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Created July 27, 2019 16:45
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Mini Task 1
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<div class="why-islam">
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<hr />
<h2>why <span>islam</span></h2>
<p><b>Islam</b> is the tastes: grawIng religIon In the woridA indeed. one out of every five
persons on this earth :5 a Musflm. There are nearly 3 miiIion Muslums living In
United Kingdom and the number Is growing. Yet. unfortunately. Islam is aiso the
most misunderstood religion. Muslims Me In diiferent parts 0! the werld ranging
from China to Argenuna. Russu Io South Africa. The country mm the larges:
Muslim population is Indonesia , <a href="">read more</a></p>
<h3>pillars of <span>iman</span></h3>
<div class="row">
<li>belief in Allah</li>
<li>belief in Angels</li>
<li>belief in Allah Revealed Books</li>
<li>belief in the Prophets</li>
<li>belief in the Day of Judgment</li>
<li>belief in al-Qadar</li>
<div class="quran-img"></div>
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