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Last active March 16, 2018 02:55
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Object Property Assignment in JavaScript —

Object Assignments

  1. Using Dot Notation

    const student = {
     name: 'Abhisek'
    student.age = 109; // dot operator assigment
  2. Using Bracket Notation

    const student = {
     name: 'Abhisek'
    student['age'] = 150; // bracket assignment
  3. Using Object Spread

    let student = {
      name: 'Abhisek'
    student = {
     ...student, // object spread
     age: 200
    } //➔ {name: 'Abhisek', age: 300}
  4. Using Object.assign

    const student = {
     name: 'Abhisek'
    Object.assign(student, {
     age: 300
    }); //➔ {name: 'Abhisek', age: 300}
  5. Using Object.defineProperty

    const student = {
     name: 'Abhisek'
    Object.defineProperty(student, 'age', {
     value: 400,
     writable: true,
     configurable: true,
     enumerable: true
    }); //➔ {name: 'Abhisek', age: 300}
  6. Using Reflect.defineProperty

    const student = {
     name: 'Abhisek'
    Reflect.defineProperty(student, 'age', {
     value: 600,
     writable: true,
     configurable: true,
     enumerable: true
    }); //➔ true
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