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Last active November 1, 2019 21:31
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Convex polygon smoothing via DFT



Smoothed Square


Smoothed Freeform

% Data Acquisition
% Uncomment the following block to allow the user
% to enter a polygon as a series of points on a
% cartesian plane.
% [x, y] = ginput(8);
% Uncomment the following block to centre the
% entered points around 0,0
% x = x - mean(x);
% y = y - mean(y);
% A shape we prepared earlier (It's a square).
% Comment the following block if you are trying to
% process a user defined shape (from above).
x = [-1; 1; 1; -1];
y = [1; 1; -1; -1];
% Main Processing
K = 3; % Recursive subdivision levels
fc = 6; % "Filter Cut Off Frequency". That's the textbook name, in this context
% it determines how many elementary ellipsoids to retain in reconstructing
% the polygon and it thereore determines the "smoothing" factor.
n = 1; % This is the "order" of the filter. In this context it determines how
% "strict" the filtering is.
% Due to the use of the Discrete Fourier Transform, this
% periodicity is implied, but the first point is added here
% to the vectors to make it clearer visibly.
x = [x; x(1)]
y = [y; y(1)]
% Main Smoothing Step
% Simply produce a sequence of complex numbers.
% From this point onwards, the curve can be treated as a
% vector of numbers.
s = x + i*y;
% Subdivide each piecewise segment to increase the spatial resolution
% of the curve.
v = [s(1), subdiv(s(1), s(2), K)];
for u = 2:(length(s)-1)
v = [v,[s(u), subdiv(s(u), s(u+1), K)]];
% Construct the filter
% The simplest low-pass filter is really a Sinc filter that only retains
% a smaller subset of the ellipsoids. In this context, using a smoother
% transition band such as Butterworth's gives a better result.
h = (1./(1+(cumsum(ones(1, length(v)./2))./fc).^(2*n)));
% Apply the filter
% (The filter has to be symmetric, in the same way the DFT is,
% hence the mirroring of the `h` vector here)
q = ifft(fft(v).*[h, h(end:-1:1)]);
% Display everything
plot(s); % The original polygon
hold on;
plot(q,'.-'); % THe smoothed polygon
function m = subdiv(m1,m2, N)
% Plain simple recursive mid-point subdivision of a line segment.
% The line segment is defined by points m1,m2
% m1: Starting point of a line segment as [x0,y0]
% m2: Ending point of a line segment as [x1,y1]
% N : Subdivision level
% Calculate the mid-point
m = m1 + (m2-m1)/2.0;
% Return the mid-point itself or the next level subdivision.
if N>0
p1 = subdiv(m1,m,N-1);
p2 = subdiv(m,m2,N-1);
m = [p1, m, p2];
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