",
"weight": 0.15057966742658629
}, {
"id": "Nestor Makhno",
"weight": 0.26491446982314454
}, {
"id": "Philip Doddridge",
"weight": 0.15423596609645307
}, {
"id": "Mary Daly",
"weight": 0.15021273829836632
}, {
"id": "Bruce Lee",
"weight": 0.19116423854562167
}, {
"id": "Leonard Read",
"weight": 0.1691120336605684
}, {
"id": "Amartya Sen",
"weight": 0.21224521347992456
}, {
"id": "Han Fei",
"weight": 0.21146040451114181
}, {
"id": "George Ohsawa",
"weight": 0.15290223096796751
}, {
"id": "Li (Neo-Confucianism)",
"weight": 0.32325979286529855
}, {
"id": "Claude Adrien Helv\u00e9tius",
"weight": 0.15771669560460896
}, {
"id": "William Alston",
"weight": 0.18067269819041099
}, {
"id": "Alija Izetbegovi\u0107",
"weight": 0.19669586434595046
}, {
"id": "Leo Tolstoy",
"weight": 0.16280193622555386
}, {
"id": "John Stevens Cabot Abbott",
"weight": 0.18929659469109597
}, {
"id": "Alexander Bain",
"weight": 0.1653852942620429
}, {
"id": "Mikhail Bakunin",
"weight": 0.20771524817641715
}, {
"id": "Mortimer J. Adler",
"weight": 0.16781982879287699
}, {
"id": "Noam Chomsky",
"weight": 0.18134137646009379
}, {
"id": "Constantin R\u0103dulescu-Motru",
"weight": 0.15856669058271372
}, {
"id": "Adam Smith",
"weight": 0.16347896260322958
}, {
"id": "Howard Zinn",
"weight": 0.19644669475223867
}, {
"id": "Michel Foucault",
"weight": 0.17611664650866943
}, {
"id": "Jean-Louis Le Moigne",
"weight": 0.1643472366620683
}, {
"id": "Fazlur Rahman Malik",
"weight": 0.1522572882381926
}, {
"id": "Alfred Rosenberg",
"weight": 0.17154899482462815
}, {
"id": "Hirata Atsutane",
"weight": 0.18070642924791572
}, {
"id": "William Fontaine",
"weight": 0.23890381643642999
}, {
"id": "Confucius",
"weight": 0.2183094126508919
}, {
"id": "Ralph Waldo Emerson",
"weight": 0.16735972151815889
}, {
"id": "Philip Pettit",
"weight": 0.15277941311713153
}, {
"id": "Bertrand de Jouvenel",
"weight": 0.16069497616384798
}, {
"id": "Ali Shariati",
"weight": 0.18504625040242098
}, {
"id": "Clive Bell",
"weight": 0.1934016359314524
}, {
"id": "Ernst Bloch",
"weight": 0.17852806142517721
}, {
"id": "Bertrand Russell",
"weight": 0.18009445601991306
}, {
"id": "Helena Rasiowa",
"weight": 0.2188000275179692
}, {
"id": "Tan Sitong",
"weight": 0.40714327212513579
}, {
"id": "Louis Althusser",
"weight": 0.17394180613014215
}, {
"id": "Ogy\u016b Sorai",
"weight": 0.19529347610849687
}, {
"id": "Ernest Wamba dia Wamba",
"weight": 0.16454959947190168
}, {
"id": "William Wollaston",
"weight": 0.15426591028991374
}, {
"id": "Valentin Feldman",
"weight": 0.18298885503082524
}, {
"id": "Gy\u00f6rgy Luk\u00e1cs",
"weight": 0.19714151978685587
}, {
"id": "John Oswald (activist)",
"weight": 0.18408853539764997
}, {
"id": "Antonio Negri",
"weight": 0.17108657891167903
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.17556753788346038
}, {
"id": "Onora O'Neill, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve",
"weight": 0.18956323720629492
}, {
"id": "John Stuart Mill",
"weight": 0.15588411609968827
}, {
"id": "Jean-Paul Sartre",
"weight": 0.17745357042352697
}, {
"id": "Michael Otsuka",
"weight": 0.15985017345356484
}, {
"id": "Cheng Hao",
"weight": 0.22463967139575561
}, {
"id": "Philip Wicksteed",
"weight": 0.21493540451894039
}, {
"id": "Georg Brandes",
"weight": 0.15242802199744448
}, {
"id": "Murray Bookchin",
"weight": 0.19637153956022471
}, {
"id": "Gustave de Molinari",
"weight": 0.17030706385993441
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Asad",
"weight": 0.15259941476550803
}, {
"id": "Ayn Rand",
"weight": 0.15877690983025788
}, {
"id": "J. J. C. Smart",
"weight": 0.17726472606191579
}, {
"id": "Karl Loewenstein",
"weight": 0.25340285127350098
}, {
"id": "David Korten",
"weight": 0.22808810252859055
}, {
"id": "Albert Camus",
"weight": 0.15309776797687136
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.21406565602071409
}, {
"id": "Alan Carter (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.15692918701083888
}, {
"id": "Alexis de Tocqueville",
"weight": 0.19063067351370624
}, {
"id": "Carl Joachim Friedrich",
"weight": 0.17735351953664644
}, {
"id": "Richard Price",
"weight": 0.19444674363610143
}, {
"id": "Otto Weininger",
"weight": 0.16661720619553438
}, {
"id": "Tudor Vianu",
"weight": 0.15614078340874596
}, {
"id": "Jamie Whyte",
"weight": 0.25416677587545738
}, {
"id": "Susan Haack",
"weight": 0.18765502209322912
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19116423854562167
"id": "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
"weight": 0.17630752734421573
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.15971656385165761
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.16422937160484027
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15036454735560931
"id": "Newton da Costa",
"weight": 0.18717847223862288
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.19666714703852378
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.18140038752879897
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15771669560460896
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17695238286132678
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.17446178023800957
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.19913909550405415
}, {
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"weight": 0.16194962248945205
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.17141723161604153
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.22470384987107769
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.21718033375391232
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.3246473570413631
"id": "Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld",
"weight": 0.15517565111511783
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.28100602042918704
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.20552801948081489
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18929659469109597
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.1653852942620429
}, {
"id": "George Croom Robertson",
"weight": 0.20289516177463687
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1680278513430572
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.19803467934355706
"id": "Abraham Joshua Heschel",
"weight": 0.17918224506852198
}, {
"id": "H. Richard Niebuhr",
"weight": 0.2033211522651508
}, {
"id": "Xenophanes",
"weight": 0.15440339096211503
}, {
"id": "Bah\u00e1'u'll\u00e1h",
"weight": 0.20970741978268995
}, {
"id": "David Strauss",
"weight": 0.21615642361634826
}, {
"id": "Moses",
"weight": 0.16323961447775714
}, {
"id": "Tripp York",
"weight": 0.15498408704111941
}, {
"id": "Maimonides",
"weight": 0.161565205580285
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.20414443601557242
}, {
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.17702449577863702
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.15120754317506807
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15166766985317376
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.21056711729975916
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.20771524817641715
}, {
"id": "Paolo Virno",
"weight": 0.15424964271327901
}, {
"id": "Vissarion Belinsky",
"weight": 0.23600468830551666
}, {
"id": "Gerald Cohen",
"weight": 0.15034973457310735
}, {
"id": "Raya Dunayevskaya",
"weight": 0.18183163435240618
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1743906180058096
}, {
"id": "Chris Pallis",
"weight": 0.17326907206112441
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.19748358695454893
"id": "Plotinus",
"weight": 0.15821053911263475
}, {
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.20548849992416546
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15093178120953135
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16781982879287699
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18969503406059521
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15687373080412845
"id": "Duns Scotus",
"weight": 0.15758291400823041
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17160022192474284
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18366905495989433
"id": "H. L. A. Hart",
"weight": 0.22969780896081665
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.24901821374050451
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.28284025155181397
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.25093413082470167
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19644669475223867
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16810434736773894
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.20497992066013754
}, {
"id": "Xenophanes",
"weight": 0.18713903894031217
"id": "Austin Osman Spare",
"weight": 0.18059775510414322
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15801717368302606
}, {
"id": "Reinhold Niebuhr",
"weight": 0.25910659190054874
}, {
"id": "Jesus",
"weight": 0.2033211522651508
"id": "Galileo Galilei",
"weight": 0.1645241715346962
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1843484629954496
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.20952570689637381
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16089574910981486
"id": "Edward M. Hundert",
"weight": 0.19084778821436565
}, {
"id": "John Hawthorne",
"weight": 0.15958789362742837
"id": "Berit Brogaard",
"weight": 0.19076440042781911
"id": "Ernst Zermelo",
"weight": 0.19423930613683954
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18417460023323862
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.1540595484199701
"id": "Frank Meyer (political philosopher)",
"weight": 0.16686124316877332
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20163204505501062
"id": "John Hawthorne",
"weight": 0.19191367653862998
}, {
"id": "Max Black",
"weight": 0.15096928104934831
}, {
"id": "Johann Friedrich Herbart",
"weight": 0.15529811565100543
}, {
"id": "John William Miller",
"weight": 0.15327807174902711
}, {
"id": "Leon Chwistek",
"weight": 0.16832796418856497
}, {
"id": "Peter Unger",
"weight": 0.19623013985252968
}, {
"id": "S. Barry Cooper",
"weight": 0.152830783134211
}, {
"id": "Wolfgang Smith",
"weight": 0.16194962248945205
}, {
"id": "Susan R. Wolf",
"weight": 0.18235711942489408
}, {
"id": "Gilles Deleuze",
"weight": 0.15844655954301784
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.19654818973057536
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17298470295572749
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15277941311713153
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15089424906258911
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.21642368440643528
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1725899411259802
"id": "Abraham Joshua Heschel",
"weight": 0.17671042702946566
}, {
"id": "Moshe Chaim Luzzatto",
"weight": 0.18188205646538186
}, {
"id": "Bahya ibn Paquda",
"weight": 0.18458905812158433
}, {
"id": "Jesus",
"weight": 0.161565205580285
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.23890381643642999
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19159043769263839
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.17141510601784274
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.24353289381435686
"id": "Friedrich Hayek",
"weight": 0.15174775906426485
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.17527566505456299
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18009445601991306
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19117422818216473
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15930930268990806
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15993154177038574
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19281013240724307
}, {
"id": "Jerrold Levinson",
"weight": 0.15303240528088663
}, {
"id": "Georg Kreisel",
"weight": 0.28343659289038714
}, {
"id": "Pavel Tich\u00fd",
"weight": 0.16974713946252784
}, {
"id": "Max Black",
"weight": 0.15085016387473008
}, {
"id": "Otto Weininger",
"weight": 0.34263348548503308
}, {
"id": "Frank P. Ramsey",
"weight": 0.3261356072810459
}, {
"id": "G. E. Moore",
"weight": 0.17630752734421573
"id": "Frank Schmalleger",
"weight": 0.1686595203244029
"id": "Simplicius of Cilicia",
"weight": 0.15596431074498338
"id": "Ernst Zermelo",
"weight": 0.16743783272816656
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.23981601833339097
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Hayek",
"weight": 0.28482082042164697
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17144067294396395
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16458667965776158
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17977545716240786
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17065768532937547
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.16382671021186157
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.17724137205354451
}, {
"id": "Jennifer Lackey",
"weight": 0.19402477845071689
}, {
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"weight": 0.19191367653862998
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.20127932567765977
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15405289017247448
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.16103471622114474
}, {
"id": "John Dewey",
"weight": 0.15958789362742837
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.17024119995013426
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.17002920910391373
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15426591028991374
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16662350717777166
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19714151978685587
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16150108830792809
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18408853539764997
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1666204417143145
"id": "Gottlob Frege",
"weight": 0.15405743837255345
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.19980611130958417
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.22392327323139199
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.24038240871443006
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15070107158402446
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.17826104253260622
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.1902047790476413
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.16227129944767663
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16753026611940838
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.25416677587545738
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.18930413148561451
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17778738784812842
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.1876351507554844
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18604361724166973
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16307553330978458
"id": "Carl Schmitt",
"weight": 0.16803266598991307
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16020156926631188
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.22463967139575561
}, {
"id": "Confucius",
"weight": 0.20395755877655722
}, {
"id": "Disciples of Confucius",
"weight": 0.20697732364856958
"id": "Stanley Grenz",
"weight": 0.22409762069620562
}, {
"id": "Tripp York",
"weight": 0.16802409029623949
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15390653363195966
"id": "Murray Rothbard",
"weight": 0.15705614810168086
"id": "Maimonides",
"weight": 0.18188205646538186
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18463677440706919
}, {
"id": "Jean-Paul Sartre",
"weight": 0.15144369789898041
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17030706385993441
"id": "Hans K\u00f6chler",
"weight": 0.1686595203244029
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.18060615991494147
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.19318218329381293
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20696970938130371
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1790420396875966
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.15829999780279122
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.19180749076330025
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.28785591060673615
"id": "Paul Tillich",
"weight": 0.21054670236505549
}, {
"id": "Harriet Taylor Mill",
"weight": 0.15995614746884215
}, {
"id": "J. L. Mackie",
"weight": 0.19463843419437368
}, {
"id": "William James",
"weight": 0.17024119995013426
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling",
"weight": 0.1828343562475202
}, {
"id": "Walter Terence Stace",
"weight": 0.15543863038728054
}, {
"id": "Johann Gottfried Herder",
"weight": 0.1571362584111394
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg",
"weight": 0.17436477695142524
}, {
"id": "Emmanuel Levinas",
"weight": 0.17205166993657189
}, {
"id": "Simon Critchley",
"weight": 0.17826104253260622
}, {
"id": "Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld",
"weight": 0.15379038734943565
}, {
"id": "Michael Otsuka",
"weight": 0.16085780587952614
}, {
"id": "Jean-Paul Sartre",
"weight": 0.15753254975152617
}, {
"id": "Randy Cohen",
"weight": 0.16742403267576789
}, {
"id": "Georg Brandes",
"weight": 0.26439348504500321
}, {
"id": "James Brusseau",
"weight": 0.1613501580009607
}, {
"id": "Tripp York",
"weight": 0.19882312918522455
}, {
"id": "G. E. Moore",
"weight": 0.16422937160484027
}, {
"id": "Peter Glassen",
"weight": 0.17815312781964324
}, {
"id": "Otto Weininger",
"weight": 0.19233834963709362
}, {
"id": "Stanley Hauerwas",
"weight": 0.21541573613983095
}, {
"id": "Xenophanes",
"weight": 0.1611772244436081
}, {
"id": "Johann Friedrich Herbart",
"weight": 0.16465315028168798
}, {
"id": "Harold Bloom",
"weight": 0.1526398014333335
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Schleiermacher",
"weight": 0.17246734122873622
}, {
"id": "Wolfgang Smith",
"weight": 0.17141723161604153
}, {
"id": "James Hinton",
"weight": 0.17098024514021126
"id": "Albert Schweitzer",
"weight": 0.15326264913086113
}, {
"id": "John Cage",
"weight": 0.21824257486154414
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.20671566598511193
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18347558749817147
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17735351953664644
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.26482269396150027
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.15510557548321494
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19444674363610143
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley",
"weight": 0.24241621628053089
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.25111540752760497
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15614078340874596
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.19951807441070193
"id": "Algernon Charles Swinburne",
"weight": 0.19772205942962484
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15048668438158783
}, {
"id": "Harriet Taylor Mill",
"weight": 0.16371441102253681
}, {
"id": "Walter Pater",
"weight": 0.2164930963812606
"id": "Giuseppe Peano",
"weight": 0.15108075694133685
}, {
"id": "Paul Lorenzen",
"weight": 0.16355707179865528
}, {
"id": "John Harsanyi",
"weight": 0.19819411374821597
}, {
"id": "Abraham Robinson",
"weight": 0.2348420622476052
}, {
"id": "Emil Leon Post",
"weight": 0.25790976041367414
}, {
"id": "Mioara Mugur-Sch\u00e4chter",
"weight": 0.23356519965717956
}, {
"id": "Matthew Foreman",
"weight": 0.20577614751164192
}, {
"id": "Saharon Shelah",
"weight": 0.23246628899879263
}, {
"id": "Paul Bernays",
"weight": 0.22830849544351445
}, {
"id": "Robert M. Solovay",
"weight": 0.25328238315367757
}, {
"id": "James Earl Baumgartner",
"weight": 0.20270396648574848
}, {
"id": "Nicolas Bourbaki",
"weight": 0.16275167129888374
}, {
"id": "Ernst Zermelo",
"weight": 0.38086429355637913
}, {
"id": "Frank P. Ramsey",
"weight": 0.15138667292628963
}, {
"id": "L. E. J. Brouwer",
"weight": 0.19839817451137468
}, {
"id": "David Hilbert",
"weight": 0.30138007154900542
}, {
"id": "Wolfgang Smith",
"weight": 0.19913909550405415
}, {
"id": "Heinz von Foerster",
"weight": 0.17695307243640793
"id": "Eduard Hanslick",
"weight": 0.20834191081486764
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18122257552175045
}, {
"id": "Jerrold Levinson",
"weight": 0.18089281446396788
}, {
"id": "Ernst Bloch",
"weight": 0.24071019537196978
}, {
"id": "Emil Leon Post",
"weight": 0.15767762670842966
}, {
"id": "J\u00fcrgen Habermas",
"weight": 0.15732726606203615
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.21445221712108106
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17017806197570606
"id": "John Stuart Mill",
"weight": 0.15328568679478721
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18834202755917898
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18857842336469482
}, {
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.19819411374821597
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17270738121923676
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16338483291430536
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.1540660801551737
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16173357165827898
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.22830849544351445
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.16790859512565609
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.18818822780187658
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.30985288204692057
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.25585841908324297
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.15243086829838393
}, {
"id": "Mikhail Bakunin",
"weight": 0.15424964271327901
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.2231779948331937
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18116819712639565
}, {
"id": "Mikhail Bakunin",
"weight": 0.23600468830551666
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.26604943335762377
}, {
"id": "Confucius",
"weight": 0.3072181446986475
}, {
"id": "Disciples of Confucius",
"weight": 0.29708494934916241
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18997990504280082
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18686692452721018
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.22377690268073022
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15457550517603016
}, {
"id": "Oscar Wilde",
"weight": 0.19772205942962484
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18058891989405995
"id": "John Cage",
"weight": 0.15090932388056735
"id": "H. L. A. Hart",
"weight": 0.2335683208527376
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.17815034419298764
"id": "John Cage",
"weight": 0.17366911435136739
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.34598073673783247
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15577525252602398
"id": "Lucretius",
"weight": 0.1802747985212711
"id": "Jacques Maritain",
"weight": 0.19239483194871712
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17844653481990966
}, {
"id": "Voltairine de Cleyre",
"weight": 0.33126429044522637
}, {
"id": "Tripp York",
"weight": 0.15348380070964704
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16221801423641441
}, {
"id": "Richard Jeffrey",
