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Created October 21, 2019 21:44
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standard library with flag on
[info] Compiling 614 Scala sources and 148 Java sources to /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/build/quick/classes/library ...
[warn] bad option '-Ynew-collections' was ignored
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Vector.scala:1085:2
[warn] 1085 | private[immutable] final def gotoNewBlockStart(index: Int, depth: Int): Unit = {
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:104:2
[warn] 104 | class DefaultPromise[T] private[this] (initial: AnyRef) extends AtomicReference[AnyRef](initial) with scala.concurrent.Promise[T] with scala.concurrent.Future[T] with (Try[T] => Unit) {
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:347:2
[warn] 347 | final val Xform_noop = 0
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:348:2
[warn] 348 | final val Xform_map = 1
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:349:2
[warn] 349 | final val Xform_flatMap = 2
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:350:2
[warn] 350 | final val Xform_transform = 3
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:351:2
[warn] 351 | final val Xform_transformWith = 4
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:352:2
[warn] 352 | final val Xform_foreach = 5
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:353:2
[warn] 353 | final val Xform_onComplete = 6
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:354:2
[warn] 354 | final val Xform_recover = 7
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:355:2
[warn] 355 | final val Xform_recoverWith = 8
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:356:2
[warn] 356 | final val Xform_filter = 9
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:357:2
[warn] 357 | final val Xform_collect = 10
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:361:2
[warn] 361 | sealed trait Callbacks[-T]
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:363:2
[warn] 363 | final class ManyCallbacks[-T](final val first: Transformation[T,_], final val rest: Callbacks[T]) extends Callbacks[T] {
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:367:2
[warn] 367 | private[this] final val Noop = new Transformation[Nothing, Nothing](Xform_noop, null, ExecutionContext.parasitic)
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala:375:2
[warn] 375 | final class Transformation[-F, T] private[this] (
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[warn] -- Warning: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/util/control/NonFatal.scala:47:2
[warn] 47 | def unapply(t: Throwable): Option[Throwable] = if (apply(t)) Some(t) else None
[warn] | ^
[warn] | Line is indented too far to the left, or a `}' is missing
[error] -- [E134] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Array.scala:130:50
[error] 130 | case x: Array[AnyRef] => java.util.Arrays.copyOf(x, newLength)
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] |None of the overloaded alternatives of method copyOf in object Arrays with types
[error] | (x$0: Array[Boolean] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Boolean]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Double] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Double]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Float] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Float]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Char] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Char]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Long] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Long]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Int] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Int]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Short] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Short]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Byte] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Byte]
[error] | [T, U]
[error] | (x$0: Array[U & Object | JavaNull], x$1: Int, x$2:
[error] | Class[? <: Array[T & Object]]
[error] | | JavaNull): Array[T & Object | JavaNull]
[error] | [T](x$0: Array[T & Object | JavaNull], x$1: Int): Array[T & Object | JavaNull]
[error] |match arguments (Array[AnyRef](x), Int(newLength))
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Array.scala:163:55
[error] 163 | java.util.Arrays.copyOf(original.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], newLength, destArrayClass).asInstanceOf[Array[A]]
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | Found: Array[AnyRef]
[error] | Required: Array[Object | JavaNull]
[error] -- [E134] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Array.scala:175:21
[error] 175 | java.util.Arrays.fill(result.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], ())
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] |None of the overloaded alternatives of method fill in object Arrays with types
[error] | (x$0: Array[Object | JavaNull] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int, x$3: Any): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Object | JavaNull] | JavaNull, x$1: Any): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Float] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int, x$3: Float): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Float] | JavaNull, x$1: Float): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Double] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int, x$3: Double): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Double] | JavaNull, x$1: Double): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Boolean] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int, x$3: Boolean): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Boolean] | JavaNull, x$1: Boolean): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Byte] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int, x$3: Byte): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Byte] | JavaNull, x$1: Byte): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Char] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int, x$3: Char): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Char] | JavaNull, x$1: Char): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Short] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int, x$3: Short): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Short] | JavaNull, x$1: Short): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Int] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int, x$3: Int): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Int] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Long] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int, x$3: Long): Unit
[error] | (x$0: Array[Long] | JavaNull, x$1: Long): Unit
[error] |match arguments (Array[AnyRef], Unit)
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Enumeration.scala:109:42
[error] 109 | @transient private var vset: ValueSet = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Enumeration.this.ValueSet
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Enumeration.scala:172:54
[error] 172 | protected final def Value(i: Int): Value = Value(i, nextNameOrNull)
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | Found: String | Null
[error] | Required: String
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Enumeration.scala:192:32
[error] 192 | val fields: Array[JField] = getClass.getDeclaredFields
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | Found: Array[java.lang.reflect.Field | JavaNull]
[error] | Required: Array[reflect.Field]
[error] -- [E008] Member Not Found Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Enumeration.scala:196:69
[error] 196 | val methods: Array[JMethod] = getClass.getMethods filter (m => m.getParameterTypes.isEmpty &&
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] |value getParameterTypes is not a member of java.lang.reflect.Method | Null
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Enumeration.scala:245:37
[error] 245 | def this(i: Int) = this(i, nextNameOrNull)
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | Found: String | Null
[error] | Required: String
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:124:29
[error] 124 | def classOf[T]: Class[T] = null // This is a stub method. The actual implementation is filled in by the compiler.
