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Created November 18, 2020 20:45
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AutoHotKey Mac keyboard on Windows
; AutoHotKey scripts for Corrections/Improvements to Mac keyboard on Windows OS
; ! = ALT
; ^ = CTRL
; + = SHIFT
; # = WIN
#SingleInstance force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SendMode Input
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; media/function keys all mapped to the right option key
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; F13-15, standard windows mapping
F13::SendInput {PrintScreen}
F14::SendInput {ScrollLock}
F15::SendInput {Pause}
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; OS X system shortcuts
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Windows+Tab not allowed to be overridden in Windows 8
; Remap Windows + Tab to Alt + Tab.
;# & Tab::AltTab
; Map Windows+Key to ctrl+Key
#.::Send ^.
#s::Send ^s
#a::Send ^a
#c::Send ^c
#v::Send ^v
#x::Send ^x
#o::Send ^o
#f::Send ^f
#z::Send ^z
#y::Send ^y
#t::Send ^t
#w::Send ^w
#q::Send !{F4}
; Windows Arrow to Home/End
#Left::Send {Home}
#Right::Send {End}
#+Left::Send +{Home}
#+Right::Send +{End}
; Option Arrow to Ctrl Arrow
#!Left::SendInput ^{Left}
#!Right::SendInput ^{Right}
#!+Left::SendInput ^+{Left}
#!+Right::SendInput ^+{Right}
; Refresh in chrome
#r::Send ^r
; Address/location bar in chrome (this does not work due to Windows Lock feature)
; #l::^l
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Correct the numpad keys
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; change = to / (= scancode SC059)
; change / to = (this is not working)
; SC035::SC059
; change * to -
; change - to *
; easy context menu in windows explorer
+Return::SendInput +{F10}
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