"weight": 0.1647556621194961
}, {
"id": "Ralph Waldo Emerson",
"weight": 0.15736401119362181
}, {
"id": "Raya Dunayevskaya",
"weight": 0.18710670185109488
}, {
"id": "Harriet Taylor Mill",
"weight": 0.16104659004776964
}, {
"id": "Guy Aldred",
"weight": 0.22657214082246546
}, {
"id": "Murray Bookchin",
"weight": 0.16053001815609896
}, {
"id": "Iris Marion Young",
"weight": 0.15620791442740989
"id": "Jonathan Dancy",
"weight": 0.17753238997705162
}, {
"id": "Stewart Shapiro",
"weight": 0.28469769565976916
}, {
"id": "Sally Haslanger",
"weight": 0.15662897352060565
}, {
"id": "Jaakko Hintikka",
"weight": 0.16150885983270352
}, {
"id": "Robert Stalnaker",
"weight": 0.19395063038387514
}, {
"id": "Richard Jeffrey",
"weight": 0.17410529956007076
}, {
"id": "Jean-Yves B\u00e9ziau",
"weight": 0.32371497637922869
}, {
"id": "Christopher Janaway",
"weight": 0.17098116748050324
}, {
"id": "Solomon Feferman",
"weight": 0.15905666003227834
}, {
"id": "Tara Smith (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.20168222007116288
}, {
"id": "Richard Sylvan",
"weight": 0.34598073673783247
}, {
"id": "George Boolos",
"weight": 0.17123888923906413
}, {
"id": "Peter Unger",
"weight": 0.19332848311441875
}, {
"id": "Ivan Orlov (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.17708640880038082
}, {
"id": "John Etchemendy",
"weight": 0.27749771603406931
}, {
"id": "Carew Arthur Meredith",
"weight": 0.19666714703852378
}, {
"id": "Jon Barwise",
"weight": 0.29811285240260821
}, {
"id": "Joachim Lambek",
"weight": 0.15386074344159065
}, {
"id": "Melvin Fitting",
"weight": 0.2391631719249328
}, {
"id": "Gregory Currie",
"weight": 0.22911789687110254
}, {
"id": "Abraham Robinson",
"weight": 0.15532986011713484
}, {
"id": "Alan Ross Anderson",
"weight": 0.24353289381435686
}, {
"id": "Julia Annas",
"weight": 0.15120754317506807
}, {
"id": "Grigori Mints",
"weight": 0.16705630939025223
}, {
"id": "Lennart \u00c5qvist",
"weight": 0.28130608876356361
}, {
"id": "Christine Korsgaard",
"weight": 0.1573528840670454
}, {
"id": "Arthur Prior",
"weight": 0.18932821439780634
}, {
"id": "John Woods (logician)",
"weight": 0.22333458961650907
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.18083610042606174
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.17708640880038082
"id": "Galileo Galilei",
"weight": 0.2371325994523619
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17417151628659999
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.17252525090282411
"id": "Young Hegelians",
"weight": 0.16964800675790251
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.22384003990334422
}, {
"id": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel",
"weight": 0.24150606303023162
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17723167598695361
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.35602480878500364
}, {
"id": "Tan Sitong",
"weight": 0.17357606875045967
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18558018337081936
"id": "George Berkeley",
"weight": 0.3725086522587055
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.20788597449332433
}, {
"id": "Alan Ryan",
"weight": 0.17179371775759014
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19312319367700115
}, {
"id": "Robert Paul Wolff",
"weight": 0.16451599411391707
}, {
"id": "Henri Lefebvre",
"weight": 0.16316355200486493
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16328622498072315
}, {
"id": "Gerald Cohen",
"weight": 0.17673222941579472
}, {
"id": "Raya Dunayevskaya",
"weight": 0.18384707590825441
}, {
"id": "George Croom Robertson",
"weight": 0.16195650314866306
}, {
"id": "Robert S. Hartman",
"weight": 0.16382671021186157
}, {
"id": "Louis Althusser",
"weight": 0.18549150701692757
}, {
"id": "Mikhail Bakunin",
"weight": 0.19748358695454893
}, {
"id": "Kevin Carson",
"weight": 0.17592522130930974
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.17738498597939142
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.16218632444760733
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15483506716320425
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.21228979592901695
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15462804331109672
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.2041133239389723
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.2737582100055212
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.20253510173796854
}, {
"id": "Theophrastus",
"weight": 0.15596431074498338
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15149935944630441
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18126401470132564
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.21541573613983095
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.19164001026139671
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.26218574320722554
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20076871350587788
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18521115691227572
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20949833299526996
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.15108075694133685
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.16284692289045039
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15984252371246951
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19494651746587666
"id": "Thomas Nagel",
"weight": 0.16102543886335985
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.1617607157438653
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.15551243107213772
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.17864399618646815
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.23882121709530924
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.1573528840670454
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15057966742658629
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.17592522130930974
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Hayek",
"weight": 0.15333103391231201
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.2527035130796414
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.22429857742563067
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16762413266087955
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.21721402952196325
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19319338727593863
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.20655120468499524
"id": "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
"weight": 0.15303240528088663
}, {
"id": "Theodor W. Adorno",
"weight": 0.18089281446396788
}, {
"id": "John Cage",
"weight": 0.17702914595983929
"id": "Iris Marion Young",
"weight": 0.17358533334515264
}, {
"id": "Johann Friedrich Herbart",
"weight": 0.17141082573420471
}, {
"id": "Fred Dretske",
"weight": 0.2240335462261335
}, {
"id": "Thomas Hill Green",
"weight": 0.15233894376007021
}, {
"id": "S. Barry Cooper",
"weight": 0.16138759015959245
}, {
"id": "Paul Benacerraf",
"weight": 0.1562477014346044
}, {
"id": "Langdon Winner",
"weight": 0.15822119355259001
}, {
"id": "Susanna Schellenberg",
"weight": 0.26076921958257143
}, {
"id": "Jean-Louis Le Moigne",
"weight": 0.23905804848293008
}, {
"id": "Rudolf Arnheim",
"weight": 0.16808950747570567
}, {
"id": "Lawrence Kohlberg",
"weight": 0.4737079838108415
}, {
"id": "Gilbert Harman",
"weight": 0.23329783151177627
}, {
"id": "J\u00fcrgen Habermas",
"weight": 0.17222538752818708
}, {
"id": "John William Miller",
"weight": 0.16275058612687443
}, {
"id": "Wolfgang Smith",
"weight": 0.21718033375391232
}, {
"id": "Rudolf Steiner",
"weight": 0.15345495575235679
}, {
"id": "Ernst von Glasersfeld",
"weight": 0.35801307887391393
}, {
"id": "Wilhelm Dilthey",
"weight": 0.15322009274858994
}, {
"id": "Alan Bundy",
"weight": 0.17954161232743096
}, {
"id": "Gregory Currie",
"weight": 0.16728904738251968
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15127071187756894
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.21621022091825368
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.19518401336806043
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16246354118414374
}, {
"id": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel",
"weight": 0.2468504873097864
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.1828343562475202
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16740794915543883
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17849189557348091
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17250400453606926
"id": "Richard Rorty",
"weight": 0.20251938131146061
}, {
"id": "Gregory Currie",
"weight": 0.1681021098525812
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15280665782782313
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.24670198366150498
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16698515065225086
}, {
"id": "Hui Shi",
"weight": 0.28400035109774141
}, {
"id": "Disciples of Confucius",
"weight": 0.21119735494993921
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17116470653118146
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.20195343829808696
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.17695307243640793
"id": "John Stuart Mill",
"weight": 0.15248916824397818
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.17179371775759014
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley",
"weight": 0.15046665192211542
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.16431863019251697
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.19902573583269342
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.15650178971774986
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.15119315949270165
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.22003107263905944
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15000174236106756
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.31947736424325196
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16529454893390483
"id": "Maulana Kalam Azad",
"weight": 0.15332784463961538
}, {
"id": "Ali Shariati",
"weight": 0.18113221077375388
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Asad",
"weight": 0.15473357165102919
}, {
"id": "Fazlur Rahman Malik",
"weight": 0.16757898573556623
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.17742144708556745
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.17896870539999465
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.26491446982314454
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15461849219065157
"id": "Theodor W. Adorno",
"weight": 0.20834191081486764
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.21579660540553849
}, {
"id": "John Cage",
"weight": 0.17807832550223182
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15510855052778449
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15290223096796751
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.16032363010047335
}, {
"id": "Richard Shusterman",
"weight": 0.20251938131146061
}, {
"id": "Susan Haack",
"weight": 0.16905621374600013
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.1906651239754395
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.23596275841571768
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15928467325070086
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.32325979286529855
}, {
"id": "Confucius",
"weight": 0.29292292620284183
}, {
"id": "Mencius",
"weight": 0.18424495119046072
}, {
"id": "Disciples of Confucius",
"weight": 0.31559596199912116
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16503077589806492
}, {
"id": "Oscar Wilde",
"weight": 0.2164930963812606
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.16040144741988052
