- 🚀 Team can move fast: reduced context switching
♥️ Developer experience: Code sharing, consistent tooling
Do not prematurely optimise. Do not create new file for a function that is not going to be shared by more than 1 file, only to clean up cluttered code. Keep related things together. Don't prematurely break a file into multiple files just because it looks cluttered. The best reason to declutter should be few functions are shared across multiple files. The file is very big 5K-10K lines of code, opening and closing takes time because it may clog up the buffer.
Do not group functionality based on the tech requirement. Group them based on business needs. In short term it will seem cool and clean but in longer term it becomes a bottleneck with a large team. The end goal of code organisation is that - when a new engineer joins, he/she must be able to grasp the business functionality just by plain reading the code.