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Created April 24, 2015 17:35
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scala pretty printer
package output
package prettyprinter
import scala.language._
import java.time._
* Basic pretty printer object. Use combinators to combine instances
* with others to build up output.
* From:
* Instructions:
* Another lib:
* Another paper:
* Another:
* Another:
sealed trait Doc {
import Doc._
* Convert to a string using ribbon 1.0 and width 80.
override def toString = {
val writer = new
layout(writer, 1.0, 80, this).toString
* Convert to a string using the specified ribbon and width.
def show(ribbon_frac: Double, page_width: Int): String = {
val wr = new
layout(wr, ribbon_frac, page_width, this).toString
* Write to a `Writer` with the specified ribbon and width.
def show(out: Writer, ribbon_frac: Double, page_width: Int): Writer =
layout(out, ribbon_frac, page_width, this)
* Compose two documents. `lhs` goes on left side e.g. it is prepended.
* Originally <>.
def ::(lhs: Doc): Doc = Cons(lhs, this)
* Compose two documents together with a space between.
* Originally <+>.
def :+:(lhs: Doc): Doc = lhs :: space :: this
* Put this and lhs together horizontally with a space between them
* if there is space on the current line or
* lhs underneath this. Originally </>.
def :|:(lhs: Doc): Doc = lhs :: softline :: this
* Put this and lhs directly together horizontally, directly concatenated,
* or lhs underneath this. Originally <//>.
def :||:(lhs: Doc): Doc = lhs :: softbreak :: this
* Compose with line. Put lhs below this. Originally <$>.
def :#:(lhs: Doc): Doc = lhs :: line :: this
* Compose with `linebreak`. Put lhs below this.
* Originally <$$>.
def :##:(lhs: Doc): Doc = lhs :: linebreak :: this
* Compose two docs but dropping any empty documents, if any.
* Like Lindig's ^^^.
def :%:(lhs: Doc): Doc = if (this == Empty) lhs
else if (lhs == Empty) this
else lhs :#: this
case object Empty extends Doc
case class Cons(h: Doc, t: Doc) extends Doc
case class Text(s: String) extends Doc
case class Nest(i: Int, d: Doc) extends Doc
case class Break(s: String) extends Doc
case class Group(d: Doc) extends Doc
case class Column(f: Int => Doc) extends Doc
case class Nesting(f: Int => Doc) extends Doc
// Mode (flat/break)
sealed trait Mode
case object FLT extends Mode
case object BRK extends Mode
* Module for `Doc`. Import to obtain unprefixed access to the
* combinators. You can combine these with scala's string interpolation
* to create strings e.g. formatted interpolator `f`.
object Doc {
* Typeclass for converting values to Doc objects.
trait ToDoc[T] {
def doc(v: T): Doc
* Import converters to get automatic conversion from a value to a `Doc`.
* Use `import Doc.Converters._`. Write your own and bring them
* into scope to automatically convert values.
object Converters {
implicit object StringToDoc extends ToDoc[String] {
def doc(v: String) = string(v)
implicit object IntToDoc extends ToDoc[Int] {
def doc(v: Int) = text(v toString)
implicit object LongToDoc extends ToDoc[Long] {
def doc(v: Long) = text(v toString)
implicit object BooleanToDoc extends ToDoc[Boolean] {
def doc(v: Boolean) = text(v toString)
implicit object ByteToDoc extends ToDoc[Byte] {
def doc(v: Byte) = text(v toString)
implicit object ShortToDoc extends ToDoc[Short] {
def doc(v: Short) = text(v toString)
implicit object CharToDoc extends ToDoc[Char] {
def doc(v: Char) = text(v toString)
implicit object FloatToDoc extends ToDoc[Float] {
def doc(v: Float) = text(v toString)
implicit object DoubleToDoc extends ToDoc[Double] {
def doc(v: Double) = text(v toString)
implicit object LocalDateTimeToDoc extends ToDoc[LocalDateTime] {
def doc(v: LocalDateTime) = text(v toString)
implicit object DocToDoc extends ToDoc[Doc] {
def doc(v: Doc) = v
* Automatically lift values to a doc.
implicit def toDoc[T: ToDoc](v: T): Doc = implicitly[ToDoc[T]].doc(v)
* Import for syntax support.
object syntax {
* Convert optional values to Doc objects or empty if the arg is None.
