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Abe Hanoka abe-101

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abe-101 /
Created May 14, 2023 02:28
This script generates a dictionary of Hebrew dates for the next three years and their corresponding Gregorian dates
from datetime import date, timedelta
from pyluach import dates
def create_hebrew_to_english_dict():
hebrew_to_english_dict = {}
first_gregorian_date = # two years ago
first_hebrew_date = dates.HebrewDate.from_pydate(first_gregorian_date)
for i in range(365 * 3): # three years
hebrew_date = dates.HebrewDate.from_pydate(first_gregorian_date + timedelta(days=i))
hebrew_date_str = f"{hebrew_date.month}-{}"
abe-101 /
Created April 17, 2023 00:58
The script validates and updates 'Participant's Shipping Address' in a TSV file using Google Cloud Address Validation API, for rows with 'USA' as the country.
import csv
import requests
api_key = 'API KEY'
def validate_address(address, api_key):
Validates an address using the Google Cloud Address Validation API and returns the postal address fields.
address (str): The address to be validated.
from playwright.sync_api import Playwright, sync_playwright, expect
from ffmpeg import FFmpeg
# Function to run the audio enhancement process using Adobe Podcast
def run(playwright: Playwright, FILE) -> None:
# Launch the chromium browser
browser = playwright.chromium.launch()
# Create a new context with saved authentication information
abe-101 /
Last active March 12, 2024 00:14
convert youtube video to podcast
import os
from datetime import datetime, time
from typing import Dict, Union
import requests
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from yt_dlp import YoutubeDL
tmux new -s work -d
tmux rename-window -t work vim
tmux send-keys -t work 'cd repos/django/calmerge/calmerge && workon calmerge' C-m
tmux new-window -t work
tmux rename-window -t work server
tmux send-keys -t work 'cd repos/django/calmerge && workon calmerge && python runserver' C-m
tmux split-window -h -t work