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Created December 3, 2014 21:09
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This demonstrates web-scraping in order to generate a list of links on a site, in order to download them all. The example used is the Municipality of Burnaby's list of demolition permits
links_list <- html("") %>%
html_nodes("#ctl15_nestedList a")
## Where do links lead? This is encoded in the attribute "href". First get all the attributes
links_attr <- sapply(links_list, xmlAttrs)
## We have the attributes! each link just became a single named character
## vector. Each element in the vector gives the attributes value; the name of
## each element is the attribute name. We must pull out the attribute named "href":
link_address <- sapply(links_attr, function(x) x[["href"]])
## or, more succinctly, if you are into that sort of thing:
link_address <- sapply(links_attr, `[[`, i = "href")
## Final step of cleaning: the "header" links (the items you click to make data
## for a whole month appear) have a value of "#". We need to drop 'em:
demolition_permits <- Filter(function(x) x != "#", link_address)
## Note that there are many ways to do this, e.g. `which`, `subset` and `stringr::str_detect`
# All these are relative links, all with the same base url:
baseurl <- ""
demolition_pdfs <- sapply(demolition_permits, function(x) paste0(baseurl, x))
## now you download em all!
get_pdf <- function(url){
download.file(url, destfile = basename(url))
sapply(demolition_pdfs, get_pdf)
## This has the advantage of catching weirdo link addresses, see for example
## these don't match the usual pattern
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aammd commented Dec 3, 2014

I was surprised too! one has four have a random dollar sign and exclamation point in it:$!2c+2014.pdf

Another doesn't even have a pdf in the url! but it definitely leads to a pdf

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jennybc commented Dec 3, 2014

That. Is. Just. Not. Right.

And yet nothing surprises me anymore. Nothing.

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