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Class[T]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:540:20
[error] 540 | if (xs eq null) null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq[T]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:548:20
[error] 548 | if (xs eq null) null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq.ofRef[T]
[error] |
[error] | where: T is a type in method wrapRefArray with bounds <: AnyRef
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:554:106
[error] 554 | implicit def wrapIntArray(xs: Array[Int]): ArraySeq.ofInt = if (xs ne null) new ArraySeq.ofInt(xs) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq.ofInt
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:556:118
[error] 556 | implicit def wrapDoubleArray(xs: Array[Double]): ArraySeq.ofDouble = if (xs ne null) new ArraySeq.ofDouble(xs) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq.ofDouble
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:558:110
[error] 558 | implicit def wrapLongArray(xs: Array[Long]): ArraySeq.ofLong = if (xs ne null) new ArraySeq.ofLong(xs) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq.ofLong
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:560:114
[error] 560 | implicit def wrapFloatArray(xs: Array[Float]): ArraySeq.ofFloat = if (xs ne null) new ArraySeq.ofFloat(xs) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq.ofFloat
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:562:110
[error] 562 | implicit def wrapCharArray(xs: Array[Char]): ArraySeq.ofChar = if (xs ne null) new ArraySeq.ofChar(xs) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq.ofChar
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:564:110
[error] 564 | implicit def wrapByteArray(xs: Array[Byte]): ArraySeq.ofByte = if (xs ne null) new ArraySeq.ofByte(xs) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq.ofByte
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:566:114
[error] 566 | implicit def wrapShortArray(xs: Array[Short]): ArraySeq.ofShort = if (xs ne null) new ArraySeq.ofShort(xs) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq.ofShort
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:568:122
[error] 568 | implicit def wrapBooleanArray(xs: Array[Boolean]): ArraySeq.ofBoolean = if (xs ne null) new ArraySeq.ofBoolean(xs) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq.ofBoolean
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:570:110
[error] 570 | implicit def wrapUnitArray(xs: Array[Unit]): ArraySeq.ofUnit = if (xs ne null) new ArraySeq.ofUnit(xs) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.mutable.ArraySeq.ofUnit
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:573:95
[error] 573 | implicit def wrapString(s: String): WrappedString = if (s ne null) new WrappedString(s) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: collection.immutable.WrappedString
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Predef.scala:579:20
[error] 579 | if (xs eq null) null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: IndexedSeq[T]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Specializable.scala:27:95
[error] 27 | final val Primitives: Group[(Byte, Short, Int, Long, Char, Float, Double, Boolean, Unit)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] |Found: Null
[error] |Required: scala.Specializable.Group[(Byte, Short, Int, Long, Char, Float, Double, Boolean
[error] | ,
[error] |Unit)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Specializable.scala:28:103
[error] 28 | final val Everything: Group[(Byte, Short, Int, Long, Char, Float, Double, Boolean, Unit, AnyRef)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] |Found: Null
[error] |Required: scala.Specializable.Group[(Byte, Short, Int, Long, Char, Float, Double, Boolean
[error] | ,
[error] |Unit, AnyRef)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Specializable.scala:29:61
[error] 29 | final val Bits32AndUp: Group[(Int, Long, Float, Double)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.Specializable.Group[(Int, Long, Float, Double)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Specializable.scala:30:65
[error] 30 | final val Integral: Group[(Byte, Short, Int, Long, Char)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.Specializable.Group[(Byte, Short, Int, Long, Char)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Specializable.scala:31:80
[error] 31 | final val AllNumeric: Group[(Byte, Short, Int, Long, Char, Float, Double)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] |Found: Null
[error] |Required: scala.Specializable.Group[(Byte, Short, Int, Long, Char, Float, Double)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Specializable.scala:32:71
[error] 32 | final val BestOfBreed: Group[(Int, Double, Boolean, Unit, AnyRef)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] |Found: Null
[error] |Required: scala.Specializable.Group[(Int, Double, Boolean, Unit, AnyRef)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Specializable.scala:33:47
[error] 33 | final val Unit: Group[Tuple1[Unit]] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.Specializable.Group[Tuple1[Unit]]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Specializable.scala:35:61
[error] 35 | final val Arg: Group[(Int, Long, Float, Double)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.Specializable.Group[(Int, Long, Float, Double)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Specializable.scala:36:54
