#include <iostream> |
#include "OBATargetMachine.h" |
#include "PortsLayout.h" |
#pragma comment(lib, "OBAVirtualTarget.lib") |
using namespace std; |
static char * msg; |
static char msg1[] = "Hello World! "; |
static char msg2[] = "Keyboard Pressed "; |
static char msg3[] = "Driving Control "; |
static char msg4[] = " "; |
static volatile int temp = 100; |
static const unsigned int periodInMillisecond = 100; |
void periodicHandler (Interrupt sig) { |
ControlPanelInterruptStatusWord *keyId; |
switch (sig) |
{ |
case IT_controlPanel : |
keyId = (ControlPanelInterruptStatusWord *) (OTM::controlPanelInterruptWordAddress); |
cout << "Key Id : " << keyId->keyCode << endl; |
msg = msg2; temp = 10; |
break; |
case IT_drivingControls : |
cout << "IT driving" <<endl; |
msg = msg3; temp = 10; |
break; |
case IT_timer : |
temp--; |
// if the time is consumed to display Interrupt message, the default message is set |
if (temp < 0) |
msg = msg4; |
cout << ".";cout.flush(); |
break; |
default : |
cout << "handler " << sig <<endl; |
} |
} |
void sendThrottleSignal(){ |
ThrottleCommandWord *throttle; |
throttle = (ThrottleCommandWord *)(OTM::throttleCommandWordAddress); |
throttle->outputvoltagevalue=80; |
throttle->paritybit=1; |
} |
void getAndPrintPulse() { |
CounterWord *pulse; |
pulse = (CounterWord *) (OTM::pulseCounterWordAddress); |
cout << " \n\t" << pulse->pulsecount; |
} |
void sendLEDsignal() { |
LedCommandWord *led; //init struct pointer |
led = (LedCommandWord *)(OTM::ledCommandByteAddress); //mapping between local struct pointer to otm struct pointer |
//assign/override accordingly |
led->led_1=1; //left // green |
led->led_2=1; //center // yellow |
led->led_3=1; //right // red |
} |
int main(){ |
int i=0; |
msg=msg1; |
DisplayBufferAddress *display; |
try { |
// initialisation of the interrupt vector |
OTM::interruptVector[IT_controlPanel] = periodicHandler; |
OTM::interruptVector[IT_drivingControls] = periodicHandler; |
OTM::interruptVector[IT_timer] = periodicHandler; |
// set the timer |
OTM::setPeriodicTimer(periodInMillisecond, 0); |
// enable the interrupt |
OTM::enabledInterruptsRegister = allObaRelatedInterrupts; |
// keep the display buffer |
display = (DisplayBufferAddress*)(OTM::displayBufferAddress); |
// infinite loop |
for (;;) |
{ |
getAndPrintPulse(); //print current pulse to console |
sendLEDsignal(); |
// write the message to the display |
for (int j=0;j<20;j++) |
display->displaymessage[j]=msg[j]; |
// idle the CPU |
OTM::idleWait (75); |
sendThrottleSignal(); |
} |
} |
catch (const char *const message) { |
// cout |
// << "Unexpected issue previous to OBA::run():" << endl |
// << " " << message << endl; |
// context failure : useless to run OBA. |
throw; |
} |
} |