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Last active September 27, 2023 16:04
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# Step 1: Convert all interactions to a list
journeys = campaign_data.groupby('customer_id')['channel'].aggregate(
lambda x: x.tolist()).reset_index()
# Step 2: Add last interaction as 1 or 0 event representing activation
activation_results = campaign_data.drop_duplicates('customer_id', keep='last')[['customer_id', 'activation']]
journeys = pd.merge(journeys, activation_results, how='left', on='customer_id')
# Step 3: Add start and end states based on whether customer activated
journeys['path'] = np.where(
journeys['activation'] == 0,
journeys['channel'].apply(lambda x: ["Start"] + x + ["Null"]),
journeys['channel'].apply(lambda x: ["Start"] + x + ["Activation"])
journeys = journeys[['customer_id', 'path']]
# Get overall activation rate
total_activations = journeys['path'].apply(lambda x: x[-1]).str.match('Activation').sum()
activation_rate = total_activations / journeys.shape[0]
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can you open access to data as mentioned in
Campaign Logs — the goldmine of information
I have created a dataset that resembles what you would typically see in campaign logs.

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