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Created November 12, 2017 05:30
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import React from 'react';
import './SearchBar.css';
this.handleTermChange.handleLocationChange.handleSearch = this.handleTermChange.handleLocationChange.handleSearch.bind(this);
const sortByOptions = {
"Best Match": "best_match",
"Highest Rated": "rating",
"Most Reviewed": "review_count"
//.handleSortByChange(), update the state by calling .setState(). Pass
//in an object to setState(). The object should set sortBy to the value of the method's argument.
//The purpose of renderSortByOptions() is to
//dynamically create the list items needed to display the sort options
//(Best Match, Highest Rated, Most Reviewed). This is to help future proof against
// potential changes to the Yelp API.
class SearchBar extends React.Component {
//getSortByClass() returns the current CSS class for a sorting option.
//This method will prove useful in providing visual feedback to users of Ravenous.
getSortByClass(sortByOption) {
if (this.state.sortBy == sortByOption) {
return 'active'
else {
return ''
this.props.searchYelp(term, location, sortBy)
//to prevent the default action of clicking a link from triggering at the end of the method.
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
"term" : "",
"location" : "",
"sortBy" : "best_match"
return Object.keys(sortByOptions).map(sortByOption => {
let sortByOptionValue = sortByOptions[sortByOption];
// the sortByOptions values using the sortByOption
// parameter of the callback function. Store values in variable called sortByOptionValue.
return <li onClick=this.handleSortByChange.bind(this, sortByOptionValue) className=getSortByClass(sortByOptionValue) key="sortByOptionValue"> {this.sortByOption()} </li>
//his will conditionally style each sort by option, displaying to the user which sorting option is currently selected.
//This will allow us to both bind to the current value of this (as we usually do in the constructor())
//but also bind the current sortByOptionValue as the first argument to the method call, ensuring the method is called with the appropriate value when clicked.
//The method should iterate through the keys and values
// of the sortByOptions object and return a list item. The list item elements should use
//the keys as an attribute, and the values as content.
///Call the keys() method on the JavaScript Object library.
//Pass in sortByOptions as the argument.
//keys: var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
//console.log(Object.keys(arr)); // console: ['0', '1', '2']
// basically just creating the list items needed to display the sort options
//Now that you have access to the keys, you'll iterate through them using the map() method.
render() {
return (
<div className="SearchBar">
<div className="SearchBar-sort-options">
<div className="SearchBar-fields">
<input onChange="this.term" placeholder="Search Businesses" />
<input onChange="this.location" placeholder="Where?" />
<div class="SearchBar-submit">
<a>Let's Go</a>
export default SearchBar;
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