- 2018 - The Year of Web Components, Dominik Kundel
- The Lonely and Dark Road to Styling in React, Sara Vieira
- Next Generation Forms with React Final Form, Erik Rasmussen
- The ABC of Coded Style Guides, Henning Muszynski
- Testing, Testing, 1, 2, NaN, Gant Laborde
- Lambdas, lambdas everywhere..., Flavio Corpa
- Building a Chrome extension with React, Olena Sovyn
- Modeling errors in Now CLI, Javi Velasco
- Journey through VR and AR with React, Tomasz Lakomy
- The new era of zero-config tools, Alex Jover
- Help! My React app is slowwwww!, Ben Ilegbodu
- Pushing React Native outside the comfort zone, Raúl Gómez
- Components, patterns and sh*t it’s hard to deal with, Marco Cedaro
- GraphQL Boilerplates, Manjula Dube
- Taming Forms in React, Jared Palmer
- Mobile navigation, Brent Vatne
- Motion in React, Kaylie Kwon
- Better ReasonML Integration in Flow & TypeScript Codebases, Patrick Stapfer
- Testing a Redux store, Anna Gruber
- Powering Code Reuse with Context and Render Props, Forbes Lindesay
- React Native: The dark side of Background tasks, Ferran Negre
- An unknown land of creating libraries, Kamlesh Chandnani
- Navigating the hype-driven frontend development world without going insane, Kristijan Ristovski