[error] 36 | final val Args: Group[(Int, Long, Double)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.Specializable.Group[(Int, Long, Double)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/Specializable.scala:37:76
[error] 37 | final val Return: Group[(Int, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Unit)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] |Found: Null
[error] |Required: scala.Specializable.Group[(Int, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Unit)]
[error] -- [E134] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/ArrayOps.scala:319:37
[error] 319 | case x: Array[AnyRef] => copyOfRange(x, lo, hi)
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] |None of the overloaded alternatives of method copyOfRange in object Arrays with types
[error] | (x$0: Array[Boolean] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int): Array[Boolean]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Double] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int): Array[Double]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Float] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int): Array[Float]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Char] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int): Array[Char]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Long] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int): Array[Long]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Int] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int): Array[Int]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Short] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int): Array[Short]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Byte] | JavaNull, x$1: Int, x$2: Int): Array[Byte]
[error] | [T, U]
[error] | (x$0: Array[U & Object | JavaNull], x$1: Int, x$2: Int, x$3:
[error] | Class[? <: Array[T & Object]]
[error] | | JavaNull): Array[T & Object | JavaNull]
[error] | [T]
[error] | (x$0: Array[T & Object | JavaNull], x$1: Int, x$2: Int):
[error] | Array[T & Object | JavaNull]
[error] |match arguments (Array[AnyRef](x), Int(lo), Int(hi))
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/ArrayOps.scala:584:18
[error] 584 | Arrays.sort(a, ord.asInstanceOf[Ordering[AnyRef]])
[error] | ^
[error] | Found: Array[AnyRef](a)
[error] | Required: Array[T & Object | JavaNull]
[error] |
[error] | where: T is a type variable with constraint <: Object
[error] -- [E134] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/ArrayOps.scala:591:23
[error] 591 | val a = Arrays.copyOf(xs, len); Arrays.sort(a, ord.asInstanceOf[Ordering[AnyRef]]); a
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] |None of the overloaded alternatives of method copyOf in object Arrays with types
[error] | (x$0: Array[Boolean] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Boolean]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Double] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Double]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Float] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Float]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Char] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Char]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Long] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Long]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Int] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Int]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Short] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Short]
[error] | (x$0: Array[Byte] | JavaNull, x$1: Int): Array[Byte]
[error] | [T, U]
[error] | (x$0: Array[U & Object | JavaNull], x$1: Int, x$2:
[error] | Class[? <: Array[T & Object]]
[error] | | JavaNull): Array[T & Object | JavaNull]
[error] | [T](x$0: Array[T & Object | JavaNull], x$1: Int): Array[T & Object | JavaNull]
[error] |match arguments (Array[AnyRef](xs), Int(len))
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:562:20
[error] 562 | myCurrent = null // clear the stale reference before advancing
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Iterator[B]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:642:54
[error] 642 | private[this] var lookahead: mutable.Queue[A] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.mutable.Queue[A]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:712:88
[error] 712 | if (myLeading.finish()) { status = 0 ; true } else { status = 1 ; myLeading = null ; hasNext }
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Leading
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:719:24
[error] 719 | myLeading = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Leading
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:799:29
[error] 799 | var ahead: Iterator[A] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Iterator[A]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:1051:65
[error] 1051 | private var tail: ConcatIteratorCell[A @uncheckedVariance] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] |Found: Null
[error] |Required: scala.collection.Iterator.ConcatIteratorCell[A @uncheckedVariance]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:1052:65
[error] 1052 | private var last: ConcatIteratorCell[A @uncheckedVariance] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] |Found: Null
[error] |Required: scala.collection.Iterator.ConcatIteratorCell[A @uncheckedVariance]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:1060:18