}, {
"id": "Proclus",
"weight": 0.15821053911263475
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.15386074344159065
"id": "Alexander Campbell Fraser",
"weight": 0.21682547650950823
}, {
"id": "Anne Conway, Viscountess Conway",
"weight": 0.15959342559682144
}, {
"id": "Joseph Fins",
"weight": 0.23570674051979351
}, {
"id": "William Frankena",
"weight": 0.15369992974556607
}, {
"id": "Onora O'Neill, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve",
"weight": 0.20692767479529295
}, {
"id": "Gerald Cohen",
"weight": 0.1505122472233375
}, {
"id": "William Paley",
"weight": 0.1795875929582739
}, {
"id": "Henry Babcock Veatch",
"weight": 0.15335803328129849
}, {
"id": "Philip Wicksteed",
"weight": 0.15244860856832218
}, {
"id": "Martin Rees",
"weight": 0.19142398459389584
}, {
"id": "James Hinton",
"weight": 0.17719543280800767
}, {
"id": "Margaret Somerville",
"weight": 0.19104342249717979
}, {
"id": "James Martineau",
"weight": 0.15632859915306135
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19669586434595046
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20549508754717874
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.1563693020382961
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1504593647294738
}, {
"id": "Thomas Hill Green",
"weight": 0.17199827115884656
}, {
"id": "John Finnis",
"weight": 0.17110130684272162
}, {
"id": "J. L. Mackie",
"weight": 0.15127324189502397
}, {
"id": "Tom Beauchamp",
"weight": 0.25421818416204067
}, {
"id": "Alvin Plantinga",
"weight": 0.16567467757709006
}, {
"id": "William James",
"weight": 0.17002920910391373
}, {
"id": "Henry Home, Lord Kames",
"weight": 0.24018349872698025
}, {
"id": "Gilbert Harman",
"weight": 0.20743989960921647
}, {
"id": "William Paley",
"weight": 0.24068492047176115
}, {
"id": "John McDowell",
"weight": 0.19712186877812418
}, {
"id": "Susan R. Wolf",
"weight": 0.15120278447379906
}, {
"id": "Edmund Gettier",
"weight": 0.15478308226525692
"id": "Galileo Galilei",
"weight": 0.16223828662686673
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.1541224812861732
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1509463042694687
}, {
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"weight": 0.15844655954301784
"id": "Parmenides",
"weight": 0.26959713035654942
}, {
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.25937339810622589
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16735501763206476
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.1526398014333335
"id": "Henri Lefebvre",
"weight": 0.22164032800753478
}, {
"id": "Claude L\u00e9vi-Strauss",
"weight": 0.15862771804162484
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16564547312929853
"id": "R. Edward Freeman",
"weight": 0.15009690820238672
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.24097550786842128
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.15478308226525692
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.2396429833556917
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.17753238997705162
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.22391606250354953
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.28469769565976916
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15856669058271372
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1644073723212458
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.20270396648574848
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.15646179804297397
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.25893735407692337
"id": "Alain Badiou",
"weight": 0.16743783272816656
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.15809433166842873
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16043327707403171
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.35237238216332983
}, {
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.38086429355637913
}, {
"id": "Kurt G\u00f6del",
"weight": 0.19423930613683954
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"weight": 0.15327807174902711
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.15585430313318613
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.16275058612687443
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.22380074818976955
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.16184230211902889
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.16150252923193645
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16172367262530057
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17611664650866943
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15468301223525144
}, {
"id": "Valentin Feldman",
"weight": 0.18815436952782738
}, {
"id": "Helena Rasiowa",
"weight": 0.16777997884365803
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18868459711339236
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.15624401785287811
}, {
"id": "Arthur Prior",
"weight": 0.17071648626443653
"id": "Ibn Taymiyyah",
"weight": 0.2031262820477466
}, {
"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.15066512020271711
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1806695860405205
}, {
"id": "Albert Schweitzer",
"weight": 0.17797817880841332
}, {
"id": "Jesus",
"weight": 0.21615642361634826
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.16742403267576789
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.19680550735766825
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.16238937952911292
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17954052783517613
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.24516007694658346
}, {
"id": "Solomon Feferman",
"weight": 0.21006673432585254
}, {
"id": "Richard Jeffrey",
"weight": 0.27534817211456303
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.17123888923906413
}, {
"id": "Paul Benacerraf",
"weight": 0.19238040563480957
}, {
"id": "Melvin Fitting",
"weight": 0.19005462223267613
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18070642924791572
"id": "Christian Wolff (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.56043724217175661
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15228318638899421
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19036898626608162
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17482392060407032
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.15345495575235679
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.17954161232743096
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18363613914296131
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley",
"weight": 0.1614886029212777
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.15632859915306135
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16454959947190168
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19516531322964803
}, {
"id": "Maimonides",
"weight": 0.18458905812158433
"id": "Gerald Cohen",
"weight": 0.1904679119487363
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16041269707955969
}, {
"id": "T. M. Scanlon",
"weight": 0.16035188144536996
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.1559205033876388
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17811781365223181
"id": "Ibn Taymiyyah",
"weight": 0.15200521114497978
}, {
"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.17671035127276086
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.15822119355259001
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Hayek",
"weight": 0.16258229329803925
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.24561603355228312
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16735972151815889
}, {
"id": "Henry David Thoreau",
"weight": 0.20301069985852668
}, {
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.15736401119362181
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20643039251347217
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16398792776947921
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.16898592815763067
"id": "Warren Buffett",
"weight": 0.15009690820238672
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16464341343258027
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15319567607703566
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18504625040242098
}, {
"id": "Ibn Taymiyyah",
"weight": 0.19590685519329806
}, {
"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.16105120995953454
}, {
"id": "Umar",
"weight": 0.16086969534184517
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Iqbal",
"weight": 0.18113221077375388
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.1934016359314524
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18824185743426936
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17852806142517721
}, {
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.17841774574200384
}, {
"id": "Theodor W. Adorno",
"weight": 0.24071019537196978
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1728458018534238
}, {
"id": "Walter Benjamin",
"weight": 0.17142568516325959
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.21640252652964767
}, {
"id": "John Rawls",
"weight": 0.1904679119487363
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15080444716468655
}, {
"id": "Mikhail Bakunin",
"weight": 0.15034973457310735
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.17673222941579472
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.1505122472233375
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17656406277932163
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.1795875929582739
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.24068492047176115
"id": "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
"weight": 0.3261356072810459
}, {
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.15138667292628963
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.16394095853044882
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.40714327212513579
}, {
"id": "Sun Yat-sen",
"weight": 0.17357606875045967
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17134724509493379
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20081082510581516
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16334264547799071
}, {
"id": "Ferruccio Busoni",
"weight": 0.15326264913086113
}, {
"id": "David Strauss",
"weight": 0.17797817880841332
"id": "Chrysippus",
"weight": 0.17244972341665857
}, {
"id": "Paul Tillich",
"weight": 0.15165848961925191
}, {
"id": "John Finnis",
"weight": 0.15528369393168195
}, {
"id": "Augustine of Hippo",
"weight": 0.20908816111388978
}, {
"id": "John of St. Thomas",
"weight": 0.26980427347822739
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19565304248578672
}, {
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.22657214082246546
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17520231146858747
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.19369253809684603
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.23246628899879263
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.16747191196275527
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.19116851810322799
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.20204046881953358
}, {
"id": "George Boolos",
"weight": 0.27534817211456303
}, {
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.1647556621194961
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.17410529956007076
"id": "Newton da Costa",
"weight": 0.17750883306737789
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.32371497637922869
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.2188000275179692
}, {
"id": "Michel Foucault",
"weight": 0.16777997884365803
