March 13, 2013 04:37
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A Haskell program I wrote as a CGI for a website I did some time ago.
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module Main where | |
import Char | |
import Data.List | |
import Text.JSON | |
import System ( getArgs ) | |
data RGBColor = RGB Double Double Double deriving (Show, Eq) | |
data XYZColor = XYZ Double Double Double deriving (Show, Eq) | |
data LABColor = LAB Double Double Double deriving (Show, Eq) | |
data PolarColor = Polar Double Double Double deriving (Show, Eq) | |
class Color a where | |
toRGB :: a -> RGBColor | |
toXYZ :: a -> XYZColor | |
toLAB :: a -> LABColor | |
toPolar :: a -> PolarColor | |
instance Color XYZColor where | |
toRGB (XYZ x y z) = RGB (3.240479*x - 1.537150*y - 0.498535*z) | |
(-0.969256*x + 1.875992*y + 0.041556*z) | |
(0.055648*x - 0.204043*y + 1.057311*z) | |
toLAB (XYZ x y z) = LAB (116.0*y' - 16.0) (500.0*(x'-y')) (200.0*(y'-z')) | |
where x'' = x/wpX | |
y'' = y/wpY | |
z'' = z/wpZ | |
XYZ wpX wpY wpZ = xyzWhitePoint | |
f v = if v > labE | |
then exp (log (v) / 3.0) | |
else (labK * v + 16.0) / 116.0 | |
x' = f x'' | |
y' = f y'' | |
z' = f z'' | |
toXYZ = id | |
toPolar = toPolar . toLAB | |
instance Color RGBColor where | |
toXYZ (RGB r g b) = XYZ (0.412453*r + 0.357580*g + 0.180423*b) | |
(0.212671*r + 0.715160*g + 0.072169*b) | |
(0.019334*r + 0.119193*g + 0.950227*b) | |
toRGB = id | |
toPolar = toPolar . toXYZ | |
toLAB = toLAB . toXYZ | |
instance Color LABColor where | |
toXYZ (LAB l a b) = XYZ (x * wpX) (y * wpY) (z * wpZ) | |
where y = if l > labK * labE | |
then exp (log ((l + 16.0)/116.0) * 3.0) | |
else l / labK | |
y' = if y > labE | |
then (l+16.0)/116.0 | |
else (labK * y + 16.0)/116.0 | |
x' = a/500.0 + y' | |
z' = y' - b/200.0 | |
clip v = if (v*v*v > labE) then v*v*v else (116.0*v-16.0)/labK | |
x = clip x' | |
z = clip z' | |
XYZ wpX wpY wpZ = xyzWhitePoint | |
toPolar (LAB l a b) = if l > 0 then Polar l h c else Polar l 0 0 | |
where h = huemod ((atan2 b a) / pi * 3) | |
c = sqrt (a*a + b*b) / l | |
toLAB = id | |
toRGB = toRGB . toXYZ | |
instance Color PolarColor where | |
toLAB (Polar l h c) = LAB l a b | |
where a = cos (h/3*pi) * c * l | |
b = sin (h/3*pi) * c * l | |
toRGB = toRGB . toLAB | |
toXYZ = toXYZ . toLAB | |
toPolar = id | |
fhex s = fx (reverse s) | |
where fx [] = 0 | |
fx (c:t) = (hd c) + 16 * fx t | |
hd c | c `elem` ['0'..'9'] = (ord c) - (ord '0') | |
| c `elem` ['a'..'f'] = (ord c) - (ord 'a') + 10 | |
| c `elem` ['A'..'F'] = (ord c) - (ord 'A') + 10 | |
| otherwise = 0 | |
fromhex ('#' : hex) = fromhex hex | |
fromhex hex = RGB r g b | |
where [r,g,b] = map mf [rs,gs,bs] | |
mf = ungamma . (/sc) . fromInteger . toInteger . fhex | |
l = div (length hex) 3 | |
sc = 16^l-1 | |
(rs,h1) = splitAt l hex | |
(gs,bs) = splitAt l h1 | |
huemod h | (h >= 6) = huemod (h - 6) | |
