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Created July 10, 2024 18:31
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Am I correct that any square matrix can be thought of as a directed graph? If so, how do I determine whether or not it contains cycles? Is it by looking for imaginary eigenvalues?

Yes, any square matrix can be thought of as a directed graph, particularly when you interpret the matrix as an adjacency matrix of the graph. Here's how this works and how you can determine whether the graph contains cycles:

Interpreting a Square Matrix as a Directed Graph

  1. Adjacency Matrix: A square matrix ( A ) of size ( n \times n ) can represent a directed graph with ( n ) vertices. The entry ( A[i][j] ) indicates the presence (and possibly the weight) of a directed edge from vertex ( i ) to vertex ( j ).

Determining the Presence of Cycles

There are several methods to determine if a directed graph contains cycles. Here are some common approaches:

1. Using Eigenvalues

While imaginary eigenvalues can indicate complex dynamics in a system (such as oscillations), they are not directly used to determine the presence of cycles in a graph. Instead, cycle detection usually involves combinatorial graph theory methods.

2. Depth-First Search (DFS)

One of the most common methods to detect cycles in a directed graph is using Depth-First Search (DFS):

  • Algorithm:
    1. Perform DFS on the graph.
    2. Track the nodes in the current recursion stack.
    3. If you encounter a node that is already in the recursion stack, a cycle is present.

Here’s a high-level outline of the DFS-based cycle detection algorithm:

def dfs(vertex, visited, stack, graph):
    visited[vertex] = True
    stack[vertex] = True
    for neighbor in graph[vertex]:
        if not visited[neighbor]:
            if dfs(neighbor, visited, stack, graph):
                return True
        elif stack[neighbor]:
            return True
    stack[vertex] = False
    return False

def contains_cycle(graph):
    visited = [False] * len(graph)
    stack = [False] * len(graph)
    for vertex in range(len(graph)):
        if not visited[vertex]:
            if dfs(vertex, visited, stack, graph):
                return True
    return False

3. Strongly Connected Components (SCC)

Another method involves finding the strongly connected components (SCCs) of the graph using algorithms like Tarjan's or Kosaraju's:

  • Tarjan's Algorithm: This algorithm finds all SCCs in a directed graph in linear time. If any SCC contains more than one vertex, then the graph contains a cycle.


  • Square Matrix as Directed Graph: You can interpret a square matrix as a directed graph using the adjacency matrix representation.
  • Cycle Detection:
    • DFS Method: Use depth-first search to track recursion stacks and detect cycles.
    • SCC Method: Use Tarjan’s or Kosaraju’s algorithm to find strongly connected components.

Imaginary eigenvalues are not typically used to detect cycles in a graph. Instead, combinatorial methods like DFS and SCC algorithms are standard approaches for cycle detection in directed graphs.

Suppose I have a javascript object like this:

var graph = [
{ node: "1", points_to: ["3", "10"], misc_data: {} },
{ node: "2", points_to: ["1", "9", "5"], misc_data: {} },
{ node: "3", points_to: [], misc_data: {} },
{ node: "10", points_to: ["5], misc_data: {} },

Please write a function in javascript to find cycles.

To detect cycles in a directed graph represented by a JavaScript object, you can use Depth-First Search (DFS). The DFS approach involves tracking the nodes currently in the recursion stack to detect back edges, which indicate cycles.

Here's a JavaScript function to find cycles in the graph:

function findCycles(graph) {
    const nodeMap = new Map();
    graph.forEach(node => {
        nodeMap.set(node.node, node.points_to);

    const visited = new Set();
    const stack = new Set();
    const cycles = [];

    function dfs(node, path) {
        if (!visited.has(node)) {

            if (nodeMap.has(node)) {
                for (let neighbor of nodeMap.get(node)) {
                    if (!visited.has(neighbor)) {
                        if (dfs(neighbor, path)) {
                            return true;
                    } else if (stack.has(neighbor)) {
                        const cycle = path.slice(path.indexOf(neighbor));
                        return true;

        return false;

    graph.forEach(node => {
        if (!visited.has(node.node)) {
            dfs(node.node, []);

    return cycles;

// Example usage:
const graph = [
    { node: "1", points_to: ["3", "10"], misc_data: {} },
    { node: "2", points_to: ["1", "9", "5"], misc_data: {} },
    { node: "3", points_to: [], misc_data: {} },
    { node: "10", points_to: ["5"], misc_data: {} },
    { node: "5", points_to: ["2"], misc_data: {} }

const cycles = findCycles(graph);
console.log("Cycles found:", cycles);


  1. Data Structure: The nodeMap maps each node to its list of neighbors.
  2. Visited and Stack Sets: visited tracks all nodes that have been fully processed, while stack tracks nodes currently in the recursion stack.
  3. DFS Function: The dfs function performs a depth-first search. It checks each neighbor:
    • If the neighbor is not visited, it recursively calls dfs on the neighbor.
    • If the neighbor is in the current recursion stack, it detects a cycle and captures the cycle path.
  4. Cycle Detection: The function stores detected cycles in the cycles array.
  5. Main Loop: The main loop calls dfs for each node if it hasn't been visited yet.


  • Example Usage: The example graph provided is used to demonstrate the function. The function prints all detected cycles in the graph.

This function can handle the given JavaScript object format and detect cycles in the graph efficiently using the DFS method.

function findCycles(graph) {
const nodeMap = new Map();
graph.forEach(node => {
nodeMap.set(node.node, node.points_to);
const visited = new Set();
const stack = new Set();
const cycles = [];
function dfs(node, path) {
if (!visited.has(node)) {
if (nodeMap.has(node)) {
for (let neighbor of nodeMap.get(node)) {
if (!visited.has(neighbor)) {
if (dfs(neighbor, path)) {
return true;
} else if (stack.has(neighbor)) {
const cycle = path.slice(path.indexOf(neighbor));
return true;
return false;
graph.forEach(node => {
if (!visited.has(node.node)) {
dfs(node.node, []);
return cycles;
// Example usage:
const graph = [
{ node: "1", points_to: ["3", "10"], misc_data: {} },
{ node: "2", points_to: ["1", "9", "5"], misc_data: {} },
{ node: "3", points_to: [], misc_data: {} },
{ node: "10", points_to: ["5"], misc_data: {} },
{ node: "5", points_to: ["2"], misc_data: {} }
const cycles = findCycles(graph);
console.log("Cycles found:", cycles);
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