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import Icons from 'uikit/dist/js/uikit-icons'; | |
import UIkit from 'my-uikit'; | |
UIkit.use(Icons); |
import UIkit from 'uikit/src/js/api/index'; | |
import mixin from 'uikit/src/js/mixin/index'; | |
import core from 'uikit/src/js/core/index'; | |
mixin(UIkit); | |
core(UIkit); | |
export default UIkit; |
import boot from 'uikit/src/js/api/boot'; | |
import Countdown from 'uikit/src/js/components/countdown'; | |
import GridParallax from 'uikit/src/js/components/grid-parallax'; | |
import Lightbox from 'uikit/src/js/components/lightbox'; | |
import Notification from 'uikit/src/js/components/notification'; | |
import Parallax from 'uikit/src/js/components/parallax'; | |
import Slideshow from 'uikit/src/js/components/slideshow'; | |
import Sortable from 'uikit/src/js/components/sortable'; | |
import Tooltip from 'uikit/src/js/components/tooltip'; | |
import Upload from 'uikit/src/js/components/upload'; | |
import UIkit from 'my-uikit-core'; | |
UIkit.use(Countdown); | |
UIkit.use(GridParallax); | |
UIkit.use(Lightbox); | |
UIkit.use(Notification); | |
UIkit.use(Parallax); | |
UIkit.use(Slideshow); | |
UIkit.use(Sortable); | |
UIkit.use(Tooltip); | |
UIkit.use(Upload); | |
boot(UIkit); | |
export default UIkit; |
const path = require('path'); | |
const Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore'); | |
const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); | |
const ImageminPlugin = require('imagemin-webpack-plugin').default; | |
const StyleLintPlugin = require('stylelint-webpack-plugin'); | |
const paths = { | |
output: path.resolve(__dirname, './web/build'), | |
public: '/build', | |
resources: path.resolve(__dirname, './assets'), | |
vendor: path.resolve(__dirname, './node_modules') | |
}; | |
Encore | |
// Set output and public paths | |
.setOutputPath(paths.output) | |
.setPublicPath(paths.public) | |
// Clean output before build | |
.cleanupOutputBeforeBuild() | |
// Javascript | |
.autoProvideVariables({ | |
UIkit: 'uikit', | |
'window.UIkit': 'uikit' | |
}) | |
.addEntry('js/app', `${paths.resources}/js/main.js`) | |
.addLoader({ | |
test: /\.js$/, | |
exclude: /node_modules/, | |
loader: 'eslint-loader' | |
}) | |
.configureBabel(function (babelConfig) { | |
babelConfig.presets.push(['env', { | |
modules: false, | |
targets: { | |
browsers: [ | |
'last 2 versions', | |
'ios >= 9.1', | |
'Safari >= 9.1', | |
'not ie <= 10' | |
] | |
}, | |
useBuiltIns: true | |
}]); | |
}) | |
// CSS | |
.addStyleEntry('css/global', `${paths.resources}/scss/global.scss`) | |
.addStyleEntry('css/email', `${paths.resources}/scss/email.scss`) | |
.addStyleEntry('css/editmode', `${paths.resources}/scss/editmode.scss`) | |
.enableSassLoader(function (options) { | |
options.includePaths = [ | |
`${paths.vendor}/uikit/src/scss`, | |
`${paths.vendor}/foundation-emails/scss` | |
] | |
}, { resolveUrlLoader: false }) | |
.enablePostCssLoader() | |
.addPlugin(new StyleLintPlugin()) | |
// Copy and optimize images | |
.addPlugin(new CopyPlugin([{ | |
from: `${paths.resources}/images`, | |
to: `${paths.output}/images` | |
}], { | |
ignore: [ | |
'favicon.png', | |
'.dummy' | |
] | |
})) | |
.addPlugin(new ImageminPlugin({ | |
disable: !Encore.isProduction(), | |
test: /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/i | |
})) | |
// Source maps and cache buster | |
.enableSourceMaps(!Encore.isProduction()) | |
.enableVersioning(Encore.isProduction()) | |
; | |
// Advanced webpack config | |
let webpackConfig = Encore.getWebpackConfig(); | |
webpackConfig.watchOptions = { ignored: `${paths.vendor}/` }; | |
webpackConfig.resolve.extensions.push('json'); | |
module.exports = webpackConfig; |
Dankeschön Aaron.
Es war mir sehr schwer die ganze JavaScript aufzurufen.
Danke noch einmal für deine Hilfe.
// CSS .addStyleEntry('css/global',
${paths.resources}/scss/global.scss) .enableSassLoader(function (options) { options.includePaths = [
${paths.vendor}/uikit/src/scss ] }, { resolveUrlLoader: false }) .enablePostCssLoader() .addPlugin(new StyleLintPlugin())
error in ./assets/scss/global.scss 14:12:32
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
ValidationError: Invalid options object. Sass Loader has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
- options has an unknown property 'includePaths'. These properties are valid:
@cemfirat My folder structure is as follows: