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abdoei /
Created August 2, 2023 05:05
Linux Mint 21.2 Hibernate mode setup

Hibernate it!

After reading so many blogs out there and nothing of them worked for me to hibernate Linux Mint 21.2, I randomly found a video on YouTube that worked for me. I'm sharing it here so that it can help others too and me in future if I forget it.

  1. First: this blog post is the one he followed in the video.
  2. The video - first part: 56 seconds long.
  3. The video - second part: 3 minutes and 45 seconds long.
  4. The video - third part: 38 seconds long.
  5. A link from the video description: StackExchange answer.


lyarinet /
Created December 31, 2021 07:14 — forked from johnnypea/
Useful one liners
# Run the last command as root
sudo !!
# Serve current directory tree at http://$HOSTNAME:8000/
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
# Save a file you edited in vim without the needed permissions
:w !sudo tee %
# change to the previous working directory
cd -
# Runs previous command but replacing