* Use `optValue.doc`.
* TODO: Generalize to any container.
implicit class RichOption[T: ToDoc](s: Option[T]) {
def doc: Doc =[ToDoc[T]].doc(_)) getOrElse empty
* Convert values to Doc objects. Use `value.doc`.
implicit class RichObject[T](v: T)(implicit todoc: ToDoc[T]) {
def doc: Doc = todoc.doc(v)
* Convenience formatter for a number using standard java semantics.
* You can curry the function for easy re-use. Calls `String.format()`.
def f(format: String)(n: Number) = String.format(format, n)
* Keep it dynamic to pick any changes in the property :-)
private[this] def lineTerminator = util.Properties.lineSeparator
* Replaces all separators with `line`.
def string(s: String): Doc = s.split(lineTerminator).toList match {
case Nil => empty
case x :: xs => xs.foldLeft(text(x)) { _ :#: text(_) }
* Replaces all line separators with `softline`.
def softString(s: String): Doc = s.split(lineTerminator).toList match {
case Nil => empty
case x :: xs => xs.foldLeft(text(x)) { _ :|: text(_) }
* An empty document.
val empty: Doc = Empty
* Convert a string to a document. If the string is empty, the
* empty document is set.
def text(s: String): Doc = if (s == "") empty else Text(s)
* Layout the doc on the current line then indent the next line and all subsequent docs.
def nest(i: Int, d: Doc): Doc = Nest(i, d)
* Create a doc using the current column position to layout
* the content dynamically.
def column = Column.apply _
* Create a doc using the current nest column position for the line as an argument.
* `nesting` can be anywhere on the line and not just at the initial
* position of the nested line.
def nesting = Nesting.apply _
* Keep doc on the same line by removing any line breaks if that line will
* fit on the same line. Otherwise render the line breaks as is. The idea
* is to group together docs and keep them together unless the grouped
* docs are too large to fit.
def group(doc: Doc): Doc = Group(doc)
* Advance to the next line. If undone by `group` then
* concatenate with a space.
def line = Break(" ")
* Advance to the next line. If undone by `group` then
* concatenate directly together.
def linebreak = Break("")
* Keep two docs horizontal and compose with a space between unless
* there is not enough space on the current line.
def softline = group(line)
* Keep two docs horizontal and compose with no space between them unless
* there is not enough space on the current line.
def softbreak = group(linebreak)
* Enclose a document with single quotes.
def squotes = enclose(squote, squote)_
* Enclose a document in double quotes.
def dquotes = enclose(dquote, dquote)_
* Enclose a document with braces "{" and "}".
def braces = enclose(lbrace, rbrace)_
* Enclose a document with parenthesis "(" and ")"
def parens = enclose(lparen, rparen)_
* Enclose a document in angled brackets.
def angles = enclose(langle, rangle)_
* Encnlose a document in square brackets.
def brackets = enclose(lbracket, rbracket)_
* Enclose with vertical bars.
def vbars = enclose(vert, vert)_
* Only a left vertical bar.
def vbarsl(d: Doc) = vert :: d
* Only a right vertical bar.
def vbarsr(d: Doc) = d :: vert
* Enclose a document with `l` and `r` on the ends.
def enclose(l: Doc, r: Doc)(x: Doc) = l :: x :: r
// symbols
def lparen = text("(")
def rparen = text(")")
def langle = text("<")
def rangle = text(">")
def lbrace = text("{")
def rbrace = text("}")
def lbracket = text("[")
def rbracket = text("]")
def squote = text("\'")
def dquote = text("\"")
def semi = text(";")
def colon = text(":")
def comma = text(",")
def space = text(" ")
def dot = text(".")
def backslash = text("\\")
def assign = text("=")
def vert = text("|")
* Fold a function that takes two documenst over a list of documents.
def fold(op: (Doc, Doc) => Doc)(ld: Seq[Doc]): Doc = ld match {
case Nil => empty
case _ => ld reduceLeft { op(_: Doc, _: Doc) }
* After 'd', fill with spaces up to `fl` column unless the
* width of doc is too wide in which case it increases the nesting
* level to fl and inserts a line break.
def fillBreak(fl: Int, d: Doc): Doc =
width(d, w => if (w > fl) nest(fl, linebreak) else text(spaces(fl - w)))
* After `d`, fill with spaces up to `fl` column unless the width
* of doc is too large in which case no spaces are appended.