| (h < 0) = huemod (h + 6) | |
| otherwise = h | |
xyzWhitePoint = toXYZ (RGB 1 1 1) | |
labE = 216.0/24389.0 | |
labK = 24389.0/27.0 | |
gamma :: Double -> Double | |
gamma c = if c <= 0.0031308 | |
then 12.92 * c | |
else (1+a)*(exp (e * log c)) - a | |
where e = (1/2.4) | |
a = 0.055 | |
ungamma c = if c <= 0.04045 | |
then c / 12.92 | |
else exp (2.4 * log ((c+a)/(1+a))) | |
where a = 0.055 | |
s255 = (min 255) . (max 0) . round . (*255) . gamma | |
hexify v = [hexdigit (rem (div v 16) 16), hexdigit (rem v 16)] | |
where hexdigit d = "0123456789ABCDEF" !! d | |
--edgedistance :: (Color a) => a -> Double | |
--outofgamut :: (Color a) => Double -> a -> Bool | |
--hex :: (Color a) => a -> String | |
edgedistance c = foldr max 0 [ -r, r-1, -g, g-1, -b, b-1 ] | |
where (RGB r g b) = toRGB c | |
outofgamut prec c = edgedistance c > prec | |
hex c = foldl (++) "#" (map sx [r,g,b]) | |
where sx = hexify . s255 | |
(RGB r g b) = toRGB c | |
safehex c | outofgamut 0.00001 c = Nothing | |
| otherwise = Just (hex c) | |
rotatehue rot clr = Polar l (huemod (h+rot)) c | |
where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
dim factor clr = Polar (l*factor) h c | |
where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
saturate factor clr = Polar l h (c*factor) | |
where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
applymod lm1 lm2 hm cm clr = Polar ((100-l)*lm1 + l*lm2) (h+hm) (c*cm) | |
where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
dandc f x1 x2 diff = if (abs (x2 - x1) > diff) | |
then if f(x) then dandc f x1 x diff | |
else dandc f x x2 diff | |
else x1 | |
where x = (x2+x1)/2 | |
dandc' f x1 x2 diff = if (abs (x2 - x1) > diff) | |
then if f(x) then [(x1,x,x2)] ++ (dandc' f x1 x diff) | |
else [(x1,x,x2)] ++ (dandc' f x x2 diff) | |
else ([(x1,x,x2)]) | |
where x = (x2+x1)/2 | |
satcheck clr = (\x -> outofgamut 0 (Polar l h x)) | |
where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
lumcheck clr = (\x -> outofgamut 0 (Polar x h c)) | |
where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
maxsat clr = Polar l h maxs | |
where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
maxs = dandc (satcheck clr) 0 8 0.001 | |
maxlum clr = Polar maxl h c | |
where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
maxl = dandc (lumcheck clr) 0 125 0.01 | |
rgbmax clr = foldr1 max [r,g,b] | |
where (RGB r g b) = toRGB clr | |
rgbmin clr = foldr1 min [r,g,b] | |
where (RGB r g b) = toRGB clr | |
mincheck clr = f | |
where f x = not (x2 > 0.1/255) | |
where x2 = rgbmax t | |
x1 = rgbmin t | |
t = maxsat (Polar x h c) | |
(Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
maxcheck clr = f | |
where f x = not (x1 > 1 - (0.1/255)) | |
where x2 = rgbmax t | |
x1 = rgbmin t | |
t = maxsat (Polar x h c) | |
(Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
minmax clr = maxsat (Polar maxl h c) | |
