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Last active July 17, 2021 16:49
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Simple CounterViewModel
class CounterViewModel(private val store: Store<CounterState>) : ViewModel() {
val actions: Flow<Action> = store.actions
val states: Flow<CounterState> = store.states
override fun onCleared() {
companion object {
private val reduce = { action: Action, state: CounterState ->
when (action) {
is CounterAction.IncrementAction -> {
state.copy(counter = state.counter + 1)
is CounterAction.DecrementAction -> {
state.copy(counter = state.counter - 1)
is CounterAction.ForceUpdateAction -> {
state.copy(counter = action.count)
is CounterAction.ResetAction -> {
state.copy(counter = 0)
else -> state
fun get(): CounterViewModel {
val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default + SupervisorJob())
val store = Store(
initialState = CounterState(),
reduce = reduce,
scope = scope
return CounterViewModel(store)
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