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Created September 12, 2017 22:58
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import reducer from './getPostReducer';
import * as actions from '../actions/posts/getPost';
import { UPDATE_POST_SUCCESS } from '../actions/posts/updatePost';
import expect from 'expect';
import getPostMock from '../mocks/getPostMock';
describe('post reducer', () => {
it('should return the initial state', () => {
expect(reducer(undefined, {})).toEqual({});
it('should handle GET_POST_START', () => {
const startAction = {
type: actions.GET_POST_START
// it's empty on purpose because it's just starting to fetch posts
expect(reducer({}, startAction)).toEqual({});
it('should handle GET_POST_SUCCESS', () => {
const successAction = {
type: actions.GET_POST_SUCCESS,
post:, // important to pass correct payload, that's what the tests are for ;)
expect(reducer({}, successAction)).toEqual(;
it('should handle UPDATE_POST_SUCCESS', () => {
const updateAction = {
expect(reducer({}, updateAction)).toEqual(;
it('should handle GET_POST_FAIL', () => {
const failAction = {
type: actions.GET_POST_FAIL,
error: { success: false },
expect(reducer({}, failAction)).toEqual({ error: { success: false } });
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Thank you for the test code example!

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ghost commented Mar 25, 2019

what is 'getPostMock'?

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brayanL commented Aug 1, 2019

Thanks, bro, I would like to know the content of getPostMock file..!

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