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Created January 15, 2020 16:45
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{ lib }:
# Converts given object to TOML text.
toTOML =
toInlinePair = name: value: "${builtins.toJSON name} = ${toPlainTOMLValue value}";
toPlainTOMLValue = value:
if lib.isList value then
if value == [] then "[]" else "[ ${lib.concatMapStringsSep ", " toPlainTOMLValue value} ]"
else if lib.isAttrs value then
if value == {} then "{}" else "{ ${lib.concatMapStringsSep ", " (lib.mapAttrsToList toInlinePair value)} }"
builtins.toJSON value;
toPlainTOML = { name, value }: "${builtins.toJSON name} = ${toPlainTOMLValue value}";
toGenericTableTOML = header: prefix: value:
insideTOML = toPrefixedTOML prefix value;
if insideTOML == "" then header else "${header}\n${insideTOML}";
prefixHeader = prefix: lib.concatMapStringsSep "." builtins.toJSON prefix;
toTableTOML = prefix: { name, value }:
newPrefix = prefix ++ [ name ];
header = "[${prefixHeader newPrefix}]";
in toGenericTableTOML header newPrefix value;
toTableArrayTOML = prefix: { name, value }:
newPrefix = prefix ++ [ name ];
header = "[[${prefixHeader newPrefix}]]";
in lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n\n" (toGenericTableTOML header newPrefix) value;
toPrefixedTOML = prefix: obj:
splitKeys1 = lib.partition (pair: lib.isAttrs pair.value) (lib.mapAttrsToList lib.nameValuePair obj);
splitKeys2 = lib.partition (pair: lib.isList pair.value && pair.value != [] && lib.all lib.isAttrs pair.value) splitKeys1.wrong;
plainAttrs = splitKeys2.wrong;
tableAttrs = splitKeys1.right;
tableArrayAttrs = splitKeys2.right;
plainTOML = lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" toPlainTOML plainAttrs;
tableTOML = lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n\n" (toTableTOML prefix) tableAttrs;
tableArrayTOML = lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n\n" (toTableArrayTOML prefix) tableArrayAttrs;
in lib.concatStringsSep "\n\n" (
lib.optional (plainAttrs != []) plainTOML
++ lib.optional (tableAttrs != []) tableTOML
++ lib.optional (tableArrayAttrs != []) tableArrayTOML
in toPrefixedTOML [];
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