Github Actions are defined in a YAML file named <workflow name>.yml
and are listed in the .github/workflows
folder at the root of your project.
You can store as many workflows as your project requires.
docker run --rm -it -w /app -v .:/app alpine/openssl genrsa -des3 -out rootCA.key 4096
docker run --rm -it -w /app -v .:/app alpine/openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out rootCA.crt
- save passpharse and rootCA.key & rootCA.crt in a vault
- add root certificate
in your OS (mac: // windows:
Initially, a business is like any other. It comes from the phenomenon of "start-up" or a matured idea. It seeks its place Upsets concurrency when there are and often starts as a bomb under the impulse of joy and novelty. Strong competition and lower prices for the hardware development allows companies who wish to conquer new market to equip in material quickly and easily. It was the same for the workforce. Number of students passionate ready to sweat water and blood to prove their capabilities and their mastery of the virtual world.
But it goes without saying that only the well-organized business and master of their efforts experiencing stable growth. To do this, in the context of an IT project, it is essential to establish a quasi-industrial system. This saves time and not losing (Hoo My F****** God I Used "rm *" ! [I know you know]).
Of course, this tutorial "Tips & Tricks" is just one example but it can proves useful in the context of a single project website. Then let your instincts do the rest ;-)
As with the previous article on project management with SVN. We will, this time with GIT, see a simple process of project management.
Note : If your are looking to install your GIT server, look at this page How to install GIT with SSH [...]. Note : To train yourself, you can open a free repository on This tutorial is develop around the free repository ex-project-management. Before starting
Before you begin, it is important to know that Git is significantly different from SVN. Git provides a concept of "local working".
When working with GIT, all actions are first made on a local space, In a second time, you must send this local work on the remote server (the main remote server is called "origin").
GitHub gave us shortcuts to access latest release of a repository
- access the latest release<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY>/releases/latest
- download attached files to a release<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY>/releases/latest/download/<FILE>
chmod +x laravel-one
Ajouter INCLUDEPATH à votre fichier de projet (.pro) dans QtCreator et indiquer lui le chemin de votre library Boost comme ceci: INCLUDEPATH += C:\boost
Queue.h est un outil indispensable à maîtriser quand l''on développe beaucoup en langage C. C''est une suite de macro qui facilite la création et l''utilisation des listes chaînées. On y distingue trois ensembles de macro pour les listes simples, les files (FIFO/LIFO) et les listes circulaires.', ' En C, la liste chaînée fait souvent office d''un apprentissage laborieux, douloureux. A deux pas entre la maitrise des pointeurs et l''élaboration de structures, c''est un moyen simple et efficace pour la gestion et l''accès aux données d''un programme. Grâce aux listes plus besoin de tableau, on raccourcie ces structures et on donne un air artistique à son code.
Après les avoir utilisés un certain temps, on se rend vite compte que l''on ne peut plus s''en passer - malgré parfois le besoin d''élaborer des structures plus complexes comme des arbres binaires de toutes sortent ou des graphes - on aime en mettre partout pour tout faire. C''est à ce moment que l''on se rend compte que le temps de développement d''une l
composer install
php test.php