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19786745079207044
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.15335803328129849
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.24688120364828869
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.2082840726726701
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20420250738129092
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.17436477695142524
"id": "Max Stirner",
"weight": 0.15619561651590566
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.27485572568653799
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15897485583432916
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.16567467757709006
}, {
"id": "William Alston",
"weight": 0.24910619204346962
}, {
"id": "William Frankena",
"weight": 0.15851479946044394
"id": "Thomas Aquinas",
"weight": 0.26980427347822739
"id": "Martin Rees",
"weight": 0.15402345366903339
}, {
"id": "S. Barry Cooper",
"weight": 0.31489128375260594
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18956323720629492
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18874761356930073
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.19189767093717461
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.20692767479529295
"id": "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
"weight": 0.28343659289038714
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18921797614808306
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15985017345356484
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.16085780587952614
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17592009168109601
"id": "Theodor W. Adorno",
"weight": 0.15732726606203615
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1563557217055915
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.17222538752818708
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18620945646992096
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19637153956022471
}, {
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.16053001815609896
}, {
"id": "Janet Biehl",
"weight": 0.47108275902615443
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.23394854669481591
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.16275167129888374
"id": "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
"weight": 0.16974713946252784
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.16109013753957249
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17726472606191579
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.17050874167430285
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16517724266816253
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.25340285127350098
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.24223634401699476
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.16749214359852199
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.20936341772290798
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.1553970037583319
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.18783457890692093
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18410700158886772
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.22333458961650907
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.1522572882381926
}, {
"id": "Ibn Taymiyyah",
"weight": 0.2446147790828416
}, {
"id": "Israr Ahmed",
"weight": 0.15220544159510691
}, {
"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.15365112642243292
}, {
"id": "Umar",
"weight": 0.21016419973156089
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Iqbal",
"weight": 0.16757898573556623
"id": "Virgil Aldrich",
"weight": 0.15373274179842572
}, {
"id": "Jaakko Hintikka",
"weight": 0.2072276661828866
}, {
"id": "Alfred Tarski",
"weight": 0.20029703555471495
}, {
"id": "Fred Dretske",
"weight": 0.19240366289016003
}, {
"id": "Robert Stalnaker",
"weight": 0.20019925228760455
}, {
"id": "Susanna Schellenberg",
"weight": 0.21896345090229205
}, {
"id": "Giuseppe Peano",
"weight": 0.16284692289045039
}, {
"id": "Frank P. Ramsey",
"weight": 0.16394095853044882
}, {
"id": "L. E. J. Brouwer",
"weight": 0.17678764550333184
}, {
"id": "Karl Popper",
"weight": 0.16362537845517308
}, {
"id": "Ruth Barcan Marcus",
"weight": 0.18440180929918371
}, {
"id": "Willard Van Orman Quine",
"weight": 0.19599354524625165
}, {
"id": "Gregory Currie",
"weight": 0.15645421036497398
}, {
"id": "Alexander Campbell Fraser",
"weight": 0.16798565233011639
}, {
"id": "George Croom Robertson",
"weight": 0.23347848609959176
}, {
"id": "Robert M. Solovay",
"weight": 0.15785006275758531
}, {
"id": "Peter Glassen",
"weight": 0.15157466863854147
}, {
"id": "Rudolf Carnap",
"weight": 0.19045479164810267
}, {
"id": "Hilary Putnam",
"weight": 0.18234743097715966
}, {
"id": "Gilbert Harman",
"weight": 0.24513508699942371
}, {
"id": "Leon Chwistek",
"weight": 0.22989003375110789
}, {
"id": "Wilhelm Dilthey",
"weight": 0.16842605346510944
}, {
"id": "Melvin Fitting",
"weight": 0.16360576369987043
}, {
"id": "Saunders Mac Lane",
"weight": 0.16426387601748721
}, {
"id": "Nathan Salmon",
"weight": 0.16376449573787705
}, {
"id": "Arthur Prior",
"weight": 0.19987992455436801
}, {
"id": "Hugh MacColl",
"weight": 0.21511649097123858
}, {
"id": "Johann Friedrich Herbart",
"weight": 0.21176251048838848
}, {
"id": "Susan Haack",
"weight": 0.2132731377383974
}, {
"id": "Wolfgang Smith",
"weight": 0.22470384987107769
}, {
"id": "Paul Benacerraf",
"weight": 0.19190458197974375
"id": "Norman Daniels",
"weight": 0.16047749145873105
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.16883999202039959
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.23570674051979351
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.1611772244436081
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17941696093687168
}, {
"id": "Pythagoras",
"weight": 0.18713903894031217
}, {
"id": "Heraclitus",
"weight": 0.17343672609023944
}, {
"id": "Jesus",
"weight": 0.15440339096211503
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.20024134011854813
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.15158255040537721
}, {
"id": "Swami Vivekananda",
"weight": 0.18981541840266766
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16661720619553438
}, {
"id": "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
"weight": 0.34263348548503308
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.29477538970004125
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.19233834963709362
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15309776797687136
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.21445672401308408
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.17205166993657189
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15588411609968827
}, {
"id": "Jeremy Bentham",
"weight": 0.15328568679478721
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17153150415897722
}, {
"id": "Alan Ryan",
"weight": 0.15248916824397818
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16165505132039257
}, {
"id": "Harriet Taylor Mill",
"weight": 0.36811600633078106
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.16191450674985222
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16770829181046865
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.27833509612011348
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.15379038734943565
}, {
"id": "Ronald Dworkin",
"weight": 0.15517565111511783
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.20742356610019719
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.15373274179842572
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.17198187384964167
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.19944677345146189
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.17199827115884656
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.23654983701000884
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15202261424691449
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.15233894376007021
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.2552264286048358
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.26115142017607418
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16391606405200829
}, {
"id": "Pierre Bourdieu",
"weight": 0.22164032800753478
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.16316355200486493
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18329403537845532
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15609638411032714
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.15910358841064587
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.19914678310924047
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.29702297579138009
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16281358325952716
}, {
"id": "Maulana Kalam Azad",
"weight": 0.17622781859693673
}, {
"id": "Leo Tolstoy",
"weight": 0.23016972967121541
}, {
"id": "Amartya Sen",
"weight": 0.17475956809152282
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Asad",
"weight": 0.15422316640958092
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.22564569604760262
}, {
"id": "Sri Aurobindo",
"weight": 0.20024134011854813
}, {
"id": "14th Dalai Lama",
"weight": 0.168571551034326
}, {
"id": "Karl Loewenstein",
"weight": 0.1553970037583319
}, {
"id": "Henry Home, Lord Kames",
"weight": 0.16997454370188492
}, {
"id": "Jamie Whyte",
"weight": 0.18930413148561451
}, {
"id": "Alexis de Tocqueville",
"weight": 0.15095520056607245
}, {
"id": "Victor Gollancz",
"weight": 0.18134007148665976
}, {
"id": "David Miller (political theorist)",
"weight": 0.16191450674985222
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.27121962732491761
}, {
"id": "Ismail al-Faruqi",
"weight": 0.16299872442727539
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Iqbal",
"weight": 0.17742144708556745
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.27241792984945534
}, {
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.18710670185109488
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18142658816660781
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.225236049320584
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.18384707590825441
}, {
"id": "Mikhail Bakunin",
"weight": 0.18183163435240618
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.18826807506901713
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16657330735858211
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.15543863038728054
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.19839817451137468
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.2140120808043445
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.17678764550333184
}, {
"id": "Arend Heyting",
"weight": 0.15828200892206307
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.20616309301151439
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.20498508204047181
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.20461785377255298
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.21146040451114181
}, {
"id": "Confucius",
"weight": 0.24706173952399521
}, {
"id": "Mozi",
"weight": 0.2282923671671731
}, {
"id": "Xun Kuang",
"weight": 0.1702001526232774
}, {
"id": "Disciples of Confucius",
"weight": 0.23189683002430581
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17533889542560563
}, {
"id": "Confucius",
"weight": 0.17285709293935403
}, {
"id": "Mozi",
"weight": 0.16878929219983396
}, {
"id": "Zhuang Zhou",
"weight": 0.28400035109774141
}, {
"id": "Disciples of Confucius",
"weight": 0.28494082589495889
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16611596394794076
