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Created October 31, 2012 14:42
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Save aaronwolen/3987414 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FTP tree mapper: save an FTP site's directory stucture as a list
#' FTP tree mapper
#' Save an FTP site's directory stucture as a list.
#' @author Aaron Wolen
#' @example
#' url <- ''
#' roadmap <- map_ftp(url = url, dirs = "Histone_H2BK120ac", recursive = TRUE)
map_ftp <- function(url, dirs, recursive = FALSE) {
require(RCurl, quietly = TRUE)
# Add trailing forward slash
add_fslash <- function(x) sub("/*$", "/", x)
# Verify required curl options
list.opts <- c("dirlistonly", "ftplistonly")
curl.opts <- listCurlOptions()
if ( any(list.opts %in% curl.opts) ) {
opts <- list()
opts[[list.opts[list.opts %in% curl.opts][1]]] <- TRUE
} else {
stop("Your version of curl lacks the listonly option.", call. = FALSE)
# Print file list in FTP directory
list_files <- function(url) {
url.con <- textConnection(getURL(url, ftp.use.epsv = FALSE, .opts = opts))
url.out <- readLines(url.con)
url.out <- url.out[url.out != ""]
url <- add_fslash(url)
if (missing(dirs)) dirs <- list_files(url)
tree <- list()
for(d in dirs) {
d.url <- add_fslash(paste(url, d, sep = ""))
if (!url.exists(d.url)) next
d.out <- list_files(d.url)
if(recursive) {
# Test if each string represents a file or a new directory
d.out.urls <- paste(d.url, d.out, sep = "")
is.file <- sapply(d.out.urls, url.exists)
is.dir <- sapply(add_fslash(d.out.urls), url.exists)
d.files <- d.out[is.file & !is.dir]
d.dirs <- setdiff(d.out[is.dir], d.files)
tree[[d]] <- d.files
if (length(d.dirs) > 0) {
tree[[d]] <- c(tree[[d]], ftp_tree(d.url, dirs = d.dirs, recursive))
} else {
tree[[d]] <- d.out
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