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October 2, 2015 07:48
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my vimrc
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se nocompatible | |
filetype off | |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ | |
call vundle#rc() | |
" let Vundle manage Vundle | |
" required! | |
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle' | |
Bundle "vimwiki" | |
Bundle "mattn/calendar-vim" | |
Bundle "mattn/gist-vim.git" | |
Bundle "scrooloose/nerdtree.git" | |
Bundle "scrooloose/nerdcommenter.git" | |
Bundle "Lokaltog/vim-powerline.git" | |
Bundle "tpope/vim-fugitive" | |
Bundle "Aben/moria" | |
Bundle "nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides" | |
"Bundle "samsonw/vim-task" | |
Bundle "altercation/vim-colors-solarized" | |
Bundle "Lokaltog/vim-easymotion" | |
Bundle "kien/ctrlp.vim" | |
Bundle "groenewege/vim-less" | |
Bundle "mattn/zencoding-vim" | |
Bundle "goldfeld/vim-seek" | |
Bundle "tpope/vim-repeat" | |
Bundle "tpope/vim-unimpaired" | |
Bundle "tpope/vim-surround" | |
Bundle "pangloss/vim-javascript" | |
Bundle "kchmck/vim-coffee-script" | |
Bundle "closetag.vim" | |
"Bundle "scrooloose/syntastic" | |
syntax on | |
filetype plugin indent on | |
set history=100 " keep 100 lines of command line history | |
set ruler " show the cursor position all the time | |
set showcmd " display incomplete commands | |
se wildmenu " 命令行补全 | |
set incsearch " do incremental searching 实时显示查找结果 | |
se hlsearch " 高亮搜索结果 | |
"se nu " number | |
se rnu "relative number | |
se nowrap | |
"git 切换分支有觉察不到啊 | |
"se autoread | |
se showmode "显示模式 | |
"se mouse-=a " Disable mouse | |
"se mousehide " Hide mouse after chars typed | |
"se showmatch " Show matching brackets. | |
"se matchtime=5 " Bracket blinking. | |
"se novisualbell " No blinking | |
"se noerrorbells " No noise. | |
"se vb t_vb= " disable any beeps or flashes on error | |
"encodings | |
se encoding=utf-8 | |
se fileencoding=utf-8 | |
se fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,chinese,taiwan,japan,koren,latin1 | |
"se helplang=cn | |
"indent | |
se linespace=4 | |
se shiftwidth=4 | |
se tabstop=4 | |
"se softtabstop=4 | |
se expandtab " Tab 转换为 space | |
se smarttab " use tabs at the start of a line, spaces elsewhere | |
se ai " Auto indent | |
se si " Smart indent | |
se cc=141 | |
"map <leader>v "*p<CR>:exe ":echo 'pasted from clipboard'"<CR> | |
"map <leader>c "*y<CR>:exe ":echo 'copied to clipboard'"<CR> | |
" 命令行bash快捷键 | |
cnoremap <C-A> <Home> | |
cnoremap <C-E> <End> | |
cnoremap <C-F> <Right> | |
cnoremap <C-B> <Left> | |
"set mapleader | |
"let mapleader = "," | |
" Fast saving | |
"nmap <leader>w :w<cr> | |
" edit vimrc | |
command Vimrc e ~/.vimrc | |
nmap <leader>nt :NERDTree<cr> | |
se background=dark | |
"macvim | |
if has("gui_macvim") | |
"colorscheme | |
"colo moria | |
colo solarized | |
"font | |
se guifont=Vera_Sans_YuanTi_Mono_for_Powerline:h14 | |
"se guifont=Monaco:h14 | |
"se guifont=Menlo:h14 | |
"se transparency=0 | |
"非插入模式禁用输入法 | |
se noimd | |
"se imd | |
"se imi=1 | |
se ims=1 | |
"au InsertEnter * se noimd | |
"au InsertLeave * se imd | |
"au FocusGained * se imd | |