"id": "Galileo Galilei",
"weight": 0.17527563122552814
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18460293881503972
"id": "Ludwig Wittgenstein",
"weight": 0.15085016387473008
}, {
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"weight": 0.15096928104934831
"id": "Ibn Taymiyyah",
"weight": 0.23790470189913163
}, {
"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.15069613021585504
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.24480342539509062
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.16360576369987043
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.2391631719249328
}, {
"id": "George Boolos",
"weight": 0.19005462223267613
}, {
"id": "Stephen Cole Kleene",
"weight": 0.16323552771417321
}, {
"id": "Giorgi Japaridze",
"weight": 0.20471519109655997
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.19712186877812418
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.2074798903352752
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15028155223229694
"id": "Pierre Bourdieu",
"weight": 0.15862771804162484
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.20610459473571055
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.1613501580009607
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.22097326411958623
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.21127656398622655
}, {
"id": "Alexander Bain",
"weight": 0.20289516177463687
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17572019996649202
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.23347848609959176
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.16195650314866306
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17859955132357463
"id": "John Cage",
"weight": 0.15025216458222798
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16341911749804952
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19902076528923146
"id": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau",
"weight": 0.16899085809314998
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1895866336669591
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.15801397297786107
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.4737079838108415
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16273984049206192
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16612534011858354
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16893103678956137
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15678963795078535
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17625199313278922
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.25493612551555456
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.40372950345653225
"id": "Jacques Maritain",
"weight": 0.1971546330898086
"id": "Harriet Taylor Mill",
"weight": 0.17575461476632065
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17963311163277829
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.18702898697115505
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.16728904738251968
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.15645421036497398
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.22911789687110254
}, {
"id": "Richard Shusterman",
"weight": 0.1681021098525812
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.33126429044522637
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1923885990594337
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18112975079212668
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.16451599411391707
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.18579262375640851
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1960544034874227
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.2311698724080061
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16519135020676487
"id": "John Rawls",
"weight": 0.16035188144536996
}, {
"id": "Thomas Nagel",
"weight": 0.16392467381601622
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.18266452566338268
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16300016248434815
}, {
"id": "Voltaire",
"weight": 0.16899085809314998
}, {
"id": "Jean-Louis Le Moigne",
"weight": 0.20743998320071685
}, {
"id": "Henry Home, Lord Kames",
"weight": 0.19569017747050521
}, {
"id": "Maurice Cranston",
"weight": 0.24401393213366232
}, {
"id": "Philip Mazzei",
"weight": 0.15585286573904755
}, {
"id": "Th\u00e9odore Simon Jouffroy",
"weight": 0.18998789970494784
"id": "L. E. J. Brouwer",
"weight": 0.15828200892206307
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16824636510293467
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19851716213844273
}, {
"id": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau",
"weight": 0.19569017747050521
}, {
"id": "Adam Smith",
"weight": 0.21197008949948004
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.16997454370188492
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.24018349872698025
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.17158264632483172
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.32783730062447197
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1603528965167357
"id": "Prodicus",
"weight": 0.19765217850131797
}, {
"id": "Avicenna",
"weight": 0.15298374534054915
}, {
"id": "Johann Friedrich Herbart",
"weight": 0.16856341273638448
}, {
"id": "Chrysippus",
"weight": 0.22000049552785925
}, {
"id": "Leon Chwistek",
"weight": 0.15041989142092377
}, {
"id": "Arthur Prior",
"weight": 0.19833680929935088
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15332763241147657
"id": "Moses",
"weight": 0.16743546450980543
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18016215326480162
}, {
"id": "Maimonides",
"weight": 0.17671042702946566
}, {
"id": "Jesus",
"weight": 0.17918224506852198
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.21986875266722669
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.2072276661828866
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.16150885983270352
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.16808950747570567
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.21896345090229205
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.26076921958257143
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17690661216017831
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19529347610849687
}, {
"id": "Confucius",
"weight": 0.17796522307040191
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1860099278517732
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15551254617797169
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15858293067293125
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.17614204158420843
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.29623273324016963
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.1571362584111394
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.2135665623901046
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1863919818851183
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16163557330303605
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.21898805231722843
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.18134007148665976
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.27724347179100639
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16162217883178123
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.16362537845517308
}, {
"id": "Robert Stalnaker",
"weight": 0.16065684022061658
"id": "Amartya Sen",
"weight": 0.16590148934848556
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Hayek",
"weight": 0.16501829937819185
"id": "Th\u00e9odore Simon Jouffroy",
"weight": 0.33561156558362776
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15670022663533462
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19620190305942278
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17290740703114402
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.30138007154900542
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17631191152113915
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.19455354690645735
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17174557422203299
}, {
"id": "Robert P. George",
"weight": 0.2109548921072191
}, {
"id": "Leo Tolstoy",
"weight": 0.21163146526170395
}, {
"id": "David Korten",
"weight": 0.21869397503576735
}, {
"id": "Guy Aldred",
"weight": 0.19369253809684603
}, {
"id": "Hannah Arendt",
"weight": 0.15073321069061824
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.22564569604760262
}, {
"id": "Martin Rees",
"weight": 0.16825544077367896
}, {
"id": "Cornel West",
"weight": 0.22657699684954699
}, {
"id": "Paul Hawken",
"weight": 0.19558957226128001
}, {
"id": "Ernst von Glasersfeld",
"weight": 0.15113047432848956
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.19641533480161091
}, {
"id": "Margaret Somerville",
"weight": 0.16695567463275668
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.20577614751164192
}, {
"id": "Robert M. Solovay",
"weight": 0.17225342823787609
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.21216107195338516
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.19558957226128001
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.24939880405430559
"id": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau",
"weight": 0.24401393213366232
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16944603356256988
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16129033750570299
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20830229527934477
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.15871321728110965
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18212102344672279
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.16219233662368221
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.18798988296348459
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.19104342249717979
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.16695567463275668
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15423596609645307
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley",
"weight": 0.16606114586045526
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.16798565233011639
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.21682547650950823
"id": "Carlo Lottieri",
"weight": 0.24233238747085889
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.21224521347992456
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.17475956809152282
}, {
"id": "Partha Dasgupta",
"weight": 0.16590148934848556
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.15679321670700366
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16991909786995607
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.16299872442727539
}, {
"id": "Ibn Taymiyyah",
"weight": 0.20423570814102818
}, {
"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.19686442559846137
}, {
"id": "Umar",
"weight": 0.21688011736606405
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.15424464365730484
"id": "Friedrich Hayek",
"weight": 0.21584825324702939
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.20912368189864408
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.24513508699942371
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.21530256085225175
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.23329783151177627
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.20743989960921647
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.18919198891990438
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.25578205732987652
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19215735807318268
