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Last active October 12, 2015 06:03
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Save aaronchall/d8c735e5206531189af0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
23 lines of Python, generate 67 lines of HTML
def main():
nav = Nav([UnorderedList([ListItem([Link('foo/link', 'foo text')]),
ListItem([Link('bar/link', 'bar text')])])])
htmlobjs = Document(
elems=[Keywords(['python', 'html']),
Description('demo page'),
Author('Aaron Hall'),
Section(['This is a section.']),
Article([H1('Top Level Topic'),
P(['This is a paragraph under the article']),
H2('2nd level heading'),
P(['Another paragraph, with a {link} to back it up.'.format(
link=Link('http://foo/bar', 'linky'))]),
Aside(['This <aside> could be a floaty sidebar']),
Footer([nav, 'Maybe this footer could float on the side on a wide screen']),
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta content="python, html" name="keywords">
<meta content="demo page" name="description">
<meta content="Aaron Hall" name="author">
<a href="foo/link">
foo text
<a href="bar/link">
bar text
This is a section.
Top Level Topic
This is a paragraph under the article
2nd level heading
Another paragraph, with a <a href="http://foo/bar">
</a> to back it up.
This <aside> could be a floaty sidebar
<a href="foo/link">
foo text
<a href="bar/link">
bar text
Maybe this footer could float on the side on a wide screen
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