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HDFS Questions
1)What is Difference between Secondary namenode, Checkpoint namenode & backupnod Secondary Namenode, a poorly named component of hadoop.
(2)What are the Side Data Distribution Techniques.
(3)What is shuffleing in mapreduce?
(4)What is partitioning?
(5)Can we change the file cached by Distributed Cache
aav789 / Hadoop interview questions
Created January 4, 2019 23:24 — forked from SaiVijaya/Hadoop interview questions
Hadoop interview questions
1)What is Difference between Secondary namenode, Checkpoint namenode & backupnod Secondary Namenode, a poorly named component of hadoop.
(2)What are the Side Data Distribution Techniques.
(3)What is shuffleing in mapreduce?
(4)What is partitioning?
(5)Can we change the file cached by Distributed Cache
aav789 /
Created January 23, 2018 19:47 — forked from leonardofed/
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A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

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