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Created August 21, 2023 14:19
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# Function to create intermediate path strings
def transition_states(paths):
unique_channels = set(x for element in paths for x in element)
transition_states = {x + '>' + y: 0 for x in unique_channels for y in unique_channels}
for possible_state in unique_channels:
if possible_state not in ['Activation', 'Null']:
for user_path in paths:
if possible_state in user_path:
indices = [i for i, s in enumerate(user_path) if possible_state in s]
for col in indices:
transition_states[user_path[col] + '>' + user_path[col + 1]] += 1
return transition_states
# Function to calculate transition probabilities
def transition_prob(trans_dict, paths):
unique_channels = set(x for element in paths for x in element)
trans_prob = dict()
for state in unique_channels:
if state not in ['Activation', 'Null']:
counter = 0
index = [i for i, s in enumerate(trans_dict) if state + '>' in s]
for col in index:
if trans_dict[list(trans_dict)[col]] > 0:
counter += trans_dict[list(trans_dict)[col]]
for col in index:
if trans_dict[list(trans_dict)[col]] > 0:
state_prob = float((trans_dict[list(trans_dict)[col]])) / float(counter)
trans_prob[list(trans_dict)[col]] = state_prob
return trans_prob
# Function to create transition matrix
def transition_matrix(list_of_paths, transition_probabilities):
trans_matrix = pd.DataFrame()
unique_channels = set(x for element in list_of_paths for x in element)
for channel in unique_channels:
trans_matrix[channel] = 0.00
trans_matrix.loc[channel] = 0.00
trans_matrix.loc[channel][channel] = 1.0 if channel in ['Activation', 'Null'] else 0.0
for key, value in transition_probabilities.items():
origin, destination = key.split('>')[origin, destination] = value
return trans_matrix
trans_states = transition_states(journeys['path'])
trans_prob = transition_prob(trans_states, journeys['path'])
trans_matrix = transition_matrix(journeys['path'], trans_prob)
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