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Last active February 6, 2018 10:42
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Sudoku solver in Haskell
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (withStrategy, rdeepseq, parBuffer)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char (isDigit, digitToInt)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (nub, foldl', group, sort)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import Data.Vector ((!))
import Data.Word (Word16)
fixM :: (Eq t, Monad m) => (t -> m t) -> t -> m t
fixM f x = f x >>= \x' -> if x' == x then return x else fixM f x'
digits :: S.Set Word16
digits = S.fromList [bit 1, bit 2, bit 3, bit 4, bit 5, bit 6, bit 7, bit 8, bit 9]
setBits :: Word16 -> [Word16] -> Word16
setBits = foldl' (.|.)
data Cell = Fixed Word16
| Possible Word16
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance NFData Cell where
rnf (Fixed w) = rnf w
rnf (Possible w) = rnf w
type Board = V.Vector Cell
type CellIxs = [Int]
isFixed :: Cell -> Bool
isFixed (Fixed _ ) = True
isFixed _ = False
emptyCell :: Cell
emptyCell = Possible allBitsSet
where allBitsSet = 1022
readCell :: Char -> Maybe Cell
readCell c
| c == '.' = Just emptyCell
| isDigit c && c > '0' = Just . Fixed . bit . digitToInt $ c
| otherwise = Nothing
mkCell :: Word16 -> Cell
mkCell xs
| xs `S.member` digits = Fixed xs
| otherwise = Possible xs
readBoard :: String -> Maybe Board
readBoard s = if length s /= 81
then Nothing
else V.fromList <$> mapM readCell s
fromXY :: (Int, Int) -> Int
fromXY (x, y) = x * 9 + y
allRowIxs, allColIxs, allBlockIxs :: [CellIxs]
allRowIxs = [getRow i | i <- [0..8]]
where getRow n = [ fromXY (n, i) | i <- [0..8] ]
allColIxs = [getCol i | i <- [0..8]]
where getCol n = [ fromXY (i, n) | i <- [0..8] ]
allBlockIxs = [getBlock i | i <- [0..8]]
where getBlock n = let (r, c) = (n `quot` 3, n `mod` 3)
in [ fromXY (3 * r + i, 3 * c + j) | i <- [0..2], j <- [0..2] ]
showBoard :: Board -> String
showBoard b = unlines . map (unwords . map (showCell . (b !))) $ allRowIxs
showCell (Fixed x) = show $ countTrailingZeros x
showCell _ = "."
replaceCell :: Int -> Cell -> Board -> Board
replaceCell i c = V.modify (\v -> MV.write v i c)
pruneCellFixeds :: [Cell] -> Cell -> Maybe (Bool, Cell)
pruneCellFixeds row cell = case cell of
Possible xs | xs `elem` posFixeds -> Just (False, cell)
Possible xs | diff xs == 0 -> Nothing
Possible xs -> Just (xs /= diff xs, mkCell (diff xs))
_ -> Just (False, cell)
fixeds = setBits zeroBits [x | Fixed x <- row]
posFixeds =
map fst
. filter (\(vs, l) -> popCount vs == l)
. map (head &&& length)
. group
. sort
$ [xs | Possible xs <- row, popCount xs < 4]
fixedVals = setBits fixeds posFixeds
diff xs = xs .&. complement fixedVals
pruneCellUniqs :: [Cell] -> Cell -> Maybe (Bool, Cell)
pruneCellUniqs row cell = case cell of
Possible xs | popCount (xs .&. uniqs) == 1 -> Just (True, Fixed (xs .&. uniqs))
_ -> Just (False, cell)
uniqs = foldl' setBit zeroBits
. filter (\n -> (== 1) . length . take 2 $ [() | Possible xs <- row, testBit xs n])
$ [1..9]
pruneCells :: Board -> CellIxs -> Maybe Board
pruneCells b cellIxs =
foldl' (\b' (i, changed, c) -> if changed then replaceCell i c b' else b') b
<$> mapM ((\(i, c) -> pruneCell c >>= \(ch, c') -> return (i, ch, c')) . (\i -> (i, b ! i))) cellIxs
row = map (b !) cellIxs
pruneCell cell = do
(changed, cell') <- pruneCellFixeds row cell
(changed', cell'') <- pruneCellUniqs row cell'
return (changed || changed', cell'')
pruneBoard :: Board -> Maybe Board
pruneBoard = fixM $ \board ->
foldM pruneCells board allRowIxs
>>= flip (foldM pruneCells) allColIxs
>>= flip (foldM pruneCells) allBlockIxs
isInvalidBoard :: Board -> Bool
isInvalidBoard b =
any isInvalidRow allRowIxs
|| any isInvalidRow allColIxs
|| any isInvalidRow allBlockIxs
isInvalidRow = not . isValidRow
isValidRow rowIxs =
let fixeds = [x | Fixed x <- map (b !) rowIxs]
emptyPossibles = [x | Possible x <- map (b !) rowIxs, x == 0]
in length fixeds == length (nub fixeds) && null emptyPossibles
isFinishedBoard :: Board -> Bool
isFinishedBoard = (== 81) . V.length . V.filter isFixed
solve :: Board -> Maybe Board
solve b
| isInvalidBoard b = Nothing
| isFinishedBoard b = Just b
| otherwise =
let (b1, b2) = splitBoard
in case pruneBoard b1 of
Nothing -> pruneBoard b2 >>= solve
Just b' -> solve b' <|> (pruneBoard b2 >>= solve)
splitBoard =
let (i, first, rest) = splitPossible smallestPossible
in (replaceCell i first b, replaceCell i rest b)
smallestPossible =
V.minimumBy (compare `on` (possibleValCount . snd)) . V.filter (not . isFixed . snd) . V.indexed $ b
possibleValCount ~(Possible xs) = popCount xs
splitPossible ~(i, Possible vs) =
let x = countTrailingZeros vs in (i, Fixed (bit x), mkCell (clearBit vs x))
main :: IO ()
main = do
boards <- lines <$> getContents
let solutions = parMap readAndSolve boards
putStrLn $ show (length $ filter isJust solutions) ++ "/" ++ show (length boards) ++ " solved"
readAndSolve board = case readBoard board of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just b -> pruneBoard b >>= solve
chunkSize = 1000
parMap f = withStrategy (parBuffer chunkSize rdeepseq) . map f
-- example run:
-- $ stack install
-- $ echo "......52..8.4......3...9...5.1...6..2..7........3.....6...1..........7.4.......3." | sudoku
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