[error] 1060 | current = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Iterator[A @uncheckedVariance]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:1061:15
[error] 1061 | last = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] |Found: Null
[error] |Required: scala.collection.Iterator.ConcatIteratorCell[A @uncheckedVariance]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:1105:46
[error] 1105 | val c = new ConcatIteratorCell[B](that, null).asInstanceOf[ConcatIteratorCell[A]]
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.Iterator.ConcatIteratorCell[B]
[error] |
[error] | where: B is a type in method concat with bounds >: A
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:1171:51
[error] 1171 | private[this] var nextResult: Option[(A, S)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[(A, S)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala:1189:21
[error] 1189 | nextResult = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[(A, S)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/LazyZipOps.scala:86:23
[error] 86 | _current = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: (El1, El2)
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/LazyZipOps.scala:218:23
[error] 218 | _current = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: (El1, El2, El3)
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/LazyZipOps.scala:354:23
[error] 354 | _current = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: (El1, El2, El3, El4)
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Seq.scala:701:44
[error] 701 | java.util.Arrays.sort(arr.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], ord.asInstanceOf[Ordering[AnyRef]])
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | Found: Array[AnyRef]
[error] | Required: Array[T & Object | JavaNull]
[error] |
[error] | where: T is a type variable with constraint <: Object
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/SeqView.scala:153:48
[error] 153 | java.util.Arrays.sort(arr.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], ord.asInstanceOf[Ordering[AnyRef]])
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | Found: Array[AnyRef]
[error] | Required: Array[T & Object | JavaNull]
[error] |
[error] | where: T is a type variable with constraint <: Object
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/SeqView.scala:166:19
[error] 166 | underlying = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.SeqView.SomeSeqOps[A]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:113:21
[error] 113 | if (s == null) null else new UnboxingDoubleStepper(s)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.DoubleStepper
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:124:21
[error] 124 | if (s == null) null else new UnboxingIntStepper(s)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.IntStepper
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:135:21
[error] 135 | if (s == null) null else new UnboxingLongStepper(s)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.LongStepper
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:146:21
[error] 146 | if (s == null) null else new UnboxingByteStepper(s)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.IntStepper
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:157:21
[error] 157 | if (s == null) null else new UnboxingCharStepper(s)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.IntStepper
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:168:21
[error] 168 | if (s == null) null else new UnboxingShortStepper(s)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.IntStepper
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:179:21
[error] 179 | if (s == null) null else new UnboxingFloatStepper(s)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.DoubleStepper
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:202:22
[error] 202 | if (sp == null) null else sp.spliterator
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: java.util.Spliterator[A]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:227:21
[error] 227 | if (s == null) null else new BoxedDoubleStepper(s)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.AnyStepper[Double]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:238:21
[error] 238 | if (s == null) null else new BoxedIntStepper(s)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.AnyStepper[Int]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:249:21
[error] 249 | if (s == null) null else new BoxedLongStepper(s)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.AnyStepper[Long]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:277:22
[error] 277 | if (sp == null) null else sp.spliterator
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: java.util.Spliterator.OfInt
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:316:22
[error] 316 | if (sp == null) null else sp.spliterator
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: java.util.Spliterator.OfDouble
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/Stepper.scala:355:22
[error] 355 | if (sp == null) null else sp.spliterator
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: java.util.Spliterator.OfLong
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/StringOps.scala:771:53
[error] 771 | def split(separator: Char): Array[String] = s.split(escape(separator))
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | Found: Array[String | JavaNull]
[error] | Required: Array[String]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/StringOps.scala:776:11