where maxl = dandc (mincheck clr) 125 0 0.001 | |
(Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
sRGB r g b = RGB (ungamma r) (ungamma g) (ungamma b) | |
huedata = [ ("red", sRGB 1.00 0.00 0.00), | |
("coral", sRGB 1.00 0.25 0.00), | |
("orange", sRGB 1.00 0.50 0.00), | |
("tangerine", sRGB 1.00 0.75 0.00), | |
("yellow", sRGB 1.00 1.00 0.00), | |
("peridot", sRGB 0.75 1.00 0.00), | |
("green", sRGB 0.00 1.00 0.00), | |
("mint", sRGB 0.00 1.00 0.75), | |
("cyan", sRGB 0.00 1.00 1.00), | |
("sky", sRGB 0.00 0.75 1.00), | |
("azure", sRGB 0.00 0.50 1.00), | |
("blue", sRGB 0.00 0.00 1.00), | |
("royal", sRGB 0.25 0.00 1.00), | |
("violet", sRGB 0.50 0.00 1.00), | |
("plum", sRGB 0.75 0.00 1.00), | |
("magenta", sRGB 1.00 0.00 1.00), | |
("berry", sRGB 1.00 0.00 0.75), | |
("pink", sRGB 1.00 0.00 0.50), | |
("cherry", sRGB 1.00 0.00 0.25), | |
("white", sRGB 1.00 1.00 1.00), | |
("black", sRGB 0.00 0.00 0.00), | |
("gray", sRGB 0.50 0.50 0.50) | |
] | |
huediff' h1 h2 = foldr1 min [ abs(h1-h2), abs(h1-h2+6), abs(h1-h2-6) ] | |
huediff clr1 clr2 = huediff' h1 h2 | |
where (Polar l1 h1 c1) = toPolar clr1 | |
(Polar l2 h2 c2) = toPolar clr2 | |
lumdiff clr1 clr2 = sqrt ((l1-l2)^2) | |
where (Polar l1 h1 c1) = toPolar clr1 | |
(Polar l2 h2 c2) = toPolar clr2 | |
colorname clr = best | |
where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
(best,_) = minimumBy cmp | |
[ (n,distance clr cc) | (n,cc) <- huedata ] | |
cmp (_,v1) (_,v2) = compare v1 v2 | |
blend p clr1 clr2 = LAB (l1*p + l2*q) (a1*p + a2*q) (b1*p + b2*q) | |
where (LAB l1 a1 b1) = toLAB clr1 | |
(LAB l2 a2 b2) = toLAB clr2 | |
q = 1.0 - p | |
distance clr1 clr2 = sumsq [ l1-l2, a1-a2, b1-b2 ] | |
where (LAB l1 a1 b1) = toLAB clr1 | |
(LAB l2 a2 b2) = toLAB clr2 | |
sumsq = foldr1 (+) . (map (\x -> x*x)) | |
sdistance s clr1 clr2 = sumsq [ l1-l2, s*(a1-a2), s*(b1-b2) ] | |
where (LAB l1 a1 b1) = toLAB clr1 | |
(LAB l2 a2 b2) = toLAB clr2 | |
sumsq = foldr1 (+) . (map (\x -> x*x)) | |
allcolors = [ sRGB (r/255.0) (g/255.0) (b/255.0) | | |
r<-[0..255], g<-[0..255], b<-[0..255] ] | |
gamutedge = (nub . concat) ( [ map (toPolar . ($x)) [ry,yg,gc,cb,bm,mr] | x <- [0..255] ] ) | |
where ry x = sRGB 1 (x/255.0) 0 | |
yg x = sRGB (1-x/255.0) 1 0 | |
gc x = sRGB 0 1 (x/255.0) | |
cb x = sRGB 0 (1-x/255.0) 1 | |
bm x = sRGB (x/255.0) 0 1 | |
mr x = sRGB 1 0 (1-x/255.0) | |
fastset n = [ toPolar (sRGB (r/n) (g/n) (b/n)) | | |
r<-[0..n], g<-[0..n], b<-[0..n] ] | |
lum clr = l where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
sat clr = c where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
hue clr = h where (Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
huegt h1 h2 = (huemod (h1 - h2) < 3) | |
huelt h1 h2 = (huemod (h2 - h1) < 3) | |
hleft clr1 clr2 = huelt h1 h2 | |
where (Polar l1 h1 c1) = toPolar clr1 | |
(Polar l2 h2 c2) = toPolar clr2 | |
