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Created January 22, 2019 17:40
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nextGrids :: Grid -> (Grid, Grid)
nextGrids grid =
let (i, first@(Fixed _), rest) =
. Data.List.minimumBy (compare `Data.Function.on` (possibilityCount . snd))
. filter (isPossible . snd)
. zip [0..]
. concat
$ grid
in (replace2D i first grid, replace2D i rest grid)
isPossible (Possible _) = True
isPossible _ = False
possibilityCount (Possible xs) = length xs
possibilityCount (Fixed _) = 1
fixCell (i, Possible [x, y]) = (i, Fixed x, Fixed y)
fixCell (i, Possible (x:xs)) = (i, Fixed x, Possible xs)
fixCell _ = error "Impossible case"
replace2D :: Int -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
replace2D i v =
let (x, y) = (i `quot` 9, i `mod` 9) in replace x (replace y (const v))
replace p f xs = [if i == p then f x else x | (x, i) <- zip xs [0..]]
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