var _ = require('underscore'); |
var Collection = require('ampersand-rest-collection'); |
// Streaming JSON parser |
var oboe = require('oboe'); |
var qs = require('qs'); |
// requestAnimationFrame wrapper built with async iteration in mind |
// helps reduce UI thread congestion when initializing large amounts |
// of client-side models |
var raf = require('rifraf'); |
module.exports = Collection.extend({ |
initialize: function (models, opts) { |
var options = opts || {}; |
this.page = options.page; |
this.pageSize = options.pageSize; |
}, |
sync: function (method, self, opts) { |
if (method === 'read') { |
var options = opts || {}; |
var url = options.url || _.result(this, 'url'); |
if (options.data) { |
url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1) ? '?' : '&'; |
url += qs.stringify(options.data); |
} |
_.extend(options, {url: url}, _.result(this, 'ajaxConfig')); |
var pageSize = (this.pageSize || 50); |
var readLength = (this.page || 1) * pageSize; |
return oboe(options) |
// The pattern below means emit array members as they are completed |
.node('![*]', raf.delayed(function _handleModel(model) { |
// Don't let the view know that we've gotten models until… |
self.add(model, {silent: true}); |
// we reach the end of the requested page. |
if (self.length >= readLength && (self.length % pageSize === 0)) { |
raf.request(self.trigger.bind(self, 'reset', self, options)); |
} |
}, 33)) |
// The delay amount was tweaked for best tradeoff between UI blocking / parsing performance |
// across our user base, which included iPhones from 4 up and iPads gen 1 up in addition to |
// desktop and laptop computers up to several years old. |
.done(function _handleDone(resp) { |
self.trigger('reset', self, options); |
self.trigger('sync', self, resp, options); |
}); |
} else { |
return Collection.prototype.sync.apply(this, arguments); |
} |
} |
}); |