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Last active July 6, 2020 15:40
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  • Save aberezin/7078ec087c7e4f8a078dd518d30a75bf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# from
# To prevent debug code from being accidentally committed, simply add a comment near your
# debug code containing the keyword NO_GITCOMMIT (with underscore gone) and this script will abort the commit.
# I also made this available here
if git commit -av --dry-run | grep $(echo NO_GITCOMMIT | tr -d _) >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "This is a global pre-commit hook talking: Trying to commit non-committable code."
echo "Remove the NO_GITCOMMIT (The tag is with the _ gone) string and try again."
echo "You might have that tag in a file that is not yet added to staged but this hook rejects all bc it is not yet smart enought to know if you are doing a git commit -a or not. Also, because of the way the this hook is written, it will catch the previous commit that had a this tag. In either case, you can use --no--verify to force the commit."
exit 1
if [ -d $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.gitsecret ]; then
#This is flawed in that it will error out if any of the revealed files are already deleted
#We can deal with that by running true after calling it.
#But the bigger problem is that when it creates new .secret files, those wont be added to the index
#If it could give us a list of file paths that it created, we could add those
#We could parse the .gitsecret/paths/mapping.cfg
#git secret hide -d -P
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