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.16842605346510944
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.16692717597150838
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.15322009274858994
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15072543174866421
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.20555732205610056
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.15113047432848956
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.35801307887391393
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.2134268213845773
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20986553530870858
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17863263634098675
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18067269819041099
}, {
"id": "Alvin Plantinga",
"weight": 0.24910619204346962
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16280193622555386
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.23016972967121541
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.21163146526170395
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20982672481444128
"id": "John Ruskin",
"weight": 0.16677468554502245
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16754587550184893
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15425811124042371
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.16456926749820405
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.16705630939025223
}, {
"id": "Giorgi Japaridze",
"weight": 0.22021273294656435
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.22682679352911847
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.19987992455436801
}, {
"id": "Aristotle",
"weight": 0.19833680929935088
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.18932821439780634
}, {
"id": "John Corcoran (logician)",
"weight": 0.17071648626443653
"id": "Haskell Curry",
"weight": 0.17337948214587556
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.15667788655019058
}, {
"id": "Melvin Fitting",
"weight": 0.16323552771417321
"id": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau",
"weight": 0.18998789970494784
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.17709329019339326
}, {
"id": "Victor Cousin",
"weight": 0.33561156558362776
"id": "Thomas Aquinas",
"weight": 0.15165848961925191
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1566791564924179
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.21054670236505549
"id": "Thomas Aquinas",
"weight": 0.20908816111388978
}, {
"id": "Ambrose",
"weight": 0.21959492413705756
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15752738597235802
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.16355707179865528
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.15415603377402512
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.161057286125807
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18637125431101512
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.2855523041811025
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18485813428182374
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.20019925228760455
}, {
"id": "Hilary Putnam",
"weight": 0.18727578598338437
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.17640004688052638
}, {
"id": "Karl Popper",
"weight": 0.16065684022061658
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.19395063038387514
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.1643472366620683
}, {
"id": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau",
"weight": 0.20743998320071685
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.23905804848293008
"id": "Christopher Janaway",
"weight": 0.16898544503905633
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Nietzsche",
"weight": 0.17017397765184808
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19631011292609443
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.20089007655482108
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16347896260322958
}, {
"id": "Henry Home, Lord Kames",
"weight": 0.21197008949948004
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17215033151168432
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15302067775562556
"id": "Murray Bookchin",
"weight": 0.47108275902615443
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.2348420622476052
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.15794081632073334
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15307108337871017
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.15532986011713484
"id": "Gautama Buddha",
"weight": 0.19000826665770654
"id": "Alan Turing",
"weight": 0.15402345366903339
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.16825544077367896
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.19142398459389584
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.3673934442807652
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.18440180929918371
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17154899482462815
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.34060134528427155
"id": "Friedrich Nietzsche",
"weight": 0.20929782456762688
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.16277773549244756
}, {
"id": "Arthur Schopenhauer",
"weight": 0.16898544503905633
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.17098116748050324
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15458384906118833
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.25790976041367414
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.24090141852281174
}, {
"id": "Theodor W. Adorno",
"weight": 0.15767762670842966
"id": "Thomas Nagel",
"weight": 0.17520899396503115
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.22769456857917694
}, {
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"weight": 0.19623013985252968
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.20573257869500317
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17759923908871758
}, {
"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.19332848311441875
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.16426387601748721
"id": "John Finnis",
"weight": 0.22630070577765191
}, {
"id": "Alan Carter (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.1679367779493334
}, {
"id": "David Schmidtz",
"weight": 0.19964356991638493
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.18760274823343187
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.15620791442740989
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.17358533334515264
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16857794847101676
"id": "Augustine of Hippo",
"weight": 0.21959492413705756
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15669927395681202
"id": "Aristotle",
"weight": 0.15298374534054915
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.2183094126508919
}, {
"id": "Han Fei",
"weight": 0.24706173952399521
}, {
"id": "Hui Shi",
"weight": 0.17285709293935403
}, {
"id": "Li (Confucian)",
"weight": 0.3072181446986475
}, {
"id": "Disciples of Confucius",
"weight": 0.26215237691085685
}, {
"id": "Li (Neo-Confucianism)",
"weight": 0.29292292620284183
}, {
"id": "Ogy\u016b Sorai",
"weight": 0.17796522307040191
}, {
"id": "Cheng Hao",
"weight": 0.20395755877655722
"id": "Robert P. George",
"weight": 0.17938035078115758
}, {
"id": "David Korten",
"weight": 0.15937966638595058
}, {
"id": "Hugh MacColl",
"weight": 0.21788926006649395
}, {
"id": "John Finnis",
"weight": 0.1769350362979486
}, {
"id": "John Major (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.16677468554502245
}, {
"id": "Henry Sidgwick",
"weight": 0.15210553746816149
}, {
"id": "William Frankena",
"weight": 0.18035869476236085
}, {
"id": "Georg Brandes",
"weight": 0.17686466351493493
}, {
"id": "Philip Mazzei",
"weight": 0.17029591147736864
}, {
"id": "James Hinton",
"weight": 0.15868726188074281
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.17235083108184956
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15616847553504284
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17176391101906854
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16069497616384798
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.22469370922349682
"id": "Socrates",
"weight": 0.21388644725246828
}, {
"id": "Plato",
"weight": 0.29751952666437975
}, {
"id": "Aristotle",
"weight": 0.19765217850131797
"id": "Dietrich Bonhoeffer",
"weight": 0.22409762069620562
}, {
"id": "Reinhold Niebuhr",
"weight": 0.17212850812917524
"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.16807069252562662
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18134137646009379
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.22586280517181287
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.168571551034326
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.15120476206216127
"id": "Thomas Aquinas",
"weight": 0.17244972341665857
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.15097778255644709
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15578538978377571
}, {
"id": "Aristotle",
"weight": 0.22000049552785925
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.16869650827583785
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.17246734122873622
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17394180613014215
}, {
"id": "Jacques Ranci\u00e8re",
"weight": 0.16672422492734015
}, {
"id": "Karl Marx",
"weight": 0.18549150701692757
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15365257494254217
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.22098583715350184
"id": "Solomon Feferman",
"weight": 0.34308372319275232
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.22334180715511529
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.20029703555471495
}, {
"id": "Willard Van Orman Quine",
"weight": 0.15004981865822947
"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.15573916987153213
}, {
"id": "Jesus",
"weight": 0.20970741978268995
"id": "Louis Althusser",
"weight": 0.16672422492734015
"id": "Thomas Aquinas",
"weight": 0.15528369393168195
}, {
"id": "John Ruskin",
"weight": 0.1769350362979486
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.17110130684272162
}, {
"id": "Gary Chartier",
"weight": 0.22630070577765191
}, {
"id": "Hans Kelsen",
"weight": 0.20895870136221026
"id": "John Ruskin",
"weight": 0.18035869476236085
}, {
"id": "Alvin Plantinga",
"weight": 0.15851479946044394
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.15369992974556607
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19025051834462631
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.15959342559682144
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18298885503082524
}, {
"id": "Michel Foucault",
"weight": 0.18815436952782738
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18539583451629565
"id": "James Childress",
"weight": 0.16026087159661573
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.37158571193878603
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.25421818416204067
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17108657891167903
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16687511143293141
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17556753788346038
}, {
"id": "Robert P. George",
"weight": 0.30597994853619737
}, {
"id": "Alan Carter (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.30106164971923088
}, {
"id": "Alexis de Tocqueville",
"weight": 0.16018336303373526
}, {
"id": "David Korten",
"weight": 0.29212076827241262
}, {
"id": "Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr",
"weight": 0.20531645748166866
