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Last active January 31, 2021 03:49
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My Resume

Personal Info:

Fullname: Abhinav Mishra
Education: Bachelor's Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering at Pulchowk Campus, 
            Tribhuvan University from 2010 - 2014
Address: Kathmandu, Nepal
TEL: +977-9842529593
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @abhinavmsra
Skype: abhinavmsra


- Business requirement analysis
- Software architecture design
- Software development and testing
- Software deployment

Technical Experiences:

    - Developer at Leapfrog Technology, Inc.: from 11/2014 to Present (

    - Developed [Machpay Payment Gateway](
      A) It was a payment service through which users are able to process payment. 
      B) It seamlessly integrates with the popular Payment services
         (Paypal and Stripe) so the end user will have no hassle to 
         configure their app to use multiple payment service.
      C) Involved technologies like Ruby On Rails, Javascript, jQuery, 
         Html, Css, AWS, Git.
      D) Developed following best coding and TDD practices.
    - Developed [Medication For Nepal](
      A) It is a citizen movement platform to increase and improve access to medicines and medical supplies.
      B) It featured in GES 2016 and was noted by the US President in his introductory speech.
      C) Involved technologies like Ruby On Rails, Javascript, jQuery, 
         Html, Css, AWS, Git and Payment Service Paypal and eSewa.

Technology Summary:

- Languages/Programming: Ruby (3 years), Javascript (2 years) , PHP (1 years), Swift
- Development Tools  and Environments: VIM, Sublime Text (Javascript, Ruby, PHP), 
                                        RubyMine(Ruby), Webstorm & Atom(Angular2)
- Methodologies: SOA, TDD, BDD
- Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL
- Redis
- Cloud Platforms: AWS, Heroku
- Operating Systems: Linux Ubuntu, CentOS, MacOSX, MSWindows
- Development Best Practices: SOLID principles, Design Patterns, CQRS, 
    Service Oriented Architecture, Git/SVN Version Control
- Specialized in Angular2
- Currently learning basics of iOS Programming

Other Qualifications and Skills:

- Good Team work skills
- Self study and working.
- Hobbies: Watching TED talks
- Knowing English, Nepali, Hindi
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