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Created January 7, 2017 03:26
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Django Model Merge
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models import Model
from django.contrib.contenttypes.generic import GenericForeignKey
from django.apps import apps
def merge_model_objects(primary_object, alias_objects=[], keep_old=False):
Use this function to merge model objects (i.e. Users, Organizations, Polls,
etc.) and migrate all of the related fields from the alias objects to the
primary object.
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
primary_user = User.objects.get(email='[email protected]')
duplicate_user = User.objects.get(email='[email protected]')
merge_model_objects(primary_user, duplicate_user)
if not isinstance(alias_objects, list):
alias_objects = [alias_objects]
# check that all aliases are the same class as primary one and that
# they are subclass of model
primary_class = primary_object.__class__
if not issubclass(primary_class, Model):
raise TypeError('Only django.db.models.Model subclasses can be merged')
for alias_object in alias_objects:
if not isinstance(alias_object, primary_class):
raise TypeError('Only models of same class can be merged')
# Get a list of all GenericForeignKeys in all models
# TODO: this is a bit of a hack, since the generics framework should provide a similar
# method to the ForeignKey field for accessing the generic related fields.
generic_fields = []
for model in apps.get_models():
for field_name, field in filter(lambda x: isinstance(x[1], GenericForeignKey), model.__dict__.items()):
blank_local_fields = set([field.attname for field in primary_object._meta.local_fields if
getattr(primary_object, field.attname) in [None, '']])
# Loop through all alias objects and migrate their data to the primary object.
for alias_object in alias_objects:
# Migrate all foreign key references from alias object to primary object.
for related_object in alias_object._meta.get_all_related_objects():
# The variable name on the alias_object model.
alias_varname = related_object.get_accessor_name()
# The variable name on the related model.
obj_varname =
related_objects = getattr(alias_object, alias_varname)
for obj in related_objects.all():
setattr(obj, obj_varname, primary_object)
# Migrate all many to many references from alias object to primary object.
for related_many_object in alias_object._meta.get_all_related_many_to_many_objects():
alias_varname = related_many_object.get_accessor_name()
obj_varname =
if alias_varname is not None:
# standard case
related_many_objects = getattr(alias_object, alias_varname).all()
# special case, symmetrical relation, no reverse accessor
related_many_objects = getattr(alias_object, obj_varname).all()
for obj in related_many_objects.all():
getattr(obj, obj_varname).remove(alias_object)
getattr(obj, obj_varname).add(primary_object)
# Migrate all generic foreign key references from alias object to primary object.
for field in generic_fields:
filter_kwargs = {}
filter_kwargs[field.fk_field] = alias_object._get_pk_val()
filter_kwargs[field.ct_field] = field.get_content_type(alias_object)
for generic_related_object in field.model.objects.filter(**filter_kwargs):
setattr(generic_related_object,, primary_object)
# Try to fill all missing values in primary object by values of duplicates
filled_up = set()
for field_name in blank_local_fields:
val = getattr(alias_object, field_name)
if val not in [None, '']:
setattr(primary_object, field_name, val)
blank_local_fields -= filled_up
if not keep_old:
return primary_object
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aaronkeck commented Jan 7, 2017

Based on

Updated for Python3 compatibility (items() vs iteritems()) and Django 1.8 (get_models() and transaction.atomic())

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martync commented Jun 21, 2017

Thanks for this one ! I've just updated it to remove the mutable default value argument :

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