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.19641533480161091
}, {
"id": "Hannah Arendt",
"weight": 0.15284052391350439
}, {
"id": "Muhammad Asad",
"weight": 0.15329165778913775
}, {
"id": "Ayn Rand",
"weight": 0.17343685577360765
}, {
"id": "Jean-Paul Sartre",
"weight": 0.15681743441155632
}, {
"id": "Peter Glassen",
"weight": 0.15292107177875464
}, {
"id": "Edward Said",
"weight": 0.15801397297786107
}, {
"id": "Philip Mazzei",
"weight": 0.17433425521752552
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.21176251048838848
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.17141082573420471
}, {
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"weight": 0.15529811565100543
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.17180774648640409
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.1969790079737293
}, {
"id": "Aristotle",
"weight": 0.16856341273638448
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.16465315028168798
"id": "Thomas Hill Green",
"weight": 0.23654983701000884
}, {
"id": "Fred Dretske",
"weight": 0.16650679310103117
}, {
"id": "John Hawthorne",
"weight": 0.16103471622114474
}, {
"id": "Carlos Santiago Nino",
"weight": 0.15910358841064587
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling",
"weight": 0.19518401336806043
}, {
"id": "Walter Terence Stace",
"weight": 0.18826807506901713
}, {
"id": "John William Miller",
"weight": 0.15585430313318613
}, {
"id": "Johann Gottfried Herder",
"weight": 0.17614204158420843
}, {
"id": "Arthur Schopenhauer",
"weight": 0.20089007655482108
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg",
"weight": 0.2082840726726701
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15484077938093249
}, {
"id": "Charles Stevenson",
"weight": 0.15650178971774986
}, {
"id": "W. D. Ross",
"weight": 0.16150252923193645
}, {
"id": "Christopher Janaway",
"weight": 0.16277773549244756
}, {
"id": "Fran\u00e7ois Hemsterhuis",
"weight": 0.16238937952911292
}, {
"id": "John McDowell",
"weight": 0.2074798903352752
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Schleiermacher",
"weight": 0.16869650827583785
}, {
"id": "Robert Stalnaker",
"weight": 0.17640004688052638
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Eduard Beneke",
"weight": 0.23596275841571768
}, {
"id": "Wilhelm Dilthey",
"weight": 0.20555732205610056
}, {
"id": "Philippa Foot",
"weight": 0.21228979592901695
}, {
"id": "Robert Paul Wolff",
"weight": 0.18579262375640851
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.1563693020382961
}, {
"id": "T. M. Scanlon",
"weight": 0.18266452566338268
}, {
"id": "Gilbert Harman",
"weight": 0.21530256085225175
}, {
"id": "Johann Friedrich Herbart",
"weight": 0.1969790079737293
}, {
"id": "Chrysippus",
"weight": 0.15097778255644709
}, {
"id": "G. E. Moore",
"weight": 0.15971656385165761
}, {
"id": "Christine Korsgaard",
"weight": 0.23882121709530924
}, {
"id": "Susan R. Wolf",
"weight": 0.20073026495893001
}, {
"id": "Gilles Deleuze",
"weight": 0.1541224812861732
}, {
"id": "Th\u00e9odore Simon Jouffroy",
"weight": 0.17709329019339326
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.15804324543227244
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.20531645748166866
"id": "Dietrich Bonhoeffer",
"weight": 0.16802409029623949
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.15126867255279855
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.19882312918522455
}, {
"id": "Emma Goldman",
"weight": 0.15348380070964704
}, {
"id": "Jesus",
"weight": 0.15498408704111941
"id": "John von Neumann",
"weight": 0.25328238315367757
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.23849938965958883
}, {
"id": "Matthew Foreman",
"weight": 0.17225342823787609
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.15785006275758531
}, {
"id": "Georg Cantor",
"weight": 0.27813423085903538
"id": "Leonard Peikoff",
"weight": 0.36172524674604428
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.17745357042352697
}, {
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.15562701491904471
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18344917560464574
}, {
"id": "Simone de Beauvoir",
"weight": 0.15144369789898041
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.15753254975152617
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.15681743441155632
"id": "Hilary Putnam",
"weight": 0.17294870355025088
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.18258396944120464
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.19599354524625165
}, {
"id": "Alfred Tarski",
"weight": 0.15004981865822947
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.21493540451894039
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley",
"weight": 0.17703547397632921
}, {
"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.15244860856832218
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15242802199744448
}, {
"id": "Friedrich Nietzsche",
"weight": 0.16686765388051725
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.23495711728525775
}, {
"id": "John Ruskin",
"weight": 0.17686466351493493
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.26439348504500321
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.16352022398415578
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.2109548921072191
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.15880396072310141
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"id": "John Ruskin",
"weight": 0.17938035078115758
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.1943708131374447
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"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.30597994853619737
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15259941476550803
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"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17640080495121227
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"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.15329165778913775
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"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.15422316640958092
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"id": "Muhammad",
"weight": 0.17115073052847238
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"id": "Umar",
"weight": 0.17243147913988285
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.15880511693472799
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"id": "Muhammad Iqbal",
"weight": 0.15473357165102919
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15877690983025788
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"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16027588187856323
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.17343685577360765
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"id": "Leonard Peikoff",
"weight": 0.16185165476538635
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.17815312781964324
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"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.15157466863854147
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.15292107177875464
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.16553364670623222
"id": "Bruno Leoni",
"weight": 0.24233238747085889
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.19045479164810267
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"id": "Gottlob Frege",
"weight": 0.16286002212744899
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.22139807422400642
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"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15015260354747395
"id": "Hans-Hermann Hoppe",
"weight": 0.15705614810168086
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"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.16564863048372044
"id": "John Ruskin",
"weight": 0.15210553746816149
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.19844034035197272
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.20670951649600372
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"id": "Francis Hutcheson (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.19112642435483335
"id": "Hilary Putnam",
"weight": 0.159223605781012
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.15692918701083888
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17957844214426399
}, {
"id": "Gary Chartier",
"weight": 0.1679367779493334
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.30106164971923088
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.20877953237043964
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.19063067351370624
}, {
"id": "Mahatma Gandhi",
"weight": 0.15095520056607245
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.25782370876532718
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.16018336303373526
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.22808810252859055
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18181726072079737
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.29212076827241262
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.21869397503576735
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.33364607788273065
}, {
"id": "John Ruskin",
"weight": 0.15937966638595058
}, {
"id": "Jawaharlal Nehru",
"weight": 0.16940542167053632
"id": "John Ruskin",
"weight": 0.15868726188074281
}, {
"id": "S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard",
"weight": 0.17098024514021126
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"id": "Thomas Henry Huxley",
"weight": 0.17719543280800767
"id": "Martin Heidegger",
"weight": 0.16559192079750296
}, {
"id": "Martin Luther King, Jr",
"weight": 0.15073321069061824
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.18002768344706085
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.15284052391350439
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.21554491304017442
}, {
"id": "Gary Chartier",
"weight": 0.19964356991638493
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"weight": 0.152830783134211
}, {
"id": "Jean Piaget",
"weight": 0.16138759015959245
}, {
"id": "Joseph Priestley",
"weight": 0.16363134557021694
}, {
"id": "Alan Turing",
"weight": 0.31489128375260594
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"id": "Giorgi Japaridze",
"weight": 0.17266929621538213
"id": "Mao Zedong",
"weight": 0.18765502209322912
}, {
"id": "Richard Rorty",
"weight": 0.16905621374600013
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.17003752800019103
}, {
"id": "Charles Sanders Peirce",
"weight": 0.2132731377383974
}, {
"id": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger",
"weight": 0.15622970705006126
"id": "Alfred Tarski",
"weight": 0.34308372319275232
}, {
"id": "Saul Kripke",
"weight": 0.20439023803150008
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"id": "George Boolos",
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"id": "Graham Priest",
"weight": 0.15905666003227834
"id": "Jean-Jacques Rousseau",
"weight": 0.15585286573904755
}, {
"id": "John Ruskin",
"weight": 0.17029591147736864
}, {
"id": "Houston Stewart Chamberlain",
"weight": 0.1827017461797362
}, {
"id": "Ronald Reagan",
"weight": 0.17433425521752552
"id": "Thomas Nagel",
"weight": 0.17698129296614376
}, {
"id": "Peter Singer",
"weight": 0.22902435176720046
}, {
"id": "Immanuel Kant",
"weight": 0.20073026495893001
}, {
"id": "Alfred North Whitehead",
"weight": 0.18235711942489408
}, {
"id": "David Hume",
"weight": 0.15120278447379906
"id": "James Tully (philosopher)",
"weight": 0.19898318314293983
"multigraph": false
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