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Created November 16, 2011 01:34
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# by Andrew MacDonald Nov 2011
## please add your own tips and tricks!
## the idea here is to demonstrate how for loops are used
## and then immediately demonstrate how they can be avoided.
## we'll begin by creating a fake dataset.
## This experiment is a 3x3 factorial with 2 replicates of each treatment combination.
## The scientist applied nitrogen and phosphorous to the soil
## then she measured two responses: plant growth and seed production.
## both responses increase with nutrient addition. There's no interaction.
###################### simulating the dataset ######################################################
## a vector of treatment levels
treatments <- c("low","med","high")
## generate a dataframe with two factors.
## rep makes copies of the 'treatment' vector. for the factor 'nitrogen', the whole vector 'treatments' is repeated six times
## while for phosp, each element of 'treatments' is repeated six times. the result is two fully-crossed factors, with every combination repeated twice (ie n=2 for each treatment combination)
enrich <- data.frame(nitrogen=factor(rep(treatments,6),levels=c("low","med","high")),
## to generate response variables, we just make up an equation that describes how the mean of a distribution
## depends on the values of our treatments (ie the numerical vectors in the two lines below are just my imagination)
## R has the ability to generate random numbers from all the common statistical distributions.
## to generate data with a plausible amount of noise, fill in these equations for the value of the means
## while the normal distribution might describe growth (continuous), the poisson will make plausible seed counts (discrete)
enrich$seeds <- with(enrich,rpois(n=dim(enrich)[1],lambda=c(15,20,25)[nitrogen]+c(20,30,40)[phosp]))
########################## operations on factor levels #############################################
## QUESTION: what is the mean growth of plants in the different phosphorus treatments?
## with a (totally needless!) for-loop
for (i in levels(enrich$phosp)) {
## TAPPLY is useful: it finds all the values of a response variable that match the levels of a factor
## then it runs a function of your choice on those values.
## the function can be a standard on (mean, sd) or one you make up.
## tapply can do more than one factor at once:
## confirm there are two replicates in each group
## AGGREGATE is an extremely powerful function.
## Like tapply it can work with as many factors as you want, and can run any function you like
## Unlike tapply, it can handle multiple response variables and produces a dataframe, not a matrix.
## take the average of all replicates in the same treatment combination:
############################# operations on columns and rows #######################################
## QUESTION: what is the total growth in each treatment level?
## lets begin with the result of tapply as above
growth.resp <- with(enrich,tapply(growth,list(phosp,nitrogen),mean))
## for-loop
for (i in 1:dim(growth.resp)[2]){
x[i] <- sum(growth.resp[,i])
## The above can be done in a single function:
## colSums is much faster, in addition to being easier to read!
## all three of the techniques above could be done on rows as well. I leave this as an exercise for the reader (sorry to be so smug; I've just always wanted to say that!)
###################### operations on lists #########################################################
## you can begin to save a great deal of time by using lists.
## for example, you can collect similar objects in one list and then apply a function to each with a single line of code.
# plot each response variable as a function of a fertilizer treatment
for (i in 3:4){
## lapply becomes very flexible when you write your own special function for it to run.
## this draws histograms of each variable
lapply(enrich[,3:4],hist,col='green') #notice how additional arguments can be applied.
## this reproduces our for-loop from above...
lapply(enrich[,3:4],function(resp) plot(x=enrich$phosp,y=resp))
## ... and the next line does even better! Here we are running lapply on the *names*, not the actual data.
## this is nicer because it lets us use the name itself, for example to label the plots with the name of the response variable.
## remember: a dataframe is a kind of list!
boxplots <- lapply(names(enrich)[3:4],function(resp) plot(cbind(enrich["phosp"],enrich[resp]),main=resp))
## the function could become as complex as you like; in which case you should probably define it as a function
## outside of lapply - i.e., give it a nice name.
## Question CLOSED (THANKS LAURA!!) these are equivalent ways of making it work.
lapply(names(enrich)[3:4],function(resp) plot(x=enrich["phosp"],y=enrich[[resp]],main=resp))
lapply(names(enrich)[3:4],function(resp) plot(enrich[,c("phosp",resp)],main=resp))
## notice that "plot" actually produces some information (in this case about the breakpoints used to make the boxplots etc)
## by saving this information to a list, we can save it for easy extraction later:
sapply(boxplots,function(x) x["conf"])
## lapply and sapply are the same, except that sapply "S"implifies the resulting list into a vector or array
## sometimes this makes no sense; other times it is convenient:
lapply(enrich[,3:4],mean) #returns a list
sapply(enrich[,3:4],mean) # a vector
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