* Performs a right pad.
* {{{
* def stat[T](n: String, v: T) = fill(10, n) :+: ":" :+: v.toString
* val params = Seq(
* ("Param1", s"${v1}"),
* ("My Param 2", s"${v2}"),
* ("Big Param 3", s"${v3}"))
* println("Program parameters:")
* println(align(vcat( => stat(t._1, t._2)))).toString)
* }}}
* Produces:
* {{{
* Program Parameters:
* Param1 : 1
* My Param 2: 2
* Big Param 3 : 3
* }}}
def fill(fl: Int, d: => Doc): Doc =
width(d, w => if (w >= fl) empty else text(spaces(fl - w)))
* Given a doc and the column position after the doc, return a doc that will fill
* the remaining space. This is a doc transducer.
def width(d: Doc, f: Int => Doc): Doc = column(k1 => d :: column(k2 => f(k2 - k1)))
* Indent a document by `i` from the current position.
def indent(i: Int, d: Doc): Doc = hang(i, text(spaces(i)) :: d)
* Create a hanging indentent from the current position. Subsequent lines
* will display an indent.
def hang(i: Int, d: Doc): Doc = align(nest(i, d))
* Render the document with the nesting level set to the current
* column. It ignores the current nesting level. Subsequent lines
* will show the alignment.
def align(d: Doc): Doc = column(k => nesting(i => nest(k - i, d)))
* Concatenate all documents horizontally using :+: (docs separated
* by a space) or vertically
def sep = group _ compose vsep
* Fold over a list of docs with a soft line break between them.
def fillSep = fold(_ :|: _) _
* Fold over a list of docs with a space between each.
def hsep = fold(_ :+: _) _
* Fold over a list of docs with a line between them.
def vsep = fold(_ :#: _) _
* Group together the doc to try and keep them horizontal, if it fits the page,
* or vertically if not.
def cat = group _ compose vcat
* Concatenate horizontally as long as it fits the page then
* insert a `softbreak` and continue concatinating.
def fillCat = fold(_ :||: _) _
* Fold over a list of docs without any separators (::).
def hcat = fold(_ :: _) _
* Fold over a list of docs with a break (:##:) between each item.
def vcat = fold(_ :##: _) _
* Limit the width of string. Show marker if text is truncated. Otherwise
* pad to the requested length. If there is not enough space for marker,
* just return a dot ".".
* TODO: Not sure this works with any marker.
def limit(width: Int, marker: String = "...")(content: => String): Doc = {
require(width > 0)
val len = content.size
if (len == 0) spaces(width)
if (len < width) string(content + spaces(width - len))
else if (len > width && width > 3) string(content.substring(0, width - marker.size) + marker)
else if (len > width && width <= 1) text(".")
else if (len > width && width <= 2) string(content.charAt(0) + ".")
else string(content)
* Concatenates all documents with `p` except for the last document.
def punctuate(p: Doc, docs: Seq[Doc]): List[Doc] = docs match {
case Nil => Nil
case one@d :: Nil => one
case d :: ds => (d :: p) :: punctuate(p, ds)
* Print using a list look and feel. List means
* square bracket: `[doc,` which is more haskell/python
* than scala.
def list = encloseSep(lbracket, rbracket, comma)_
* Print using tuple look and feel e.g. `(doc,`.
def tupled = encloseSep(lparen, rparen, comma)_
* Print using brace look and feel e.g. `{doc,`.
def semiBraces = encloseSep(lbrace, rbrace, semi)_
* Enclose a doc with a left, right and separator doc. If the doc goes vertical,
* align subsequent lines on the first entry.
def encloseSep(l: Doc, r: Doc, sep: Doc)(ds: Seq[Doc]): Doc = ds match {
case Nil => l :: r
case x :: Nil => l :: x :: r
case x :: xs => align(cat((l :: x) :: :: _)) :: r)
* Layout the text in plain text. Without tail recursion, this
* could blow the stack.