"se imactivatekey=<D-space> | |
"se imc | |
"if has('multi_byte_ime') | |
" highlight Cursor guifg=NONE guibg=Green | |
" highlight CursorIM guifg=NONE guibg=Purple | |
"endif | |
"au CursorMoved * se imi=0 | |
"au FocusLost * se imd | |
"au WinEnter * se imd | |
"inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:se imi=0<CR> | |
" fullscreen | |
"se fuoptions=maxvert,maxhorz | |
"au GUIEnter * se fullscreen | |
"取消默认快捷键 | |
let macvim_skip_cmd_opt_movement = 1 | |
let macvim_hig_shift_movement = 1 | |
"no toolbar | |
se guioptions-=T | |
"mac cmd keys "map <D-v> <C-v> | |
"map <D-e> <C-e> | |
"map <D-y> <C-y> | |
"map <D-f> <C-f> | |
"map <D-b> <C-b> | |
"map <D-d> <C-d> | |
"map <D-u> <C-u> | |
"map <D-o> <C-o> | |
"map <D-w> <C-w> | |
"map <D-g> <C-g> | |
"map <D-r> <C-r> | |
"map <D-t> :tabnew<CR> | |
map <D-1> 1gt | |
map <D-2> 2gt | |
map <D-3> 3gt | |
map <D-4> 4gt | |
map <D-5> 5gt | |
map <D-6> 6gt | |
map <D-7> 7gt | |
map <D-8> 8gt | |
" map <D-9> 9gt | |
" map <D-9> 10gt | |
map <D-0> gt | |
map <D-9> gT | |
" Powerline | |
se ls=2 " Always show the statusline | |
let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy' | |
endif | |
"indent guides bg color | |
let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0 | |
"autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesOdd guibg=black ctermbg=3 | |
"autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=darkgrey ctermbg=4 | |
"vimwiki | |
let g:vimwiki_ues_mouse=1 | |
"let g:vimwiki_ext2syntax = {'.md': 'markdown', '.mkd': 'markdown', '.wiki': 'media'} | |
let wiki = {} | |
let wiki.path = '~/Documents/wiki/' | |
let wiki.path_html = '~/Documents/wiki/html/' | |
let wiki.template_path = '~/Documents/wiki/wiki_templates/' | |
let wiki.template_default = 'header' | |
let wiki.template_ext = '.tpl' | |
"let wiki.syntax = 'markdown' | |
"let wiki.ext = '.md' | |
"let wiki.diary_rel_path = 'diary/' | |
"let wiki.nested_syntaxs = {'python': 'python'} | |
"let wiki.index = 'main' | |
"let blog = {} | |
"let blog.path = '~/Documents/.blog/' | |
"let blog.path_html = '~/Documents/.blog/html/' | |
"let g:vimwiki_list=[wiki, blog] | |
let g:vimwiki_list=[wiki] | |
":hi VimwikiHeader1 guifg=#FF0000 | |
":hi VimwikiHeader2 guifg=#00FF00 | |
":hi VimwikiHeader3 guifg=#1F49F6 | |
":hi VimwikiHeader4 guifg=#FF00FF | |
":hi VimwikiHeader5 guifg=#00FFFF | |
":hi VimwikiHeader6 guifg=#FFFF00 | |
"EasyMotion | |
let g:EasyMotion_do_shade = 0 | |
let g:EasyMotion_leader_key = '<Leader>' | |
"hi EasyMotionTarget ctermbg=none ctermfg=green | |
"Calendar | |
"let g:calendar_diary = '~/Documents/diary/' | |
"let g:calendar_options='fdc=0 nonu nornu' | |
map cal :Calendar<cr> | |
"自动当前窗口局部工作目录 | |
"autocmd! BufWinEnter * lcd %:p:h | |
se autochdir | |
"失去焦点自动保存 | |
"au FocusLost * :wa | |
au FocusLost * silent! wa | |
"au FocusLost * silent! up | |
"au FocusLost *.html :wa | |
"vim-task | |
"inoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-D-CR> <ESC>:call Toggle_task_status()<CR>i | |
"noremap <silent> <buffer> <C-D-CR> :call Toggle_task_status()<CR> | |
"vim-seek | |
let g:SeekKey = 'e' | |
let g:SeekBackKey = 'E' | |
let g:seek_enable_jumps = 1 |
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