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Last active March 24, 2024 00:09
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Improved UI for Charharf Urdu game

This is a bookmarklet that you can use to improve the UI of game. Once activated, you will be able to click or tap the letters in the guessed words to change their color. Colors are yellow, orange, red and grey.

To use on desktop browser

  1. Create a new bookmark in your browser by right-clicking the bookmarks bar and selecting "New Bookmark" or "Add Page" (depending on your browser).
  2. Name the bookmark something like "CharHarf Colorizer" or any other name you prefer.
  3. In the URL field, paste the javascript code from the next file in this gist.
  4. Save the bookmark.
  5. To use the bookmarklet, navigate to first. Then click the bookmarklet in your bookmarks bar. The script should be executed, and the functionality should be applied to the webpage.

To use on Firefox mobile

  1. Go to any random page and bookmark it.
  2. Go to your bookmarks and edit the book.
  3. Name the bookmark something like "CharHarf Colorizer" or any other name you prefer.
  4. In the URL field, paste the javascript code from the next file in this gist.
  5. Save the bookmark.
  6. To use the bookmarklet, navigate to . Then click on the addressbar. And search for the bookmark name. Click the bookmark. The script should be executed, and the functionality should be applied to the webpage.


Public domain.


Created using Mistral Large on 23-03-2024

//If you want to improve this
const tbodyElement = document.querySelector('#scores tbody');
const letterColors = [["#fac527", "#fac527", "#fac527", "#fac527"]]; // Initialize with the first row's colors
const colors = ["#fac527", "#f27d2f", "#3799f9", "#686868"];
tbodyElement.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if ('letter')) {
const rowIndex ='tr').rowIndex;
const columnIndex = Array.from(;
letterColors[rowIndex][columnIndex] = colors[(letterColors[rowIndex][columnIndex] === colors[colors.length - 1] ? 0 : colors.indexOf(letterColors[rowIndex][columnIndex]) + 1)]; = letterColors[rowIndex][columnIndex];
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
if (mutation.addedNodes.length) {
observer.observe(tbodyElement, { childList: true });
function recolorRows() {
const rows = tbodyElement.querySelectorAll('tr');
letterColors.unshift(new Array(4).fill("#fac527")); // Add a new row of colors to the top of the letterColors array
rows.forEach((row, rowIndex) => {
const cells = row.querySelectorAll('.letter');
cells.forEach((cell, columnIndex) => { = letterColors[rowIndex][columnIndex];
recolorRows(); // Initialize the colors of the existing rows
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