hright clr1 clr2 = huegt h1 h2 | |
where (Polar l1 h1 c1) = toPolar clr1 | |
(Polar l2 h2 c2) = toPolar clr2 | |
pure clr = if (c > 0.00001) then best else LAB 100 0 0 | |
where (_,cl1) = minimumBy cf (filter ((hleft clr) . snd) sset) | |
(_,cl2) = minimumBy cf (filter ((hright clr) . snd) sset) | |
h1 = hue cl1 | |
h2 = hue cl2 | |
best = if (cl1 == cl2) then toLAB cl1 | |
else blend ((h2-h)/(h2-h1)) cl1 cl2 | |
sset = [ ((huediff clr c),c) | c <- gamutedge ] | |
cf (d1,_) (d2,_) = compare d1 d2 | |
(Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
maxcontrast clr = best | |
where (_,best) = maximumBy cf sset | |
sset = [ ((lumdiff clr c),c) | c <- black:white:gamutedge ] | |
black = Polar 0 0 0 | |
white = Polar 100 0 0 | |
cf (d1,_) (d2,_) = compare d1 d2 | |
(Polar l h c) = toPolar clr | |
purelist = sortBy cmp [ (lum c, hue c) | c <- gamutedge ] | |
where cmp (_, h1) (_, h2) = compare h1 h2 | |
main::IO() | |
main = do | |
args <- getArgs | |
let c = fromhex (head args) | |
putStrLn (output c) | |
output cc = (encode . JSObject . toJSObject) | |
[("color", JSString (toJSString (hex cc))), | |
("name", JSString (toJSString (colorname cc))), | |
("info", (colorinfo)), | |
("maintable", (tr (genmaintable cc))), | |
("huetable", (tr (genhuetable cc))), | |
("sattable", (tr (gensattable cc))), | |
("lumtable", (tr (genlumtable cc))) | |
] | |
where tr :: (Color t) => [[t]] -> JSValue | |
tr = JSArray . (map (JSArray . map (f . safehex))) | |
f Nothing = JSNull | |
f (Just x) = JSString (toJSString x) | |
colorinfo = JSObject (toJSObject [ (t,JSRational True (toRational v)) | |
| (t,v) <- [("lum",l),("hue",h),("sat",c)] ]) | |
(Polar l h c) = toPolar cc | |
maintablecols :: (Color t) => [t -> LABColor] | |
maintablecols = map (\x -> x ) | |
[ blend 0.5 white, | |
blend 0.4 white, | |
blend 0.3 white, | |
blend 0.2 white, | |
blend 0.1 white, | |
toLAB, | |
blend 0.1 black, | |
blend 0.2 black, | |
blend 0.3 black, | |
blend 0.4 black, | |
blend 0.5 black, | |
pure, | |
blend 0.5 (gray 75) . pure ] | |
where white = LAB 1 0 0 | |
black = LAB 0 0 0 | |
gray l = LAB l 0 0 | |
maintablerows = id : [ rotatehue (x*0.5) | x <- [1..11] ] | |
--maintablegen = f (f maintablecols) maintablerows | |
-- where f a b = zipWith ($) a (repeat b) | |
pushIn a b = zipWith ($) a (repeat b) | |
genmaintable = map (pushIn maintablecols) . (pushIn maintablerows) . toPolar | |
genhuetable c = [ row1, row2 ] | |
where row1 = [ (maxsat (rotatehue (0.03*i) c)) | i <- [-8..8] ] | |
row2 = [ (maxsat (rotatehue (3+0.03*i) c)) | i <- [-8..8] ] | |
gensattable c = [ row1, row2 ] | |
where row1 = [ (saturate (0.10+i*0.075) c) | i <- [0..15] ] | |
row2 = map (maxlum) row1 | |
genlumtable c = [ row1, row2 ] | |
where row1 = [ dim (0.10+i*0.075) c | i <- [0..15] ] | |
row2 = map maxsat row1 | |
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