If you need a redux reducer that adds some "injectables" as the third argument to the reducers normally combined in redux's combineReducers, try this one:
* A combineReducers replacement that adds additional arguments
* to the reduction call to inject different values a reducer
* might need, read-only, from other parts of the tree. Reducer
* order calling is not specified. If no injectables are provided
* the overall state is included under the key "_root_".
* @param {Object} reducers Reducer object. Each key with a function is included in a final reducer.
* @param {Object} injectables Key-Functions. All functions are called with the overall state and
* current action. The results are attached to an object under their original keys.
* Non-function values are ignored.
* @param {string} rootName The name of the root that is attached if injectables is empty.
export function combineReducers(reducers, injectables, rootName="_root_") {
const finalReducers = {}
for(var prop in reducers) {
const reducer = reducers[prop]
if(typeof reducer === "function") {
finalReducers[prop] = reducer
return function composed(state={}, action) {
const finalState = {}
let hasChanged = false
for(var prop in finalReducers) {
const reducer = finalReducers[prop]
const previousState = state[prop]
const nextState = reducer(previousState, action, process(injectables, state, action, rootName))
if(typeof nextState === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`Reducer for key ${prop} returned undefined.`)
finalState[prop] = nextState
hasChanged = hasChanged || nextState !== previousState
return hasChanged ? finalState : state
function process(injectables, state, action, rootName) {
const rval = { [rootName]: state }
for(var prop in injectables) {
const func = injectables[prop]
if(typeof func === "function") {
rval[prop] = func(state, action)
return rval
Here's a typescript version with some cleanup. Note that there is not default state provided in composed:
/** Functions to combine reducers but provide a 3rd arguent, the overall state. */
import { Reducer, AnyAction } from "redux"
/** A reducer that takes injected values as a third argument. */
export type Reducer3<LS> = (ls: LS, a: AnyAction, gs: Record<string, any>) => LS
* A combineReducers replacement that adds additional arguments
* to the reduction call to inject different values a reducer
* might need, read-only, from other parts of the tree. Reducer
* order calling is not specified. The overall state is included under
* the key "_root_". The
* injectables can be thought of as "selectors" that take the global state.
* You need this type of combiner like this when you have a large set of state
* split up into smaller slices but the smaller slices have
* dependencies on other parts of the state, hopefully, small dependences :-)
* @template S Combined state object type.
* @param reducers Reducer object. Each key with a function is included in a final reducer.
* These reducers must take three arguments (local state, action, global state).
* @param injectables Key-Functions. All functions are called with the overall state
* and current action. The results are attached to an object under their original keys.
* Non-function values are ignored. These functions "inject" values into the 3rd reducer arg.
* Ensure that the keys form each injectable do not collide.
* @param rootName The name of the root state added to the third argument automatically.
export function combineReducers<S>(reducers: Record<string, Reducer3<any>>,
injectables: Record<string, Reducer<S>> = {},
rootName: string ="_root_"): Reducer<S>
const finalReducers = {}
for(var prop in reducers) {
const reducer = reducers[prop]
if(typeof reducer === "function") {
finalReducers[prop] = reducer
return function composed(state: S, action: AnyAction): S {
const finalState: any = {}
let hasChanged = false
for(var prop in finalReducers) {
const reducer = finalReducers[prop]
const previousState = state ? state[prop] : undefined
const nextState = reducer(previousState, action, process(injectables, state, action, rootName))
if(typeof nextState === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`Reducer for key ${prop} returned undefined.`)
finalState[prop] = nextState
hasChanged = hasChanged || nextState !== previousState
return hasChanged ? finalState : state
/** Create the global state using the global state S and injectable results. Add global state under rootName. */
function process<S>(injectables: Record<string, Reducer<S>>,
state: S, action: AnyAction, rootName: string): Record<string, any> {
const rval = { [rootName]: state }
for(var prop in injectables) {
const func = injectables[prop]
if(typeof func === "function") {
rval[prop] = func(state, action)
return rval