[error] 776 | s.split(re)
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | Found: Array[String | JavaNull]
[error] | Required: Array[String]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/View.scala:457:19
[error] 457 | underlying = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Iterator[A]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:31:43
[error] 31 | def this(g: Gen, equiv: Equiv[K]) = this(null, g, equiv)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.concurrent.MainNode[K, V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:46:108
[error] 46 | @tailrec private def GCAS_Complete(m: MainNode[K, V], ct: TrieMap[K, V]): MainNode[K, V] = if (m eq null) null else {
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.concurrent.MainNode[K, V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:175:21
[error] 175 | else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:180:100
[error] 180 | if (GCAS(cn, cn.updatedAt(pos, new SNode(sn.k, v, hc), gen), ct)) Some(sn.v) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:185:23
[error] 185 | else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:193:23
[error] 193 | else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:197:97
[error] 197 | if (GCAS(cn, cn.updatedAt(pos, new SNode(k, v, hc), gen), ct)) Some(sn.v) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:201:97
[error] 201 | if (GCAS(cn, cn.updatedAt(pos, new SNode(k, v, hc), gen), ct)) Some(sn.v) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:209:48
[error] 209 | if (GCAS(cn, ncnode, ct)) None else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:215:8
[error] 215 | null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:224:38
[error] 224 | if (insertln()) optv else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:227:53
[error] 227 | case None => if (insertln()) None else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:232:61
[error] 232 | case Some(v0) => if (insertln()) Some(v0) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:237:97
[error] 237 | case Some(v0) if v0 == otherv => if (insertln()) Some(otherv.asInstanceOf[V]) else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:333:44
[error] 333 | if (res == None || (res eq null)) res
[error] | ^^^
[error] | Found: (Option[V] | Null)(res)
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:368:8
[error] 368 | null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:373:42
[error] 373 | if (GCAS(ln, nn, ct)) optv else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:377:44
[error] 377 | if (GCAS(ln, nn, ct)) optv else null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Option[V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:732:22
[error] 732 | var obj: AnyRef = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: AnyRef
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:790:35
[error] 790 | if (!r.rec_insert(k, v, hc, 0, null, r.gen, this)) inserthc(k, hc, v)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.concurrent.INode[K, V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:796:48
[error] 796 | val ret = r.rec_insertif(k, v, hc, cond, 0, null, r.gen, this)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.concurrent.INode[K, V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:810:37
[error] 810 | val res = r.rec_lookup(k, hc, 0, null, r.gen, this)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.concurrent.INode[K, V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:825:54
[error] 825 | val res = r.rec_remove(k, v, removeAlways, hc, 0, null, r.gen, this)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.concurrent.INode[K, V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:870:75
[error] 870 | if (RDCSS_ROOT(r, expmain, r.copyToGen(new Gen, this))) new TrieMap(r, null, hashing, equality)
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater[
[error] | scala.collection.concurrent'.TrieMap[K, V]
[error] | , AnyRef]
[error] |
[error] | where: V is a type variable with constraint <: V
[error] | concurrent is a package in package util
[error] | concurrent' is a package in package collection
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:1045:42
[error] 1045 | private var subiter: Iterator[(K, V)] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Iterator[(K, V)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:1046:38
[error] 1046 | private var current: KVNode[K, V] = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.concurrent.KVNode[K, V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:1053:20
[error] 1053 | var r: (K, V) = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: (K, V)
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:1080:14
[error] 1080 | subiter = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: Iterator[(K, V)]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:1076:16
[error] 1076 | current = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.concurrent.KVNode[K, V]
[error] -- [E007] Type Mismatch Error: /home/anietoro/src/dotty2/community-build/community-projects/stdLib213/src/library/scala/collection/concurrent/TrieMap.scala:1106:19
[error] 1106 | } else current = null
[error] | ^^^^
[error] | Found: Null
[error] | Required: scala.collection.concurrent.KVNode[K, V]
[warn] 19 warnings found
[error] 547 errors found
[error] (library / Compile / compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 45 s, completed 21-Oct-2019 3:41:21 PM
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