* @param out Writer to emit content to.
* @param frac ratio of ribbon to full page width
* @param w full page width
* @return The input Writer
def layout(out: Writer, frac: Double, w: Int, doc: Doc): Writer = {
type Cells = Seq[(Int, Mode, Doc)]
val ribbon = (frac * w round).asInstanceOf[Int] min w max 0
* Runs forward to see if a doc fits.
* w - ribbon space left
* k - current column
def fits(w: Int, k: Int, cs: Cells): Boolean = cs match {
case _ if w < 0 => false
case Nil => true
case (i, _, Empty) :: z => fits(w, k, z)
case (i, m, Cons(x, y)) :: z => fits(w, k, (i, m, x) :: (i, m, y) :: z)
case (i, m, Nest(j, x)) :: z => fits(w, k, (i + j, m, x) :: z)
case (i, m, Text(s)) :: z => fits(w - s.length, k + s.length, z)
case (i, FLT, Break(s)) :: z => fits(w - s.length, k + s.length, z)
case (i, BRK, Break(_)) :: z => true
case (i, m, Group(x)) :: z => fits(w, k, (i, m, x) :: z)
case (i, m, Column(f)) :: z => fits(w, k, (i, m, f(k)) :: z)
case (i, m, Nesting(f)) :: z => fits(w, k, (i, m, f(i)) :: z)
* Emit a string to a `Writer` and return the `Writer`.
def emit(w: Writer, s: String): Writer = { w write s; w }
* Emit a new newline then add `i` spaces. Return the `Writer`.
def nl(acc: Writer, i: Int): Writer = spaces(emit(acc, "\n"), i)
// best
// n - indentation of current line
// k - current column
def best(acc: Writer, n: Int, k: Int, cs: Cells): Writer = cs match {
case Nil => acc
case (i, _, Empty) :: z => best(acc, n, k, z)
case (i, m, Cons(x, y)) :: z => best(acc, n, k, (i, m, x) :: (i, m, y) :: z)
case (i, m, Nest(j, x)) :: z => best(acc, n, k, (i + j, m, x) :: z)
case (i, _, Text(s)) :: z => best(emit(acc, s), n, k + s.length, z)
case (i, FLT, Break(s)) :: z => best(emit(acc, s), n, k + s.length, z)
case (i, BRK, Break(s)) :: z => best(nl(acc, i), i, i, z)
case (i, FLT, Group(x)) :: z => best(acc, w, k, (i, FLT, x) :: z)
case (i, BRK, Group(x)) :: z => {
val ribbonleft = (w - k) min (ribbon - k + n)
if (fits(ribbonleft, k, (i, FLT, x) :: z))
best(acc, n, k, (i, FLT, x) :: z)
best(acc, n, k, (i, BRK, x) :: z)
case (i, m, Column(f)) :: z => best(acc, n, k, (i, m, f(k)) :: z)
case (i, m, Nesting(f)) :: z => best(acc, n, k, (i, m, f(i)) :: z)
best(out, 0, 0, (0, BRK, doc) :: Nil)
* Write out spaces to `acc`.
private def spaces(acc: Writer, n: Int): Writer = {
var c = ' '
var i = n
while (i > 0) { acc append c; i -= 1 }
* Create a string of spaces, or some other char, with the specified length.
def spaces(n: Int, c: Character = ' '): String = {
val acc = new StringBuffer(80)
var i = n
while (i > 0) { acc append c; i -= 1 }
acc toString
* For each double quote in `in`, double up the quote. This effectively escapes
* it for most CSV readers.
def escapedquote(in: String): String = in.replace("\"", "\"\"")
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