- Enable the asset type at target website.
- Pass c, cid and run=true from site entry (if run=false, or missing from site entry, assets won't be shared).
- Fetch the list of asset_id to be shared for the given asset_type
- From that list remove all the asset_id's that have been alredy shared (we don't want our element to load assets that are alredy been shared)
- Invoke asset:share tag fo all the asset_id's
- Prints the output in asset_id : asset_name format, also displays error's occured, if any and total number of successfully shared assets.
<%@ page import="COM.FutureTense.Interfaces.Utilities"
%><%@ taglib prefix="cs" uri="futuretense_cs/ftcs1_0.tld"
%><%@ taglib prefix="asset" uri="futuretense_cs/asset.tld"
%><%@ taglib prefix="ics" uri="futuretense_cs/ics.tld"
%><%@ taglib prefix="render" uri="futuretense_cs/render.tld"
* Element Name : ShareAssets
* Author : Aakash Goplani
* Creation Date : (21/04/2017)
* Description : Element that shares assets of particular asset type from one site to another.
* Input Parameters : Variables required by this Element
* 1. c
* 2. cid (comma seperated)
* 3. run (true/false)
* Output : 1. Display errors if any
* 2. each assets in id : name format
* 3. Total number of successfully shared assets
<ics:if condition='<%=ics.GetVar("seid") != null%>'>
<render:logdep cid='<%=ics.GetVar("seid")%>' c="SiteEntry" />
<ics:if condition='<%=ics.GetVar("eid") != null%>'>
<render:logdep cid='<%=ics.GetVar("eid")%>' c="CSElement" />
String assetType = ics.GetVar("c");
String assetIdList = (Utilities.goodString(ics.GetVar("cid"))) ? ics.GetVar("cid") : "";
String run = ics.GetVar("run");
String query = "";
int countToBeShared = 0, countShared = 0;
String source_pubid = "1499085441774"/*from site*/, destination_pubid = "1492586991364";/*to site*/
if( Utilities.goodString(assetType) ){
if(assetIdList != null){
assetIdList = assetIdList.replaceAll("\\W", ","); //replace all special characters if present in url with ',' as assetId list should be comma seperated
String where_clause = "asset.status != 'VO' and ap.assetid = asset.id and ap.pubid = " + source_pubid + " and ap.assetid not in (select ap2.assetid from AssetPublication ap2 where ap2.pubid=" + destination_pubid + ")";
String and_clause = " and asset.updatedby = 'AakashG'";
where_clause = where_clause + and_clause;
query = (Utilities.goodString(assetIdList)) ?
"select asset.id, asset.name from " + assetType + " asset, AssetPublication ap where " + where_clause + " and asset.id in(" + assetIdList + ")" :
"select asset.id, asset.name from " + assetType + " asset, AssetPublication ap where " + where_clause;
out.println("Query : " + query + "<br/><br/>Sharable Assets : <br/><br/>");
%><%-- execute sql if assetid and/or assettype are provided --%>
<ics:sql sql='<%=query %>' table='<%=assetType + ",AssetPublication"%>' listname="pubid_list"/>
<ics:if condition='<%=ics.GetList("pubid_list")!=null && ics.GetList("pubid_list").hasData()%>'>
<%-- count assets before sharing --%>
<ics:listloop listname="pubid_list">
<ics:listget listname="pubid_list" fieldname="id" output="asset_id"/>
<ics:listget listname="pubid_list" fieldname="name" output="asset_name"/>
<ics:getvar name="asset_id"/> : <ics:getvar name="asset_name"/><br/><br/><%
%><ics:if condition='<%="true".equalsIgnoreCase(run) %>'>
<asset:load name="publishAsset" type='<%=assetType %>' objectid='<%=ics.GetVar("asset_id") %>'/>
<asset:share name="publishAsset" publist='<%=source_pubid + ";" + destination_pubid %>'/><%
if(ics.GetErrno() == 0){
out.println("Assets shared : " + ics.GetVar("asset_name") + " : " + ics.GetVar("asset_id") + "<br/><br/>");
if(ics.GetErrno() != 0)
out.println("Error Code : " + ics.GetErrno() + "<br/><br/>");
out.println("<br/>Total number of assets to be shared : " + countToBeShared + "<br/>Total number of successfully shared assets : " + countShared);
out.println("Error : AssetType not specified!");
catch(Exception e){
out.println("Error : " + e.getMessage());
Session sessionObject = SessionFactory.getSession();
ServicesManager serviceHandle = (ServicesManager)sessionObject.getManager(ServicesManager.class.getName());
AssetService service = serviceHandle.getAssetService();
AssetId assetIdInstance = new AssetIdImpl(assetType,Long.valueOf(id));
List<Long> idList = new ArrayList<Long>();
idList.add(Long.valueOf("1374098698899")); // source_pub_id
idList.add(Long.valueOf("1492586991364")); // target_pub_id
boolean isShared = service.share(assetIdInstance, idList); // returns true if sharing is successful
NOTE : Please add services-api
and services-impl
jar to your classpath!